Creativity /kree-ey-tiv-i-tee/ noun

the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships to create meaningful new ideas, expressions, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.

Creativity is much more than you think if your context confines the understanding of this phenomena to artistic, technical or mechanical endeavor, ability or thought. Relegating the nature of creativity to this narrow scope of expression is akin to associating cooking wholly to the preparation of one type of food. The essence of creativity is much broader – and potent – than its conventional understanding as self-expression. When essentially understood the phenomena of creativity is what is employed to transcend, transform or transmute (look up all three of those words) the limiting conditioning that restricts the viability of your unlimited capacity.

When closely examined, the definition of creativity – “…ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships…” is exactly what occurs in the restoration (healing) of any dysfunction one witnesses in their experience.  To “transcend traditional ideas” you have about your health or to transcend the “rules” of what you supposedly can and cannot do at a certain age or to “transcend the patterns” witnessed in relationships profoundly expands the nature and scope of this phenomena called creativity.

This broader appreciation of the creative process must be employed to realize any significant improvement in one’s body or body of affairs. To expect change within the confines of habituated perceptions, ideas and historical associations of one’s identity is the antithesis of creativity. What is creative about desiring more financial wherewithal while remaining attached to the idea that lack is your lot in life? What is creative about desiring more harmony in relationship while still expecting – consciously or unconsciously – eventual disappointment? What is creative about desiring greater health and balance of the body while still adhering to a prognosis or appearance as definitive?

Time to get creative!  As you approach whatever area(s) in life you seek improvement from a creative standpoint you permit availability to inner and outer resource and recourse outside “L7” – the box of confining conventional world and self-perceptions. (That “L7” reference is a nod to the late great philosopher of funk, musician Rick James’ (!) lyrical reference to that term – [if you push the ends of a capital “L” and numeral “7” together it forms a box!] Haha!)

Change occurs not because you want it badly but because you are willing to surrender attachment to the “experiential reference” of your identity (defining identity solely by what has happened to you). As you surrender the dogmatic personal narrative you unwittingly impose on your identity wrought from ego interpretation of your life and experiences you step out of the confining L7 of probability into the stratosphere of your unconditioned possibility!

Hypnotherapy is indeed a most direct means of releasing the confinement of rote subconscious patterns of self-identification and what follows are other methods you can employ on your own to affect such release as well.

–  Stop taking yourself so seriously, –  to be clear, certainly traumatic or debilitating experiences are serious, however to define your identity as consisting solely of what has happened to you breeds attachment to an identity that blocks the transcending dimensions of your nature from expressing. First and foremost in the process of permitting creativity to enable change is to let go of the dogmatic perception about yourself because conditioning influences say this is what your experience convers about your identity. You are more than what has happened to you and as you surrender identification with debilitating dynamics of your history you become available to the creative process outside the limitations of the conventional perception experience imposes. Incidentally, ignoring is not the same as releasing; make sure the motivation in this intent is truly about releasing rather than ignoring.

– Release Resentment – there is a tendency understandably to blame others who have negatively impacted our well-being and then blame ourselves for the consequence of it. Un-reconciled blame accrues as resentment building a fortress of anger, self-doubt and inflexibility in letting go of those toxic alignments. Resentment is released by understanding that everyone is influenced by their personal conditioning – including those who victimize intentionally or unintentionally. This does not excuse or condone the victimization but it profoundly enables a compassionate understanding of the unconscious origins of negative behavior. This adds profound context to the adage, “There but for the grace of God go I”, no one escapes being conditioned by their conditioning and until one realizes they are more than their conditioning negativity can persist. As this insight enables genuine release of resentment you erode the foundation on which toxic anger, blame and judgment are sustained allowing creativity to fuel transforming restoration.

Ultimately, creativity is the only means by which you transcend the familiar to promote the possible being realized in your experience. Your potential is experienced as the familiar is surrendered for the possible. Creativity enables you to perceive the possible as viable and well, possible. Sacrifice the familiar for the creative and you sacrifice the static for the progressive expansion of the good.

Be creative, be the real you.
Ready to transcend any limiting conditioning in your subconscious? Call 877 566 8880 and schedule your emancipating hypnotherapy session today!

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