3 Breakthrough Surrender Secrets for Transformation Here

What if a simple, direct tactic could provide an effective means of neutralizing unconscious sabotage? What if this method was readily available to neutralize the habits, triggers and resistance that foils intentions, goals and progress? Perhaps you would pay a pretty penny for this secret tool of personal emancipation. Well, out of generosity of the […]

3 Powerful Valuable Hypnosis Insights to Release Guilt

You would be surprised at how the application of the 3 Powerful Valuable Hypnosis Insights to Release Guilt can have far-reaching positive impact on the bottom line in relationships, money, business and overall well-being. You might assume that guilt feelings only impact how you feel emotionally about self or a circumstance. In actuality, conscious or […]

Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques

At the heart of heartbreak is disappointment. To heal broken heart with 3 effective hypnosis techniques is really about healing from disappointment and loss. And because disappointment and loss are at the root of any expectation that is not met, a broken heart not only applies to romance but it also applies to any aspect […]

5 Guaranteed Hypnosis Manifestation Techniques

The 5 guaranteed hypnosis manifestation techniques boil down to understanding how manifestation works. As you understand the inner mechanics of the manifestation process you move out of the exasperation of ‘magical thinking’ in the hopes things will just spring into fruition simply because you resonate with the word “manifestation.” (See the illuminating post, “Magical versus […]

Magical vs miracle thinking, you are going to learn today!

Knowing the difference between magical thinking and miracle thinking determines whether you can transcend limitations or perpetually prolong them. Frequently in my hypnotherapy practice I witness individuals who unconsciously prolong suffering because they are caught in the malaise of magical thinking in the hopes of something magically transforming their lives. Achieving success in redefining your […]

Quit Ego Trippin

Releasing the attachment to one’s conditioning is the primary directive of my hypnotherapy practice. In a psychological context, this is what is referenced as the ‘ego’ – the perspective wrought from how the mind has interpreted conditions of experience. The conditioned alignments then become “wired” in the brain through repetitive alignments to the interpretation of […]

Your Trillionaire Status!

“- aire – a suffix that forms nouns denoting a person characterized by or occupied with that named stem…” The above definition gets a little cryptic towards the end but it essentially means that the “- aire” reference denotes a characteristic of one’s identity. Of course, the “-aire” connotation is usually used in reference to […]

How to Empower Your Choices

Enabling your capacity to choose how you will perceive things rather than reacting from knee-jerk default perception is realized through insight as opposed to efforts to control or maintain vigilance over what you fear. As you insightfully become aware of your innate independence from all phenomena occurring around and through you, you cultivate the “witness” […]

Understanding Fight or Flight Transforms Your Life

Understanding the primordial fight or flight mechanism of the brain puts you back in the “driver’s seat” of your behavior, perceptions and fulfillment. Dying to know how, huh? And perhaps that is the point; this fundamental, physiological response is motivated by an organism’s – that would be you – need to feel safe and protected […]

Take Back Your Life

Use Your Assumption Power to Thrive

To understand the process of waning enthusiasm for altering habitual destinies is to no longer be a victim of the process. Understanding – rather than knee-jerk reactions of judgment, guilt and resignation to the onset of old habits or resistance – is the first step to taking back your life in this new year (or […]