“- aire – a suffix that forms nouns denoting a person characterized by or occupied with that named stem…”

The above definition gets a little cryptic towards the end but it essentially means that the “- aire” reference denotes a characteristic of one’s identity. Of course, the “-aire” connotation is usually used in reference to a level of money possessed, typically of the million or billion dollar context.

However, its typical use does not have to be the only context of its legitimate reference. In fact, as you will discover, you can use the typical “-aire” reference – yet not be bound to its conventional context – causing the psyche legitimately to accommodate greater abundance in your life. Follow very closely to what follows and you can find yourself promoting a quantum leap in your money paradigm.

The term archetype defines any reference that has a basic universal meaning humans subjectively use as a point of unconscious, essential reference for defining context. Since the psyche possesses archetypal reference points for relevance, you can leverage those subjective references creatively to align the psyche – here regarding money – in a way that bypasses one’s experiential reference point about that issue which tends to quarantine and restrict real leaps in greater financial expression. In other words, one can imagine, visualize, fantasize and even engage significant strategies towards greater wealth without realizing a true, fundamental expansion of wealth ‘consciousness’ (visceral awareness) simply, yet, sadly because the brain does not have a subjective experience of greater wealth (‘greater’ is relative by the way). The brain relates more to the objective, material experience it encounters. This is the reason so many lottery winners (and many sport figures and celebrities) lose their fortunes; the psyche has not acclimated to the expression of ‘more’.  (I am sure you, or someone you know of, have probably ‘lost’ an intermittent expression of greater wealth [i.e. from a inheritance or other means] – this is due more to a psyche that has not accommodated the experience ‘of more’ then to the mistaken assumption it is due wholly to mismanagement or irresponsibility; those factors are symptoms of limited wealth consciousness – not causes).

The million-dollar question becomes (pardon the pun), “How to confer and convey to the psyche the mental ‘experience’ of greater abundance so that the sustained, manifested demonstration of the experience occurs?” When visualizing, vision boards and vicariously living through others doesn’t cut it, how do you convey the reality of an experience to the mind when the contrary, ‘real’ experience of living negates it as a feasible reality? Ladies and gentlemen… welcome to your “Trillionaire” status!

Please keep in mind the premise of this insightful treatise: You can use an archetypal (subconscious) reference point to confer legitimacy (“realness”) to a desired manifested reality that actual experience does not adjudicate. Remember the defined extension added to a characteristic that one possesses – the “-aire” designation?  Well… get ready for it… you are, without exception or hyperbole, a trillionaire! (Funny, MicroSoft-Word does not even recognize that term as an actual word… how limited!) How is that term characteristic of a reality you “posses” even as you read this? To wit, there are over a trillion cells in your physical body! You, therefore by definition, are a trillionaire if the definition means ‘characteristic of something you possess!’ Appreciating the true import of that recognition should send a chill through you! This is not some mere semantic word-play – far from it. Keep in mind, your psyche already has embedded within it the archetypal “reality” of what the connotation preceding “-aire” means so as far as your archetypal subconscious mind is concerned, you are loaded! And that, my dear ones, is how you get your mind on board with accommodating the legitimacy of expressing your potential wealth. Those trillion cells your body ‘possesses’ are not about belief, not about luck, not about hope.

Now, what makes this paradigm shift practical? Glad you asked! The response harkens back to yet, another archetypal, in this case, statement from poet Robert Browning: “… one’s reach should exceed their grasp…” as your mind can now truly adjudicate accepting the reality and legitimacy of your trillionaire status, it puts all financial struggles, worries, and concerns in a profoundly freeing context. It is like the reality of how easy one demonstrates having a penny. It is not because a penny is essentially “nothing” to generate or ‘have’ but rather, subconsciously, your mind is not intimidated by the prospect of manifesting one!  And voilà, you even ignore picking one up on the street because your mind sees them as very easy to come by (bet you would not ignore a $100 bill lying on the street!)  Starting to get the profoundly releasing picture here?

As a now, recognized real trillionaire, your subconscious mind (the source of all things permitted and restricted) sees manifesting a couple grand more a month or a hundred-thousand, or a million… like a penny in comparison to your trillionaire status! (This idea is crazy like a fox, huh?)  As your mind is concertedly – not forcefully or manipulatively – reminded of your trillionaire status whenever you are intimated by a financial cost or ready to lament lack of some sort – it will increasingly make that perception seem ridiculously! And that is the pragmatic crux of the matter; as perception is no longer intimated, or intimating – you no longer become a self-fulfilling prophecy of those long-held perceptions. You increasing invalidate the perceptions of “not enough” or “difficult to achieve” – with the growing, subtle, impactful acceptance of your trillionaire status. You find that you no longer mentally nix entrepreneurial ideas, or prospects for increasing money flow through sound opportunities or career acceleration, you no longer unconsciously sabotage your ‘trillionaire’ consciousness from demonstrating its ‘more’ nature.

Saudi’s in Arabia ain’t got nutin’ on you! Recognize your trillionaire status!

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