How to Upgrade Life with Three Powerful Hypnosis HacksLike many people I have been resistant to upgrading any software on any device for fear it will wipe out my hard-earned understanding of what I already know how to do. There is nothing more frustrating than to be blind-sided by a completely foreign process for something heretofore you were doing almost blindfolded. However, recently it became sharply evident to me that this is so “can’t see the forest for the trees” thinking as an upgrade to my iPhone operating system became necessary for it to function effectively.

This experience became a profound metaphor for the need to “upgrade” our thinking and perception for optimal and desired fulfillment of expression. How to upgrade life with three powerful hypnosis hacks empower the mental re-wiring necessary for demonstrable progress in your experience.

Not unlike the resistance to upgrading software or hardware, we tend to remain attached to our outdated perceptions of ourselves and possibilities because we are familiar with them. Countless times in myhypnotherapy practice a client articulating a point will express some variation of, “how I’ve always been …” or, “That’s the one thing I know about myself …” – not realizing the indictment of static perception they are conferring on themselves.

It is unconscious insanity to yearn for growth, change, expansion or greater fulfillment while insisting on using the same “operating system” of thought and self-perception (remember the old adage, “doing the same thing but expecting a different result” as the proverbial insanity definition).

Double-edged Sword

How to Upgrade Life with Three Powerful Hypnosis Hacks

This brilliant, never-to-be-duplicated mechanism called the brain is a double edged sword. The same means by which you make indelible associations that enable you to engage the mundane act of driving a car is also the same process of association that tethers you to outgrown paradigms of self-perception and outlook. Your brain needs an upgrade. How to upgrade life with three powerful hypnosis hacks is a matter of replacing default mental associations with new, more “efficient” associations that enable greater efficiency of living.

The very antithesis of struggle is efficiency. If one struggles in love, in health, in finances, in career, in weight or in esteem, would not upgraded efficiency in these matters result in greater ease, functioning and satisfaction? It is time to upgrade the brain’s thinking.

How to upgrade life with three powerful hypnosis hacks enable greater efficiency and satisfaction in the living of a fulfilling and rewarding life. We will call it “Brain Upgrade 4.0” – let us begin:

Brain Upgrade 4.0

How to Upgrade Life with Three Powerful Hypnosis Hacks

The first hypnosis hack that upgrades thought is to understand that the changing of tactics is futile without a change in perception.

The first insight to appreciate in upgrading the brain is about perception. Thoughts create associations, associations create perceptions. Employing different tactics to alter or improve a reality of your experience while maintaining a static self-perception about self or a matter severely inhibits or undermines the well-meaning effort or tactic.

If you register with an online dating app with optimistic hopes of making a love connection while still holding the unconscious perception that you have to settle for what you can get in love, you will find that perception reflecting itself in the tactic (online dating) and more likely find yourself disappointed from your online dating experience. It is not the online dating approach that is inherently a disappointing approach (as you may readily attributed it to) but in truth it is the self-fulfilling perception of needing to settle that will inform the online dating experience. The approach is hampered by the static perception of needing to settle.

How is perception “upgraded?” You can use the following realignment for any limiting perception held as a consequence of the brain’s conditioning from experience. First discover – by whatever means that resonates (through study, research, informed tutelage, etc.) – what is fundamentally true about life – your life – before the brain’s conditioning compromised your vantage point of worthy wholeness. This “worthiness of being” is the state of your identity before the conditioning of upbringing, consensus thinking and the propaganda of ignorance sullied that pristine perception. (Think of the innocence of a toddler’s brain – no prejudice, no doubt, no fear.)

That innocence of possibility irrevocably remains at the heart of every identity throughout life. It is the means by which you reset the alignment of perception for possibility rather than probability. As this reset is engaged you began to filter thoughts and ideas about self and life through the prism of possibility and consequently promote that possibility through your actions and mental alignments.

If your credit standing, finances, weight or career challenges reflect the low esteem of sabotaging behavior or thinking (solidifying an erroneous self-perception of doubt) it is time for an upgrade. Use this empowering tactic to jump-start the perception upgrade: Study this sentence, “You are not what has happened to you;you are the means of transcending it.”

As you contemplate this statement (contemplation is no benign engagement; static experience is sustained by unwittingly contemplating the same perception over and over) place particular emphasis of consideration on the three “you’s” in the statement. The more you realize your identity is independent of the conditioning that has commandeered your brain the more leverage you have for changing how the brain has been conditioned from experience, upbringing and conventional wisdom. This is the start of how to upgrade life with three powerful hypnosis hacks.

Hierarchy of Identity

heirachy How to Upgrade Life with Three Powerful Hypnosis Hacks

The second hypnosis hack is to recognize the “hierarchy of identity.”

Wow, that sounds like a loaded phrase, huh? The hierarchy of identity – the realization of this is actually very simple yet profoundly liberating. What is the hierarchy of identity? First consider that hierarchy means the order of power or jurisdiction of the organizing body of something. A corporation has a hierarchy (CEO, CFO, COO, Directors, Department Heads, Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, to the office receptionist), a government has a hierarchy, a club or organization has a hierarchy, etc.

