Power Silence

By | January 27th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Discover the transformative concept of "Power Silence" for inner peace amidst the chaos of daily life. This blog encourages intentional engagement in activities without background sounds, changing one's perspective on silence, and recognizing it as a symbol of self-acceptance. By embracing silence, one can find tranquility and develop awareness to detect it amid the noise, leading to a more peaceful and centered life. Elevate your well-being with the potency of silence – be still and know that silence is a constant, supportive presence.

Scale Up Success Now

By | January 5th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Discover the transformative impact of perception on growth and life's innate drive for development. Learn how releasing limiting distinctions and embracing life's boundless potential can unlock ease and continuous progress in various aspects of life, from relationships to career and beyond.

Nothing Matters

By | December 4th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Discover the Art of Mental Calmness: Unleash the Power of 'Nothing Matters' Learn how acknowledging 'nothing matters' can free your mind from worry without compromising care. Embrace a new approach to life, unlocking the boundless potential within by releasing the grip of anxiety. Explore this transformative practice for peaceful nights and worry-free days.

Narratives, Stories & Freedom

By | October 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|

How much productivity and progress are sacrificed to distractions? Whether it is the distraction that turns into procrastination or becoming vulnerable to distraction due to task-resistance, or perhaps distraction has led to the sabotaging narrative of ADD labels and disorders. It’s a big world, lots of “stuff” can always be distracting, but with these five liberating and illuminating Tips you can render distractions no longer distracting! These 5 Potent Tips can give control of your agendas back to your productivity mojo!

Eliminate Distractions! 5 Potent Tips.

By | August 21st, 2023|Uncategorized|

How much productivity and progress are sacrificed to distractions? Whether it is the distraction that turns into procrastination or becoming vulnerable to distraction due to task-resistance, or perhaps distraction has led to the sabotaging narrative of ADD labels and disorders. It’s a big world, lots of “stuff” can always be distracting, but with these five liberating and illuminating Tips you can render distractions no longer distracting! These 5 Potent Tips can give control of your agendas back to your productivity mojo!

The 15-Second Sabotage

By | August 5th, 2023|Uncategorized|

The 15-Second Sabotage “I really like him, what if he thinks ‘such and such’ (whatever the idea of concern) is a relationship dealbreaker.” “I’ll say ‘I’ll be able to pay that bill (whatever condition you consider using).” Or, to save face or your feeling of embarrassment about something, “I’ll say, ‘(the excuse used to indicate [...]

How to Defy Gravity

By | July 31st, 2023|Uncategorized|

Defy the Gravitational Pull of Limitation The blog post title is a metaphor for the seeming gravitational pull of limiting experiences. The worldview of Life is so influential it can readily pull you down into perceptions of lack and limitation. Whether it’s the gravitational pull of limiting finances, relationship dissatisfaction, health and body condition, depression, [...]

How to Heal Any Suffering

By | July 10th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Acknowledge your afflictions as doorways to healing. Whether it's chronic depression, health challenges, career struggles, or relationship issues, these afflictions can be catalysts for growth. The key to unlocking healing lies in discovering your ultimate purpose: contributing to the well-being of yourself and others. Recognize that whatever you do, big or small, can be of nourishing benefit. By shifting your focus from personal suffering to a broader purpose, problems become steppingstones to something greater. Invest in life's well-being rather than isolated self-interest and tap into a transcendent capacity for healing. Remember, you are not defined by what has happened to you; you are a means of transcendent independence.

A Forgiveness Spree

By | September 15th, 2022|Uncategorized|

A Forgiveness Spree Okay, here’s a liberating, therapeutic take on the “F-word”… huh? No, not that f-word, another one: forgiveness. I say a therapeutic take because this word is so often maligned, misunderstood, and tossed into the benign bin of religious or other contextual rhetoric that it renders its potency on face value seemingly ineffective or reduced to a fleeting gesture. By the end of this exploration, you’ll look forward to engaging atrue forgiveness spree as if it were a shopping spree – but with much more lasting results. Therapeutically, a true [...]

You, The Decision Maker

By | August 11th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Want to know a most direct way to empower healing in your life? (‘Healing’ is a term therapeutically referencing any dynamic one desires to see greater well-being in, or with, i.e.,health, finances, relationship, career, esteem, peace, worthiness, etc.). A direct way to leverage well-being progress is to understand the true nature of decision-making. Contrary to common assumption, you never make decisions ‘about’ something [...]