“Anything’s possible.” Most give lip service to such bromides as this.  Often, this idea is reduced to a coping mechanism at best and fantasy escapism at worst. But we, here at the “school for let’s make it real academy,” (wink) don’t play that. When ‘anything’s possible’ is resigned to attitudes of positivity or optimism (casting no aspersions on either well-meaning attitudes) the license such statements can permit is reduced.

You want fame? Well, fame COST! And here’s where you start paying! (Nod to legendary artist Debbie Allen who uttered those iconic words in the original FAME theatrical movie.) I say that tongue in cheek to mean the glory of what is truly possible in your life will cost you the cherished subconscious limitations accepted as “realities” of Life.

In general, we limit ourselves severely in the name of being “realistic.” Not realizing that what is handed down, passed on as ‘realistic’ is the conditioning that sanctions limitation to justify its own limiting ends. (Yeah, read that sentence again.)

What if, “anything’s possible” were a clarion call to awaken from the stupor of lulled conditioning? The conditioning that becomes the cheesecloth of our consciousness filtering all possibility down to just the remaining juice of its true viability. 

What if, “anything’s possible” were the liberating foundation for transforming ‘realistic’ to mean, “permission to soar”? To soar in health and vitality. To soar in relationship harmony. To soar in abundance. To soar in purpose and pursuit fulfillment. To soar in accommodating peace of mind.

What… F***king IF?! 

If my communication infers an adamant resolve it is because it does! To insist that anything’s possible trues YOU – to ITS reality. You do not declare this statement as a hopeful wish or sentiment; you are invoking a reset that restores your awareness to the viability of what it means. 

For the record, the “anything” in this reference is to whatever reflects beneficial possibility. To consider that “anything” includes detrimental possibilities is a distortion in what is the fundamental frame of reference of Life. “Huh?” Fundamental possibility only references beneficial realities because, fundamentally, Life itself has a singular mandate to fulfill only what benefits. That’s just Life’s true nature.

(Many people use the word, “life” euphemistically, I reference it literally.)

So, without qualification, you insist and thereby invoke, this reality of Reality as a feasible practicality of living. “Anything’s possible” as a respected foundation of your identity is the open sesame of heart’s desires. 

Sound too good to be true? That is precisely why it would be. The filter of incredulity is purely a reflection of how hypnotized we are with limitation. Nothing more. Anything’s possible is an alignment with your deprogrammed self. The true Self of you that knows itself sans conditioning.

Let’s face it: the reason most progress is incremental at best is because unconsciously we have blinders on to possibility in general and to our own possibility. Without those conditioned blinders we unleash the capacity to fulfill unlimited possibility. This is not motivation-speak; it is profound deprogramming.

Consider this: Everything your brain knows was absorbed via a program about something – from brushing your teeth to racism. Everything is a program. Now, imagine beyond the programming necessary for participating in a functioning society – which is primarily programing too – but nonetheless, if your brain was stripped of all unnecessary programming (‘unnecessary’ meaning anything constricting) – doubt would not even be a thing. 

That’s right, doubt would not even be a construct. Doubt in your health or in a satisfying relationship or in career success or purposeful goals would not be conceivable without superimposed programming layered on the Essence of Life.

As I often say in my counsel, “Life has no innate desire to sabotage Itself.” Sabotage and the fear or possibility of it in any way is from drinking the kool-aid of limiting mental programming. Why do you think all beings desire to live fulfilled lives?

It’s not because that would be “fun”, “great” or “satisfying” (those happen to be consequences) – it is because our innate being, sans the programing layered on it, is expressing its unencumbered nature through that very impetus!

And therein is your KEY to deprogramming – to recognize that the very desire for things to go well is not because they haven’t to whatever degree or way, or a wishful lament – it is because your Real Self doesn’t EVER drink the kool-aid (of limited thinking)!

Cease attempting to heal the propaganda of limitation and start (or accelerate) the abandoning of it. (This is the only kind of abandonment that is liberating and nourishing; all other kinds of abandonment originate from the very said limiting programming).

Remind yourself frequently (until you don’t need to) that nothing (a thought, perception or feeling) that triggers doubt is at all Real and everything that invokes peace and confidence is. Keep it simple. Remember, the Self of you that desires to fulfill has never drank the kool-aid of limiting programming propaganda so it doesn’t need healing – only allegiance and permission – from you.

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