3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation Here

What if a simple, direct tactic could provide an effective means of neutralizing unconscious sabotage? What if this method was readily available to neutralize the habits, triggers and resistance that foils intentions, goals and progress? Perhaps you would pay a pretty penny for this secret tool of personal emancipation. Well, out of generosity of the heart I am going to provide this means for free with the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation Here.

The 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation here are founded on a basic, tactical premise. This tactic is psychological surrender. Its application is to be understood in a simple, three-part strategy. To illustrate what psychological surrender is and how this tactic empowers radical transformation in any area desired, I begin by using the dated drug abuse campaign of the late 1980’s that depicted eggs frying in a hot frying pan. The campaign was a stark illustration of the compromising impact of drug abuse on the brain.

For the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation here, I will paraphrase the campaign thusly, “This is your brain. This is conditioning. This is your brain on conditioning.” In truth, the brain is impacted by everything it is exposed to – both to one’s benefit and detriment. No one goes through life void of the impact on the brain from their experience. It shapes our relative take on what it means to be alive.

Our emotional “buttons”, triggers, reactions and perceptions are forged from the conditioning of our brain through experience. It is why a song, a scent or a word can elicit a detailed memory or feeling. The brain shapes self-identity from the associations from stimuli during the course of living.

It is these subconscious associations – intended or not – that constrict the freedom of self-expression and achievement. The bases of my work as a hypnotherapists is to use mental and psychological tools to re-associate the subconscious to mental alignments that promote well-being and desired attainment.

If I have learned anything from my dedicated years of the practice of therapeutic hypnosis it is that no one needs to gain anything to experience desired well-being in any area of living. One only needs to neutralize or release the conditioning that inhibits their inherent capacity to fulfill. And therein is the rub: your authentic nature – sans the conditioning that restricts – knows how to fulfill efficiently a genuinely satisfying life.

This brings us to the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation here. As stated, you do not have to gain to uh, gain in your life – but rather, you want to release – another word for that is “surrender” – the unconscious associations that restrict. Let us explore the first secret of the three-step strategy of the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation here.

What You See Is What You Get

In this instance “see” is metaphorical for understanding. The first tactical part of the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation here is to understand why many limitations in finances, health, relationships, emotional/psychological well-being or success appear to be intractable conditions. As you understand the vicious cycle that keeps limiting factors in play you are then able to release the victimization from those factors.

3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation HereI call the subconscious subterfuge that undermines the, “Catch 22 Ring of Fire” – a vicious psychological cycle that quarantines your possibility. Let us use money as one example. The Catch 22 Ring of Fire works like this: You have an association based on relative experience that forges a money association such as, “money is hard to come by” – that mental association “corrals” circumstances and personal behavior to double-down on the psychological, “money is hard to come by” association, unconsciously creating a conspiracy to reflect, support or fulfill the consequence of that association. The experiential “confirmation” of the association continues to solidify the association.

Specifically in this money example, that limiting association can cause one to fear taking “responsible risk” (risk that has been adjudicated by substantial research) to parlay or invest (time, money, research, study, etc.) in means that can lead to financial increase. Many individuals mentally shut down their own entrepreneurial ideas before even engaging the idea’s development out of the “money fear” association. (Changing this reality is not a license to act impulsively or without due consideration, but rather, it is to encourage you not to discount or undermine possibilities that can be realized through diligent perseverance).

The paralysis of engagement due to the fear association creates a status quo of the same experience which the mind interprets as confirmation of the, ‘money is hard to come by” perception. The association feeds the behavior that sustains the experience that in turn feeds the perception – the proverbial Catch 22 scenario.

Let us use another example of how the Catch 22 Ring of Fire dynamic works in relationships. If personal relationship disappointment creates a subconscious association that “love disappoints,” then that association creates and sustains a filter that has a tendency unconsciously to screen out the “good ones” or the beneficial potential of a relationship when it comes to affairs of the heart. As this subconscious filter permits more disappointment in relationship, the mind solidifies the “love disappoints” condition as integral to the experience of relationship. (Even if one “hopes for the best”, the subconscious association tends to overrule – until it is released.)

