“You have a mind; you’re not a mind. You have a body; you’re not a body. You have emotions; you’re not emotions.”The deeper you understand the above three statements the greater your capacity to direct your life. Most individuals identify as their body faculties; they identify themselves as the composite of the mind, body and emotional state of their being. This leads to being wholly subjective with whatever state those faculties happen to reflect. In other words, one tends to believe that whatever mindset, physical state or emotional state one is experiencing is a definitive statement of who they are. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In truth any state the faculties of your being display at any given time is simply the state you are witnessing; not the state you are. It is the subtlety of this distinction that causes most people to be stooped into thinking they ARE what they witness about themselves. As one begins to disengage from the idea (and that’s all one’s absolute subjective relationship to their faculties is, is an idea) that they are the state of being they witness, and begin to realize they are actually the disengaged witness-er of the states of their faculties, one begins to use the body/mind/emotional self rather than being used by it.

This is the key to lasting, permanent change. It is impossible to change something if you think you are the thing that needs changing. A tire on an automobile cannot change itself, even when our technology advances to the point of where a tire does appear to change itself there will still be some kind of independent mechanism in the automobile that will instruct the tire to change. Herein is the key to successful change in your life; to recognize that you always remain independent to your body’s state of being. To realize you are witnessing what the mind is thinking, or what the body or emotions are feeling is to realign the locust of your identity from what’s witnessed to the witness-er. It is absolutely the means to successfully alter any state or unsatisfactory condition of mind, body and emotion – the causative factors of personal experience.

Relagating this discourse to merely philosophical musings renders the practical efficacy of its realty impotent. To appreciate the practical reality of recognizing your independence from all subjective states of being enables you to regain dominion over your body, mind, and emotions and, consequently, your affairs. Quite frankly, the reason we dig ourselves into holes of depression, financial lack, relationship troubles, self-defeating habits and the like is because we are in constant reaction to our subjective states of being rather than objectively recognizing the capacity about us that is not in reaction to anything. The more you identify with the capacity in you that is independent of your relative mind, emotions and physical states the more enabled you are to alter, change or improve the states witnessed.

In my next posting, I will indicate how to accelerate progress in any area of your life based on “the witness-er” paradigm shift revealed in this article.
Be good to your Self.

Post Image Credit: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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