Key to Making Better Decisions

By | September 15th, 2012|Uncategorized|

During a recent session my client was conveying his anguish over not being able to figure out why a certain experience had occurred in his life. It is a common self-inquiry prompted by disappointing events or circumstances. I indicated to my client that it is such an unfair question to pose to your logic. Why [...]

End Procrastinating Resistance to Learning in Four Easy Steps

By | September 8th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Procrastinating on studying for that real estate exam? Resisting homework for that online college you are attending? Putting off learning new skills to better prepare for today’s job market? Resisting comprehending ever-evolving internet revolution? It is not a character flaw indicating lack of discipline when you find yourself procrastinating in learning. It is not uncommon [...]

The Art of Remaining Focused

By | August 30th, 2012|Uncategorized|

There is a process the mind engages that undermines the capacity to remain focused towards a desired aim or goal.  Whether the goal is to lose weight, start or further a business, fulfill a project or sustain efforts in other aims, all desires are essentially ideas that must navigate the functioning of the brain. When [...]

Entitlement – Not a Dirty Word

By | June 15th, 2012|Uncategorized|

The word “entitlement” is often associated with a negative connotation when used to describe one who feels inherently more deserving of certain privileges than others. It is often used in a racial or class-ism context meant to portray a sense of arrogance or exclusion or, as in our present political discourse as a polarizing partisan [...]

4 Solutions to Solve Any Problem

By | June 5th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Often when challenges confront us we ask, “How am I going to manage this?” Or perhaps we avoid a challenge because we do not want to ask that very question. This typical approach to matters solidifies circumstances whereby growth does not occur and status quo becomes chronic. There is another question you should ask yourself [...]

5 Relationship Fixes for Well-Being

By | May 31st, 2012|Uncategorized|

There are occasions when a particular theme appears evident over the course of a week’s hypnotherapy sessions in my practice and recently that theme was relationships. Clients came in addressing relationship stresses with mothers (remember Mother’s day just occurred), best friends, co-workers, and the like. And of course the feedback offered applied to relationships of [...]

Hypnotherapy – Healing Power in Eye of Beholder

By | May 13th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Like many dedicated practitioners, I live and breathe the virtues of my work. The more I practice hypnotherapy the more I believe in it. And speaking of believing in the power of it, a funny thing happened on the way to the market this morning or, I should say, when I exited the market. As [...]

Death Becomes Her

By | March 23rd, 2012|Uncategorized|

There was a 1992 movie with that title starring Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep and I always thought it was a strange movie title. However, with a rash of deaths recently impacting my life that have occurred within an unusually close proximity, the title has taken on a strange twist of significance. In the last [...]

“Where’s my damn wallet?!”

By | December 1st, 2011|Uncategorized|

After leaving an appointment yesterday, I stopped at a nearby store for some groceries only to discover I was not in possession of my wallet. I immediately returned to my car assuming that’s where I left it – after stringent searching, no such luck. By process of elimination I figured I must have left the [...]

Drug-Free Secret to Regulate Mood Swings

By | November 6th, 2011|Uncategorized|

The most significant hindrance to maintaining consistency towards achieving goals is the fluctuation of moods. Fluctuating moods can derail the best of intentions and commitments. The psychological consequences of fluctuating and often times spontaneous shifts in emotional states typically include guilt, harsh self-judgment and feelings of exasperation wrought from this seemingly endless cycle of high [...]