“To fear or not to fear – that is the question.”  Please excuse the gross liberties taken with Shakespeare’s quote but that is the ultimate question regarding one’s capacity to fulfill desires and intentions. The degree that fright inform your perception is the degree that paralysis infects successful progress.  The mind will conspire to legitimize all excuses, reasons and doubts about moving forward with decisions, ideas and pursuits when one is vulnerable to fright. It is the covert operation of fright that causes most doubts about our capacity to fulfill a desired intent.  The following reasons, thoughts, ideas and the hidden fright they mask provides some insight how vulnerability to fear enables fear to manipulate the mind’s perception:

THE IDEA                                                              COMMENSURATE FEAR

“Don’t have the money”    ——–   Fear you are not capable of generating greater abundance

“Don’t have the time”        ——–   Fear that the task will be futile or not successfully engaged

“Not clear on direction”    ——–   Fear of following your own authentic desire

“Not enough confidence”  ——–   Fear (lack) of self-acceptance

“No encouragement/support” ——–   Fear blocking internal self-support

The commonly expressed “reasons” above show the ego is cunning in its ability to manipulate perception to mask fear. As paralyzing fear is neutralized you become available to your confidence, self-assurance, focus and unyielding determination. The operative words in that last sentence were, “available to” – you do not need to “gain” confidence, focus, assertiveness to increase fulfillment, but rather, you want to become available to these innate characteristics that are always present as part of your inherent nature (your heart is very confident that its job is to beat.)

There is a primary recourse for eliminating fear in your life; cease underestimating yourself. It is that simple. Underestimating yourself is what creates vulnerability to fear. Fear’s arch enemy is appreciation.  The more you appreciate the magnificence of your fundamental being – appreciation is the antithesis of underestimating – the less vulnerable you are to fear.  You become vulnerable to fear in direct proportion to underestimating yourself. Even if past setbacks is your “evidence” for fear and doubt that only reflects the unconscious fear that sabotaged those efforts – not a reflection of personal shortcomings.

Self-appreciation is not ego gratification or arrogance; it is an act of valuing one’s inherent self-worth.  As you demonstrate the courage to recognize your worthiness despite messages received – or not received regarding worthiness – you take the most significant step in expressing greater fulfillment.  You then become available to the latent characteristics about your nature that fuels greater expression. You are not the sum total of what has happened to you; you are the means of aligning the brain to be in sync with your natural capacity to fulfill.

This is your brain. This is dominion. This is your brain on dominion.

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