A World Appearing In Turmoil ?

I need not detail the too numerous-to-count phenomena inundating and overwhelming many of us – heighten and amplified by a once-in-a-lifetime contagion scourging the planet. You seemingly can’t get away from awareness of it. You don’t need yet another recital of the litany of matters that make you want to stowaway on one of those increasingly frequent rocket excursions out of our planetary atmosphere in hopes you can figure out a way to just hang out in outer space once you’ve exited the atmosphere of crazy.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “phenomena” as, ‘something (such as an interesting occurrence or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or explain fully.”

Props to Merriam-Webster! Doctors, Scientist, Sociologist, Politicians and even Psychologist now in need of psychologist can’t make concrete heads or tails of the bombardment of phenomenon and consequences flooding the collective psyche of present awareness. It appears to be enough to, “make you wanna holler…” (vintage R&B crooner, Marvin Gaye fans will appreciate that reference 😉

And it’s the “hollering” – the reaction to the phenomena(s) – that becomes the true culprit fueling anxiety. Our worry about worries triggers stress hormones that course through the blood stream promoting a corrosive impact on the stasis of well-being.

Since blood courses though every fiber of physical being, and our non-physical thought-content is the root manufacture of the chemical compounds that make up the molecules of cellular substance, well-being is literally determined by the thought content of our mental processing.

We don’t succumb to illness because of being unlucky; we become physiologically vulnerable – weaken the natural immune system – as stress-thinking manufacturers chemical molecules deteriorating the cellular content coursing throughout the physical system.

Consider this: we know that everything consumed whether through digesting, breathing or injecting becomes a part of the chemical makeup of our physiology – literally, you are what you absorb. (Even hair analysis tells you what you are made of.) So, when stressful thinking produces detrimental molecules into the bloodstream, organic immunity is compromised.

All stressful thinking is some form of fear – period.  The fear of contagion, the fear of welfare, the fear of loss, the fear of loneliness, the fear of betrayal, the fear of lack, the fear of illness, the fear of job insecurity, the fear of unsatisfactory conditions, the fear of being late, the fear of this or that, and on and on.

There are many well-meaning recourses to reduce stress from meditation to medication and the exercise and yoga deep breathing techniques in between. However, these methodologies become useful combatants in the battles against stress – rather than dismantle the production of it.

How can you not produce the reactionary stress hormones that compromise mental and physical well-being?  By deciding the basis (reference point) of the world you live in. Not denying, ignoring, or suppressing (one of the culprits of stress) the world of phenomena the psyche is exposed to, but “deciding the basis” for which you experience the world.

 As a trained and experienced practitioner in harnessing the subconscious domain of mental processing (the element of perceiving that creates associations about living) – the ‘basis of something’, becomes the determining factor in how phenomenon is processed, filtered and absorbed.

What exactly does this mean? Simply, ‘what is the basic premise from which you perceive a thing?’ Are we all just vulnerable entities awaiting any cosmic gamble that will, at some point, compromise our desire to thrive? Or do we create a world of experience from the vantage point of a different basis?

These are not existential, naval gazing, thought ruminations to pass the time away, but rather, this is the fundamental construct from which we base (no pun intended) our perception of the world we live in. Nothing else could be so crucial – or essential.

Is the response to this ‘basis’ proposition met with, ‘I don’t have time, patience or interest for that kind of self-reflection because it interferes with my worries about covid, catastrophe and calamity.’? Hmmm.

Just as you are what you consume; the world is as you perceive. Do you perceive from the basis of fear, loathing, shame, judgment, anger, rancor, attack and envy? Then you live out, witness and promote the world of that.

Do you perceive from a basis of wonder, inclusivity, abundance, love, compassion, joy, peace and optimum possibility? Then you live out (witness and promote) the world of that. Life is not a matter of being at the mercy of the world about you; it is a matter of what basis you perceive the world to be about! (Not a riddle.)

Make no mistake: this is not about ‘positive thinking’ – which amounts to countering negative thinking, reducing you to that whole battle-thing again, but rather, it is about independently deciding, what will be the “basis” of your thinking. Consider the implications of that distinction and you will empower the world you decide to live out.

Is the basis of your thought perception optimum possibility? Does the basis of your thought perception grant license to well-being? Will the basis of your thought perception be a transforming agency? Can you permit the basis of your thought perception to evolve its agency?

The world itself isn’t overwhelming, only the basis from which it is perceived can be. Be your own salvation. Up level the basis from which you think.

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