Context Matters More than Size


Imagine you have a short distance to walk to reach a destination and you wish you didn’t have to walk the distance and you begrudgingly engaged the trek feeling stressed because of it even though you have on comfortable clothing, shoes and no time constraints. You’re sorry you even embarked on the intention even though […]

56,700 Reasons to Start Anew

63,000 thoughts is the neurological estimate of thoughts that the average person has per day. Of those thoughts 90 percent of them – 56,700 – are repetitive and 80 percent of them are negative. The use of the word “negative” to describe thoughts should be clarified to mean thoughts that “negate,” as in thoughts that […]

Sandy Hook Shooting: A Healing Perspective


Sandy Hook Shooting How to Carry Your Heart Through this Tragedy Friday, December 14th happen to be a very early session day for me beginning at 7:30am, which is not unusual for my practice as a few clients need to arrange their hypnotherapy sessions before they begin their work day. However what was atypical for […]

How Creative Thinking Solves Problems

Attempts at figuring out how to solve a problem does not necessarily employ creative thinking. If thoughts on how to resolve an issue are quarantined within rote, habitual thinking and perceptions then creativity is restricted and often times blocked. The old saying that ends with, “… doing (thinking, perceiving) the same thing and expecting a […]

Why Obama Won

This is not a political treatise based on ideology or political affiliation. It is not an assessment on society’s supposedly moral compass. Nor will this posting elucidate on the statistical or demographic components of a hotly contested political race. It is not even a philosophical commentary that would attempt to explain or attribute any particular […]

Solve Any Problem in 3 Steps

You can solve any problem when you have the insight into what creates and sustains a problem in the first place. Once you understand the basic dynamic that sustains a problem you can solve any problem in the three steps detailed here and make chronic problems a thing of the past.“Problems hold on to you […]

Of Agreements and Consequences

Of Agreements and Consequences?Approximately 70 countries participate in Day Light Saving Time. This semi-annual time change the world enacts each year always elicits a knowing chuckle from me as I witness the most explicit example of an arbitrary “agreement.” We have collectively agreed to “move time” backward or forward at a particular moment every single […]

Key to Making Better Decisions

During a recent session my client was conveying his anguish over not being able to figure out why a certain experience had occurred in his life. It is a common self-inquiry prompted by disappointing events or circumstances. I indicated to my client that it is such an unfair question to pose to your logic. Why […]

End Procrastinating Resistance to Learning in Four Easy Steps

The Wrong Default, Unlocking the Origins of Anxiety Exploring the Psychology of Risk Perception

Procrastinating on studying for that real estate exam? Resisting homework for that online college you are attending? Putting off learning new skills to better prepare for today’s job market? Resisting comprehending ever-evolving internet revolution? It is not a character flaw indicating lack of discipline when you find yourself procrastinating in learning. It is not uncommon […]

The Art of Remaining Focused

There is a process the mind engages that undermines the capacity to remain focused towards a desired aim or goal.  Whether the goal is to lose weight, start or further a business, fulfill a project or sustain efforts in other aims, all desires are essentially ideas that must navigate the functioning of the brain. When […]