The BIG Question from hypnotherapy clients?

The most frequently asked question from hypnotherapy clients or those considering using this effective therapeutic approach to healing, is how long it will take to witness change in the areas one desires to improve.  It is an understandable question considering the often arduous process that can accompany self-fulfillment. When this question is posed I am always quick to point out the erroneous assumption (fueling this question) that it must require just as much time to neutralize an undermining dynamic as it has taken to form and sustain the limiting conditions. There tends to be a daunting misconception that it will require just as much time to release undermining mental programing as it has taken for it to develop and exist.  Nothing could be further from the therapeutic truth of matters.

In actuality, aligning your mental (and subsequent emotional) programming with well-being can be effectively engaged with much less time and effort (no matter how long-standing or chronic undermining dynamics have been in play) because in this intention you are aligning your mental perception in concert with what is already true about your fundamental nature. To align with the abundant, purposeful essence of Life, which we witness Nature readily and easily expressing, is simply – yet potently – an act of “coming home” to your authentic nature.  And the reason it is a strenuous-free proposition is because you are coming into alignment with what is already true about your essential identity. Here is an analogy that aptly reflects this reality:

Planktons are sea organisms that swim with the current of the water. Let us say that a school of plankton is swimming downstream with the current of a river. Now, there is one little plankton equally adept at swimming, however this plankton has been attempting for years – maybe its whole aquatic life – to swim unknowingly upstream against the natural current of the river. Unwittingly it has absorbed the idea that the direction it is swimming is how you navigate this river stream thing. This conditioned idea – swimming against the current – of course, requires much more effort, struggle, and time and yields little progress. Then somehow this particular plankton gets the notion to try swimming in the other direction. The moment the plankton turns in the direction of the river’s current, swimming becomes a much less arduous effort and strain. In fact, the plankton begins to make tremendous progress because it is now swimming in concert with the natural current and flow of the river.  The same effort or time the plankton expended when attempting to swim upstream is not necessary because it is now swimming in concert with the natural flow of its nature.

This analogy illustrates precisely why it does not require as much effort or time to realign with your true possibility as it has taken you to “swim” through the undermining conditioning of your experience since aligning with your natural abundant propensity is your true nature anyway.

Where the difficulty exist that can indeed appear as though it takes as much time and effort to realize harmonious fulfillment is in one’s attachment to the familiarity of their conditioning. The more you surrender attachment to your familiar M.O. (perception of yourself) the more efficiently you transcend the limitation of released conditioning.

I have a rubber stamp that goes on outgoing mail from my practice that says, “Life doesn’t need you to have it all together; it just needs you to be available.” You become available to the natural current of well-being in your life and affairs as you let go of the conditioning (vies a vie surrendering your “issues”) that has you struggle to swim upstream from your abundant, purposeful, natural current of harmonious fulfillment and possibility.

Here are three potent tips for surrendering the mental conditioning that would impede the efficacy of expressing your abundant, purposeful nature:

        Meditation – Meditation as a “releasing tool” has a greater therapeutic benefit than engaging or viewing this practice simply as part of a “lifestyle choice”; as something one is (or is not) “in to.” With this deeper context of intent, your meditative engagement no longer runs the risk of becoming rote, static routine, but rather, you enter the meditative experience with the intent to surrender the static perception you have of yourself and your capabilities. Through this engagement you promote and become receptive to a greater (fundamental) vantage point of your immense possibilities.

–       Hypnosis – the primary efficacy of therapeutic hypnosis has nothing to do with “quacking like a duck” or performing other stage antics; this simply reduces the use of this powerful technology to entertainment value. (Nothing wrong with that but it is akin to using a Lear jet to travel to the local grocery store). Therapeutic employment of this technology can release the subconscious conditioning that constricts your freedom to greater living.

       Time in Nature – frequent exposure to Nature subliminally and consciously “resets” perception in alignment with what is really true about your identity rather than alignment with what is evident about limitation witnessed. (The natural beauty, symmetry, synchronization and abundance witnessed in the fauna and flora of Nature is YOUR true nature too!)

Begin “swimming” with the current of your authenticity, confidence, worthiness and well-being. It. Is. Who. You. Are.

Ready to begin or accelerate your alignment with the authentic flow and current of your abundant, vital, harmonious self? Call or email today a request for your next hypnotherapy appointment! 323-543-3463;

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