How 2B Your Own Best Friend Thru Pandemic

Do you know there is a silent partner during all thinking? A silent partner not judging, not inventing narratives and stories about the impact of one’s experience nor is this silent partner limiting one’s perception about one’s self. Your silent partner is never impressed or depressed. It just witnesses.

You are not so much thinking your thoughts as you are witnessing them being thought. Quite frankly, you are witnessing programming. You tend to identify so inextricably with what is being thought you actually think the real you is thinking them! In truth, you are witnessing thoughts being thought. This is not existential navel gazing; it is your doorway to identification liberation. The doorway to becoming your own best friend.

The silent partner of you witnesses all the machinations perception goes through based on how the brain absorbs programming. It’s witnessing you buying into the assumptions that your potential is flatten because of pandemic lockdown. It witnesses your pain and anguish caused from relegating yourself to the arbitrary meaning assigned and associated with experience.

This silent partner watches you invent everything. It watches you invent meaning, it watches you invent associations, it watches you invent context for emotions. It watches you invent invention. Want to know how to perceive this silent partner? Decide momentarily to disengage from the relevancy of thoughts you witness. Decide to momentarily disengage from the meaning you assign to emotions. Decide momentarily to disengage from the relevancy of your perception of things and what they mean. Decide momentarily to disengage from the perception of pain experienced.

What then becomes evident is this silent partner. Do not give it a label. Labels confine more then they define. This silent, incapable-of-judging witness of your being is your best friend. If best friend means unconditional acceptance. This silent partner is your best friend. This silent partner does not limit any impulse originating from your true desire to fulfill your living.

This silent partner does not deem any authentic desire as impossible or difficult. Those perceptions are inventions! You invent or accept the inventions of limitation. You accept the invention that what is termed loss in your life damages your psyche. You accept that conventional assumptions about things makes them true.

This does not mean you ignore or deny the experiences experienced – you question the assigned relevancy to them – remember, the relevancy is an invention – not a thing itself. Most individuals have been on an unconscious lockdown long before the pandemic dictated the physical one. Who has not experienced the ‘cabin fever’ of the imprisonment of unsatisfying relationships? Or financial restriction? Or physical deterioration or imbalance? Or fulfilling purpose deferred?

Time to come off the lockdown of the mental/emotional/psyche type! Your best friend – your silent partner has got your back! Unconditionally in every moment. You only need to pay attention to its unconditional acceptance of your worth in exchange for paying attention to the inventions of limitations. Whatever gets your attention gets your potential. Matters not the present circumstances. In fact, circumstances reflect what gets your attention – not what you ignore, but what gets your attention.

If fear of the ‘invention’ of illness gets your attention, then circumstances reflect the anguish of illness. If fear of finances gets your attention, then financial anguish is reflected in experience, if fear of relationship disappointment gets your attention, then relationship disappointment becomes the circumstance. If fear of unsatisfying self-expression gets your attention then… well, you know.

Circumstances follow, they don’t precede – you just get confused where you are in the cycle of them. Circumstances follow, they do not precede. Welcome your best friend silent partner’s unconditional acceptance of your worth and worthiness to fulfill. What you welcome, welcomes you.

Your silent partner best friend does not doubt your ability and ease of losing weight. Your nonjudgmental silent partner does not qualify your ability to generate abundance based on the past or conditions. Your unconditional silent partner does not filter relationship satisfaction through the filter of your upbringing. Pay increasing attention to the silent partner best friend and your unlimited potential is no longer limited by what previously got your attention. Sound too simple? That is the proof that your best friend does not send you through unnecessary hardship to succeed.

Be your own best friend through paying attention to it and deciding that it is what is relevant.

a conscious life hypnotherapy

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