Accelerate progress X 10

Thinking with mind rather than brain. 

Most think the Mind and the brain are synonymous with each other – nothing could be further from the truth.

For most, though not conscious of this predicament, the process of thinking consists of recycling what the brain has already absorbed.  We don’t so much ‘think’ as we regurgitate what we’ve already thought. It is for this reason true progress is plodding at best and stagnant at worse. We don’t think as a creative endeavor but rather we mentally reprocess and call it thinking.

To think as a creative engagement means we are accessing an inexhaustible ‘source’ from which innovation informs the thinking as process. Ideally, we don’t think to process, we think to progress. This is not a mere play on words, it is the context that determines whether desired unfoldment is incremental or occurs in leaps and bounds. 

What is the main determinate of thinking as processing or thinking as progress? Understanding the difference between sourcing thought from the mind as opposed to sourcing thinking from the brain (?!) Please indulge the reading of this communication as there is crucial leverage for readily accelerating progress in any circumstance desired.

You desire to accelerate your business endeavors, projects, commitments and goals? Then you want to understand and learn to think from the mind rather than the brain. Yes, that’s right, thinking from the mind rather than the brain.

Understanding that there is a difference for what determines creative thinking – the catalyst of progress – or recycled thinking – the cause of stagnation – becomes the difference between rapid progress and impeded, plodding existence. 

Consider this analogy to understand the concept of this paramount mind/brain difference: let’s say you have a GPS programable automobile, now the automobile can take you anywhere as it has the capacity to travel. You determine to use the GPS programable system to program coordinates to go to the drugstore and you proceed thusly to the drugstore. 

Now there is a desire to go to another destination, let’s say, the farmer’s market, and you use the same coordinates, though you desire to go to a different destination. Chances are, you either won’t progress to your current desired destination or you’ll have to figure out how to get there from the coordinates you continue to insist on using – causing frustration, impatience, time and stagnation. (Hmmm, do those characteristics of experience sound familiar?)

However, the automobile has the wherewithal to take you anywhere but the repeatedly used already programmed program continues to take you over the same “course” over and over. The automobile in this analogy is the Mind – it has the capacity for thinking; and the programmed coordinates is akin to the brain – it absorbs a ‘program’ (particular thoughts) that inherently have the limitation of the static ‘coordinates’ of already thought thoughts.

We all share a Mind – capacity for thinking – and our brains use this capacity to think thoughts. But here’s the catch: if aware, you will knowingly access novel – new – thoughts from Mind capacity (which the brain turns into programs of operation), or you will regurgitate (recycle) thoughts the brain has already thought. Yet, frustratingly, the latter involvement is engaged expecting different or expedient results that will progress an intention.

The understanding here is that Mind is the capacity for thinking and brain is the means of thinking. Most individuals routinely use already thought thoughts to attempt to ‘create’ desired, or better, or progressive experience, not realizing the GPS coordinates to the drugstore will not take you to the farmer’s market or the untold, infinite destinations of possibility and expression.

All innovation – not just technical, mechanical realities, but realities of love, health and peace – these considerations  can be expressed as innovations of Mind unencumbered with already brain-programmed coordinates (thoughts) of fear, limitation, doubt and anxiousness. Every experience – material, emotional, mental or conditions – originates from a programmed use of a non-programed Mind capacity.

As you consciously welcome thoughts of innovation from the brain accessing of infinite Mind source, you innovate and progress expediently, truly creating the bliss possibilities that use Mind. This accessing of the Mind for new thinking transcends already programmed brain programming which are recycled limiting thoughts.

As you realize you are a Mind using a brain rather than the erroneous assumption you are a brain resigned to its already programmed coordinates – you enable a capacity to thrive in any way that genuinely desires to fulfill itself through you as you use ‘the brain mechanism.’

Decide right now that you will no longer be fooled into thinking you can only think already thought thoughts and you open the floodgates of possibility through that permission. Be your own salvation. This is not abstract, theoretical rumination but respected capacity of your capacity. You are not a program; you are the means of programming.

Be your own salvation

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