Paradigm Module

Since we are subject to experience only what we subscribe to (believe is valid) any form of suffering reflects a belief – perhaps unconscious – but nonetheless, that we believe is valid. Any ailment, chronic condition or lack experienced reflects some absorbed propaganda paradigm (commercials and advertisements are propaganda machines, “you are not enough unless you have this product.”). It is time to CANCEL your subscription to any witnessed suffering. That chronic psoriasis or other nagging ailment? … “I CANCEL my subscription to the belief in  (cancer, heart dis-ease, arthritis, depression, financial difficulty, relationship strife, skin dis-order, etc.)   and I forgive having signed up for it through whatever means.” Remember, you are inhabiting a different paradigm that cancels being subject to a former paradigm and its nature. Which means this cancel intention is practiced continuously until the subconscious mind releases the “subscription,” evidenced by the dissolving of the matter. You will only become daunted in the intention if you unconsciously return back to inhabiting the suffering paradigm that views the different paradigm practice as invalid because it is not part of its paradigm.

Forgiveness Freedom Module

I have therapeutically deconstructed forgiveness as being, “what you are FOR, GIVING yourself release of.” Do not underestimate the potency and efficacy of this therapeutic recourse! ALL negative (negating) issues, be they circumstantial, mental, emotional, physical, hereditary, chronic or historical, foment guilt. Guilt weights down the spirit of possibility. A weighted down spirit of possibility zaps motivation; motivation to do, change, or complete things. Daily allow dynamics, issues and experiences to arise in mind – or that constantly nag at you – to be addressed as, “what you are for giving yourself release of,” (forgiving). You will begin to witness that the motivation to exit a limiting paradigm is available to you as well as motivation to successfully implement any desire in your life. Guilt weighs down motivation; forgiveness frees it up! “I forgive (am for giving myself release of) judging my past mistakes.”

Incurable Paradigm Release Module

Things that have been diagnosed as “incurable” or at an incurable stage do not reflect an incurable nature but only reflect a paradigm of thought from which it is viewed as such. The same is true of what allopathic medicine has also deemed as hereditary and therefore a permanent state. (Remember, a paradigm is, “‘a framework or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated.”) Things are or remain incurable or static if you (unconsciously) insist on living out the paradigm of that nature. Allopathic medicine that determines, assesses and therefore restricts possibility, is only promoting the “framework” of its paradigm. Indeed, this paradigm has led to wonderful, life-saving therapies, “cures” and preventions, however, it is all within the framework of its designated limited paradigm. Alternatives to this paradigm should not be maligned as “quackery” as such (from the view of one paradigm, another is seen understandably as foreign and perhaps a cursed threat). Allow the allopathic paradigm to be what it is, but do not limit your possibilities to it. Legitimately (primarily, mentally) lifting the restriction of that paradigm permits an exit from it and entrance into a paradigm of greater license. You then find you do not unconsciously restrict the mind’s body-healing capacity and the sound alternatives that support it.

Identity Profile Module

As a recent post in this series illustrated, in an infinitesimal split moment upon waking from sleep the psyche scrambles for its sense of identity that sleep disconnects it from, through using ailments, stress, concerns, states of things to anchor itself in its perceived “I am-ness” identification. Elements of our lives are not chronic, static or immovable per se, but rather, we daily insist on them as point of reference of identity. Decide NOW that you are going to intercede on that wake-up identity scramble and consciously interject what you want the psyche to use as its reference points for identity. This conscious intercession ably redefines what it means to be you. Decide what it means to be you on behalf of harmonious love, vitality, peace, joy and well-being. The psyche is essentially neutral and takes its cues by default or intention. Intend with each day’s awakening (practically and metaphorically) to determine what the psyche is going to anchor as identity. Habituate upon waking to consciousness, “I am strong, illness free, vital, self-loving, successful and peaceful.” Make this intersession your own by using qualities that resonate with you at any phase of your life. This is not positive affirmation rhetoric, but rather, it is taking responsibility for what the psyche uses as reference points of identity. It’s shifting to and inhabiting a different paradigm.

Body Module

Because we take the “body” reference to generally mean the physical body, we tend to forget that the word, “body” means a container of some sort. Such as a ‘body’ of water. Even the physical body is a container, a container of bones, muscles, tissues, blood, organs, other fluids, etc. However, there are other “bodies” that contain as well. The mental body contains our mental perspectives, memories, associations, ideas, thoughts and perceptions. The emotional “body” contains our associated feelings, traumas, excitements, joys, sadness, angers, resentments, jealousies, melancholies, sorrows, guilts, despairs, exuberances, etc. And there is what’s called the, “etheric” body that contains the energy and vibrations given off by the other bodies (don’t go “woo-woo” on me, the very fact that we put cloth on the body to trap heat for warmth is indicative of the fact that the body gives off energy detected as heat). And yet still, there is what’s called the spiritual body that is a ‘universal container’ of the essence of being.

When all these layers of body-being are appreciated, it avails you to a paradigm of greater possibility for healing than narrow efforts (basically the allopathic model) that reduce and focus reconciliation down to one aspect of “body” (the physical body). Consider all aspects of body when engaging healing.

Independence Module

For many, the employer paradigm for financial benefit and revenue source has, clearly, with this pandemic, been turned on its ear. Depression Era stories of the dire consequential actions resulting from this paradigm collapse are unfortunately being echoed (suicide hotline calls are soaring during this pandemic). Whether one was a participant of the traditional job-employer dynamic or unconventional employer dynamic such as actors and other per project revenuers, it’s a different world. Even the newly booming gig-economy workers are suffering the wrath of this pandemic madness. The good news is that up until now, a quietly, covert paradigm is surging to the fore.

The online-learning industry paradigm is poised for a stratospheric rise in the advent of our forced home-bound emerging culture. Folks, there’s gold in dem dare hills! And everybody’s (without snark) an expert. You knit? Cook? Bake? Do Arts and crafts, a good listener? Play the accordion, the ukulele? Guitar? Or maybe you read great bed-time stories! It. Doesn’t. Matter. (Know how to juggle?) It can be joyfully monetized for online learning! And easier than you think when done intelligently. Got an Android or an iPhone? You pretty much already have your equipment investment.

There are well sourced and experienced online-learning internet innovators and platforms that teach the steps to leverage this growing phenomenon. This week, one such innovator I have been following for over a year, presented a free, 3-part presentation on the smartest and easiest way to turn your take-for-granted skill or pastime into an empire. Justin Brown (and his brother Mike) of Primal Video is an affable guy who provides clear, concise and compelling steps and time-saving insight on how to turn your whip cream waffle decorating into decent to extraordinary revenue.

Most assuredly worth checking out! At PRIMALVIDEO.COM

 a conscious life hypnotherapy

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