Your Trillionaire Status!

By | July 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|

“- aire – a suffix that forms nouns denoting a person characterized by or occupied with that named stem…” The above definition gets a little cryptic towards the end but it essentially means that the “- aire” reference denotes a characteristic of one’s identity. Of course, the “-aire” connotation is usually used in reference to [...]

How to Empower Your Choices

By | June 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Enabling your capacity to choose how you will perceive things rather than reacting from knee-jerk default perception is realized through insight as opposed to efforts to control or maintain vigilance over what you fear. As you insightfully become aware of your innate independence from all phenomena occurring around and through you, you cultivate the “witness” [...]

Understanding Fight or Flight Transforms Your Life

By | April 14th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Understanding the primordial fight or flight mechanism of the brain puts you back in the “driver’s seat” of your behavior, perceptions and fulfillment. Dying to know how, huh? And perhaps that is the point; this fundamental, physiological response is motivated by an organism’s – that would be you – need to feel safe and protected [...]

Take Back Your Life

By | January 26th, 2015|Uncategorized|

To understand the process of waning enthusiasm for altering habitual destinies is to no longer be a victim of the process. Understanding – rather than knee-jerk reactions of judgment, guilt and resignation to the onset of old habits or resistance – is the first step to taking back your life in this new year (or [...]

Whose Thought Is It Anyway?

By | December 15th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Day in and day out I see- from my vantage point – wonderful, creative, talented, beautiful, skilled clients of all shapes, sizes, origins and walks of life unwittingly claiming “ownership” to every thought transpiring in their mind. To assume that if you are having a thought that it is “your” thought is the ultimate hubris [...]

Fall Back’ to Reset Your Life

By | November 2nd, 2014|Uncategorized|

Approximately 70 countries participate in Day Light Saving Time. This semi-annual time change the world enacts each year always elicits a knowing chuckle from me as I witness the most explicit example of an arbitrary “agreement.” We have collectively agreed to “move time” backward or forward at a particular moment every single year. There are [...]

Relief or Release?

By | September 9th, 2014|Uncategorized|

There are two unconscious agendas that determine the success or lack thereof of your ability to transcend any debilitating conditioning from your experience. The choice made of the two agendas influence whether your efforts to transform your experience is effective or futile. Whether your past environment involves physical, mental, emotional, sexual, alcoholic, or drug abuse [...]

Creativity – More Than You Think

By | August 26th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Creativity /kree-ey-tiv-i-tee/ noun the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships to create meaningful new ideas, expressions, forms, methods, interpretations, etc. Creativity is much more than you think if your context confines the understanding of this phenomena to artistic, technical or mechanical endeavor, ability or thought. Relegating the nature of creativity to this narrow [...]

The BIG Question

By | August 4th, 2014|Uncategorized|

The BIG Question from hypnotherapy clients? The most frequently asked question from hypnotherapy clients or those considering using this effective therapeutic approach to healing, is how long it will take to witness change in the areas one desires to improve.  It is an understandable question considering the often arduous process that can accompany self-fulfillment. When [...]

Single Approach Dissolves Fear

By | June 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|

“To fear or not to fear – that is the question.”  Please excuse the gross liberties taken with Shakespeare’s quote but that is the ultimate question regarding one’s capacity to fulfill desires and intentions. The degree that fright inform your perception is the degree that paralysis infects successful progress.  The mind will conspire to legitimize [...]