Can’t be a little pregnant

STEPS – Virus Part II

What makes a movie “good” or a hit is that it is compelling, doesn’t matter the genre – action, drama, sci-fyi, period-piece, comedy, thriller, etc. – if it compels an audience it is likely to succeed. The reason the contagion hysteria is riveting the world with fear is because the drama of it is compelling. It strikes a chord of resonance like all good compelling vehicles do (namely, the fear-perception of losing one’s life). However, if the Truth of your nature is what it is – then it is akin to being pregnant – you either are or you’re not.

The truth of your nature is true regardless of how compelling the circumstances being confronted. The truth can’t just be true when you don’t feel threatened – that’s like being a little pregnant – it must be true regardless of circumstance. As is stated in Part I of virus contagion, “Coronavirus – A Liberated Take,” in the last Conscious Flyer issue (repeated below this post), you take sound, strategic precautions not out of fear of “disease reality,” but in recognition of the subconscious absorption of the fear contagion that creates its self-fulfilling conditions.

One can walk and chew gum at the same time, as the saying goes. You can “participate” in sound precautions while at the same time declaring mentally, emotionally and rationally that disease – no matter its route – contagion or otherwise – is an “invention of mind” – not a reality of Truth (this will be explored in liberating detail at April’s, “Immersive Health Restore Intensive”).

Just how do you know what is True? What is the metric for assessment of True Reality? It’s Simple: prior to all (mental) programming, what exist is true! All Life in its pre-programmed state reflects its true nature. Before the programmed “idea” of illness, Life is ‘healthy’, sans the compromise of illness.

Your resolve to relentlessly reset your self to the essential Truth of things (by reminding yourself and counter-saturating your consciousness with this reality) perpetuates and extends life conditions reflective of one’s true nature, namely, health.

It’s the same with abundance (and anything else you can think of or imagine), without the mental programming of scarcity or lack, unlimited abundance is your natural (True) state.

But back to matters at hand. What follows are 4 Steps to truly “inoculate” yourself from fear-contagion and thereby neutralizing the fear – and actual – contagion and spread of dis-ease.

  1. Each morning (and throughout the day for those with real initiative) access a source (readings, reset statements, your Conscious Life Hypno treatments, etc.) that reset perception in sync with what is True. The important caveat here is that the source material MUST reflect substance that deprograms all relative programming.
  2. Insist that your awareness glean a deeper implication of the reality your deprogramming source material communicates. What a reading, affirmation or hypno treatment means to you on Monday should have a deeper implication (understanding) when utilized on Friday and so on. This keeps your Practice from becoming static rhetoric which the mind then simply de-sensitizes itself to rendering the engagement rote, hollow and impotent. Keeping your Reset alive keeps you radiantly alive!
  3. Practice sound, pragmatic adherences from healthcare notices in acknowledgment of subconscious absorption of fear-mongering hyperbole and anxiety to mitigate unconscious perpetration and acceptance.
  4. Truth must be objective for it to be transcendent. In other words, the “before-programming Truth” must apply to everyone and everything for it to transcend your relative, personal, mood-oriented reliance. Recognize that the Truth is objective, and its potency is not “weakened” by the mood-filter you are in at a given moment. And most relevantly, recognize that the before-programming Truth is absolute and true about those you witness suffering from their own absence of deprogramming (sickness). This is how you heal the planet! By recognizing what is True is true for everything and everyone.

Following these inoculating steps will turn pandemic into peace.

Be your own salvation.


a conscious life hypnotherapy

2 Responses

  1. I don’t typically comment on posts, but as a long time reader I thought I’d drop in and wish you all the best during these troubling times.

    From all of us at Royal CBD, I hope you stay well with the COVID19
    pandemic progressing at an alarming rate.

    Justin Hamilton
    Royal CBD

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