As humans we prepare for many things – sometimes adequately, sometimes not – however there is an unconscious preparation that often thwarts the things we prefer to be prepared for (like more money, greater health, relationship fulfillment, etc.) and this unconscious preparation frequently goes unrecognized. This unconscious preparation begins before we even lift a finger in the conventional sense of preparing.  In fact, this unconscious preparation is actually the source that either promotes – or hinders what we truly desire to be prepared for!

Okay, enough beating around the bush here, the unconscious prep I am referencing is our assumptions! Our assumptions “prepare” us for experiences that reflect them! Of course, most (not all) assumptions are fueled by, or based on circumstances, however, we are not conscious that assumptions originate in the fertile soil of our thoughts and therefore we are often precariously “preparing” to experience the nature of our assumptions!

When you assume “I cannot afford that” – sure, that thought may be based on circumstance, but the question you want to ponder is, “should all my thoughts be based on circumstance or possibility?” That is the crux of the matter! You tend to base all assumptions on circumstance rather than possibility! (Using a lot of exclamation marks in this post because I am emphatic about the point I am conveying [!!!]) Do keep in mind the vantage point being submitted to you is from the recognition thoughts are fertile! (Sorry, exclamation point again.)  The reason we tend to ignore the validity and potency of thoughts is because we assume (there‘s that word again) from a linear context that, “if thoughts are so powerful, then how come when I think of something desired it doesn’t ‘just happen?’” In truth, the reality is thoughts promote rather than “make” something happen. Thoughts become attitudes, attitudes influence behavior, behavior creates momentum, momentum fuels change. Still think you can afford (pun intended) an “idle” assumption? When you “assume” it is “too late for me” what are you preparing for? When you assume a career choice is too difficult, impractical, or not feasible, what are you basing that assumption – hence preparation – on, circumstance or possibility? Of course, the logical argument is that one is being “realistic” or “practical” – boy! Do I have something to say about that word “realistic.”  But that is another article (the next blog posting in fact!) [Okay, going to try to reduce the exclamation points.] However, returning to the idea of the fertility of thoughts, what is impractical about changing the bases of assumptions from circumstance to possibility? On the contrary, it is the most practical thing you can do if you want to change your circumstantial reality. Remember, “Thoughts become attitudes, attitudes influence behavior, behavior creates …” Please keep this encouragement in context, some assumptions based on circumstance bode well for safety; it just should not be the default process if you desire authentic change.

What are you preparing for? The next time you see that commercial for a far-away excursion go online and check out the details! Do NOT filter the cost through the old “assumption paradigm” but engage this “exercise” as a form of changing the assumptive origin of your thought! Is there a particular area or type of dwelling you would love to live in, do some research! This is not about fantasizing about “improbable possibilities” but rather, you are respecting the fertility of a thought assumption! Do you desire to change careers? Explore the possibilities! Want to improve your health? Cease assuming you cannot do certain things and begin with the things you can do (and in effect, you are changing the assumption). It is important that you remember the context of this thrust: you are not implementing “The Secret” 2014 (many of you will get that reference) – you are respecting the origins of all realized possibilities!

What are you preparing for?

[Author’s note: First person to email me with the correct count of how many exclamation marks were used in this blog post receives $20 dollars off their next (or first) hypnotherapy session!]

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