Neutralize This and Soar? and

In a recent hypnotherapy session with a client I assessed a critical juncture in his process of empowering his capacity to fulfill his desires. I recognized that his self-perception had not caught up with his readiness to express more in his life. Many want to express more with their lives (more love, esteem, health, career fulfillment, balance, etc.) however being ready to express a greater capacity is quite another thing. When one has sincerely engaged any self-improvement (in whatever ways resonate) it can’t help but promote a greater readiness (ability) to express and fulfill the potential which all intentions, desires and goals represent.

However one culprit commonly undermines exercising the readiness that enables you to realize desires. It is the arch-enemy of progress; the root often times of doubt, procrastination and self-sabotage. That culprit is a static self-perception. When one is unconsciously tethered to a historical, familiar perception of one’s self wrought from past challenge, so-called failures, patterns and habits, it is like an invisible quarantine imprisoning one’s present readiness.

Because you are so intimate with your identity from first-person reference of your journey it is easy for your evolving capacity and readiness to be psychologically obscured by the intimate identification with your past.  This old snapshot of your familiar identity can remain the operational reference point holding your present readiness hostage. Even though you have released or reconciled once-debilitating issues, triggers and ideas, you still feel like, well, you.

The truth is that even as you scale the heights of your potential and possibility you will always feel like you (!). The error is in mistakenly assuming that, that “you” – represents the limited you; when that familiar sense of you actually represents the authentic capable you – even when the most limited, restricted capacity of you was expressing.

That last paragraph, if absorbed as intended, is a game-changer in accelerating your fulfillment. All of the time that the familiar sense of you has been your subjective feeling, it has actually been the capable you expressing through the filter of conditioning – conditioning that you’ve largely reconciled yet erroneously assume is your identity.

This is what my client – and many of us are facing. Our self-perception has not caught up with our present capability and readiness.  You remedy this in two essential ways. Ways I’ve coined that “Call the Ego’s Bluff.”

1)      No longer allow yourself to be victimized by self-doubt. Start doing the things your self-doubt rhetoric says you can’t accomplish with the awareness that the rhetoric reflects nothing more than familiarity with old self-perception

2)      Recognize that confidence is increased by exercising your present readiness (see Step #1); not by waiting to feel more confident

As your trust grows incrementally from exercising your present readiness you begin to forge a more relevant psychological self-perception that reflects who you are today than remaining immobilized from yesterday’s out-grown self-perception.

Confidence in your ability to fulfill is increasingly gained through letting your present readiness come out and play. Call the Ego’s Bluff!

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