There is also a hierarchy to your very identity. One frequent mantra I have coined that appears throughout my writings and counseling is that, “you have a body but you are not a body.” This is the essence of what it means to realize the hierarchy of your identity.

It works like this: Emotions cannot arise without a thought to create (or trigger) them; thoughts cannot exist without a brain to think them; a brain cannot think thoughts without a sentient being to animate the activity. This is hierarchy of identity – you are first a sentient being inhabiting a brain that thinks thoughts that elicit particular feelings and creates perceptions.

When we erroneously assume that the way we feel is the state of which we are, and when we think the thoughts emanating from the brain indicates an absolute confinement of what we can think, we make the most egregious mistake that undermines our capacity for change and to upgrade our life experience; we identify ourselves as the feeling, thought, perception or experience that has informed our living.

We forget (or never knew) that we are not at the mercy of the subsequent hierarchy wrought from conditioning but that we are the unsullied sentient being at the top of the hierarchy! You have a body you are not a body! This subtle, undetected reality of your nature is the key to transcending any perception of limitation that has unconsciously indicted your life or possibility.

Flip the script!

scripts - How to Upgrade Life with Three Powerful Hypnosis Hacks

Flip the Script! Dare to withdraw legitimacy you confer to negative thoughts, emotions and perceptions! To be clear, this is NOT about ignoring or attempting to control the prohibitive feelings, thoughts and emotions that plague your awareness, but literally, you are withdrawing legitimacy and credence given to them. Just because, through uninformed habit, you are entertaining negative thinking does not inherently make the thoughts themselves valid. The validity of a thought comes from the credence you invest in it (remember the hierarchy).

As you withdraw legitimacy and validity conferred on negative thoughts and experiences through realizing they are not who you are, but a consequence of what you have been through, you reset your frame of reference of self-identification. You reset your identity on behalf of the unlimited, pristine sentient entity (you) inhabiting a brain that has been subject to the conditioning of thoughts, feelings and perceptions.

You will begin to witness negative, depressing thoughts, perceptions and feelings dissolving of their own accord because they are no longer sustained by self-conferred legitimacy and identification. And guess what you find yourself doing with this growing liberation? Living a life of unencumbered possibility! This is the second means of how to upgrade life with three powerful hypnosis hacks!

Breathing Intentions

ManBreathing How to Upgrade Life with Three Powerful Hypnosis Hacks

The third means of how to upgrade life with three powerful hypnosis hacks involves the simplicity of breath.

The one thing you do essentially every moment of your life is breath. Because breathing is the backdrop of every living moment, the breath is a powerful mechanism! An infrequently realized, and subtle fact is that the breath is a “carrier mechanism” – by that I mean whatever thoughts, feelings, emotions, and ideas are being entertained, the breath “carries” them throughout your “system of being.”

Ever notice that when you experience a feeling or thought of relief you find yourself taking a deep breath of release? And by the same token when confronted with a thought or experience of angst the breath is shorter? In actuality the breath is reflecting – or carrying – throughout your system of being the nature of the thought, feeling or emotion being inhabited.

You can knowingly take advantage of this carrier mechanism of the breath by informing each breath with what you desire to permeate your being rather than the haphazard unconscious recklessness of the breath carrying throughout the system whatever you happen to be worrying about at any given moment.

Informed Breathing

Begin to take conscious deep breaths informed with the thoughts, ideas and intentions you desire to carry throughout your system of being! You might as well since this facilitation is happening with every thought occurring while you breathe anyway.

Desire more money as a continually expanding dynamic in your experience? Then inform the breath with the thought idea that, “I am capable of generating more than what is needed.” As the breath carries this idea of capability throughout your system you promote and inform your awareness with possibility thinking and action rather than fearful probability, doubt and paralyzing fear.

Desire more love in your life? Then take deep breaths informed with the thought idea, “I experience greater love in every way that is meaningful to me.” Desire greater health? Find yourself taking deep breaths informed with the thought idea, “Increasing vitality, strength, and health is permeating every fiber of my being.”

Those are good examples of intentions to inform the breath with; you can inform the breath with any positive quality of intention you desire to express. Refrain however from attempts to make specific “wants” in the application of “breathing intentions” – instead, inform the breath with the quality of the desired expression. You are literally breathing life into your desired intentions!

Do not inform the breath with “I want John Smith in my life” but instead something to the effect of, “I participate in resonating love in my life.” As you inform the breath with the qualities of the desired intention, do so in a way that includes your development in the expression of the desired intent. This keeps this potent application from devolving into a simple wish fulfillment incantation which is of no real merit and does not grow you in the process. (For further exploration of the context being applied here, read my blog post on, “The Difference between Magical Thinking and Miracle Thinking.”)

The important thing to note is that these are not mere exercises in affirmation to “make” something magically appear in your life, but instead you are taking empowering responsibility for the hierarchy of your being and informing your identity with desired expression rather than unconscious default expressions of worry and fear. In essence, you no longer become the proverbial “tail wagging the dog!”

These processes are you upgrading your brain’s thought function! How to upgrade life with three powerful hypnosis hacks is really about understanding that you have a body rather than thinking you are a body.

This is you. This is your brain. This is your brain on upgraded thought!

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