Ready to expand your living? Ready to expand the quality, the abundance, the vitality and, or the relationship satisfaction in your living? Then you are ready for a quantum leap. In fact, if any (or all) of the aforementioned areas of living are in need of expansive expression then it requires it.

The term ‘quantum leap’ is usually interpreted to mean a “giant” step or bound from one place to another. Perhaps figuratively this is accurate but literally it simply means (in the context of this article) to jump to a different trajectory, track or paradigm of experience.   Ironically, the term “quantum” in physics parlance means the smallest possible unit of a thing. So this begs the question, “if quantum means the very smallest of something, how can it have significant impact?” Quite simple: a flash of insight about something, for example, can literally change your whole vantage point on the object of the insight. It happens all the time when learning something new. In the learning process there is a flash of insight that occurs at some point where it “clicks” regarding the thing being learned.   A “flash” of insight – who can measure that? Surely that must represent the “smallest” (quantum) measurement possible, yet it can change your entire outlook on the thing it references.

This quantum impact can also occur with your life. To see yourself differently than your habitual perception infers can facilitate a quantum leap in the trajectory of your experience. I have often said that affirmations, prayers, positive thinking – even hypnosis – is not to “make” something happen; it is to encourage YOU to have a different vantage point about the thing prayed, affirmed or positively thought about!  A different vantage point is what causes a quantum leap.

You can induce a quantum leap by engaging a different vantage point – perspective – about yourself or a situation. To be clear, this is not about putting a positive spin on constricting or dire circumstances (that can result in nothing more than denial). A positive spin on something doesn’t necessarily mean you are actually engaging a different subjective vantage point about the thing. To sincerely question your “take” on yourself or a matter – in a way that promotes possibility – can facilitate a quantum leap.

It is the single greatest and irrevocable asset at your disposal to alter the trajectory of your life – the power to decide what your take on something will be! Literally change your perspective on yourself.  You accomplish this by exiting the comfort zone of familiar ways of seeing yourself and/or your situation. Familiarity breeds comfort but it also can imprison. Here are three steps for facilitating your own quantum leap of experience:

  1. Forgive yourself. That’s right, forgive yourself. We so readily blame and indict ourselves for our “mis-takes” in life that it solidifies our perception about ourselves. Forgiving yourself is like a pardon for acts that were engaged from a conditioned perspective about yourself, another or a situation. You cannot take a quantum leap while holding on to the remorse, judgment or pain of transgressions. Remember, a seemingly small act – forgiveness – can have a quantum impact!
  2. Embrace courage. Courage is the willingness to confront. Confront your perception of yourself assumed from conditions in your life and dare to say, “I am more than this!” (Whatever the constricting “this” is in your life.)
  3. Ah-ha reflection. Steadfastly reflect on yourself or a situation until you have an ah-ha revelation or insight about yourself or the situation that promotes a positive perspective or action. Reflection is not dwelling. It is easy to obsessively dwell on the status of something; this solidifies the constriction or negativity. Reflection is about contemplating yourself or a matter in a way that is outside of the habitually constrictive way something is typically considered. This kind of reflection promotes solution or a positive vantage point from which to engage change; your own quantum leap as it were.

You don’t need to think that only an overhaul of your identity or situation is what would resolve or benefit your life. A quantum spark of insight or shift can and does facilitate a leap in the paradigm or trajectory of your life.

You are more than what has happen to you.

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