Understanding that mental associations create limitations that in turn seek to confirm the association, is to understand where the real work lies in releasing sabotaging experience. This means to release the particular association that undermines the desire. This brings us to the second part of the three part strategy of the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation Here.

The Power of Unfettered Intention

3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation HereWhen our intentions, otherwise known as desires, aspirations and goals, are somehow sabotaged, it is primarily due to mental associations that undermine the intent. Left to its own organic nature, the intention itself has an organizing capacity to galvanize what is necessary for its fruition. Unless an undermining association, such as cited above in the two examples, thwarts the fulfillment trajectory.

Here is where, therapeutically speaking, you become “crazy like a fox” as the saying goes –– in the application of psychological surrender. Since an intention knows how to fulfill itself (your body is a physiological example of this principle as every organ and function of the body knows how to fulfill organically its intention when there are no interfering factors in play), why not engage the intention to surrender “all mental conditioning to the unconditioned nature about you!”

“Engaging an intention” is started simply by mentally setting the desire to do so – thus, “surrendering all mental conditioning that restricts, to the unconditioned, essential nature of your capacity.” That intent is not as heady as it sounds. It is like setting the intention to go to the grocery store; the mental intention launches the act. You actually mentally tell yourself you are, “surrendering all conditioning to the unconditioned.” (See inset instruction for a most effective means of engaging the process.)

Just as there is an organic intelligence to the pumping of the physical heart, you can defer to the organic intelligence of the intention itself without specific awareness of what is being surrendered when starting the intention.

In other words, because surrendering “all limiting conditioning” (regarding a situation or area of your life) is the ultimate intention – that intention organically begins to galvanize what is necessary for its fulfillment.

It works like this: In the organic galvanizing process of the initiated intention, you may subsequently have a spontaneous epiphany or an “a-ah” mental realization of a limiting perception about yourself or an issue that has been the psychologically source of sabotaged. Often the very recognition of a long-held undermining idea, or dynamic you have been mentally attached to, is enough to facilitate the release of said undermining dynamic.

SurrenderINSETAs stated, you do not need to know necessarily from the outset what conditioning you are surrendering when you engage the intention to “surrender conditioning to the unconditioned”; the very intention itself has the organic organizing wherewithal to facilitate itself and afford you the opportunity to recognize what needs to be mentally or emotionally released as you remain attentive.

The surrender does not occur magically while you become a passive bystander from setting the intention, but instead sets in motion what you need to act on for the objective to occur. Perhaps letting go of regret or an act of forgiveness is recognized as you set the surrender intention in motion. Or maybe a long-held doubt is suddenly viewed as ridiculous to you and thereby releasing an inhibition. Trust the activity of the intention and follow the intuitive course of action it triggers. This brings us to the third aspect of the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation here.


3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation Here.The surrender process is not an exercise or an “incantation” you are “trying out” to see what happens. To enable the potency of the surrender process you must enter the surrender intention therapeutically; not simply to make something happen. Whether you witness improvement or progress in your life quickly or not, the point is to engage the surrender intention from the vantage point of committing to the process. The continual commitment enables the deeper implications of the surrender process to release more subtle, embedded subconscious conditioning constricting well-being.

You will notice yourself feeling and behaving with increasing freedom as you commit to the surrender engagement. It is a good practice to make this kind of psychological surrender (not to be confused with giving up) your default recourse whenever confronted with a frustrating dilemma. Ask yourself, “What desires to be surrendered about this (matter, situation or feeling) to bring about release of its constricting nature?” It is a question that transmutes blame energy into release energy within you.

As the 3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation here are engaged, you will realize breakthrough after breakthrough as the course of action in your life and experience. Remember, you do not need to gain anything to see improvement or progress in your life, you only need to release the conditioning that undermines.

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