How to Empower Trust

How to empower trust Going to take a most unorthodox approach (don’t all these newsletter posts do that?) to the idea of trust. We all know the familiar troupes, “Trust your intuition,” “Trust your first mind” “Trust but verify,” “Trust is earned,” … and the many subjective variations and themes on this idea of trust. […]

A World Appearing In Turmoil?

A World Appearing In Turmoil ? I need not detail the too numerous-to-count phenomena inundating and overwhelming many of us – heighten and amplified by a once-in-a-lifetime contagion scourging the planet. You seemingly can’t get away from awareness of it. You don’t need yet another recital of the litany of matters that make you want […]

Accelerate progress X 10


Accelerate progress X 10 Thinking with mind rather than brain.  Most think the Mind and the brain are synonymous with each other – nothing could be further from the truth. For most, though not conscious of this predicament, the process of thinking consists of recycling what the brain has already absorbed.  We don’t so much […]

Anything’s Possible

“Anything’s possible.” Most give lip service to such bromides as this.  Often, this idea is reduced to a coping mechanism at best and fantasy escapism at worst. But we, here at the “school for let’s make it real academy,” (wink) don’t play that. When ‘anything’s possible’ is resigned to attitudes of positivity or optimism (casting […]

Your Past: Relevant or Not?

your past

Would anything be significant in your life if the past wasn’t its reference point? Interesting question. Would joy be relevant if past joy or sorrow was not used as contrast? These questions are not about existential navel-gazing, but rather, a pointed examination of how relevant the past is to the potential of now. We filter […]

The Confidence Code

The Confidence Code -Main image

There is a paramount difference between confidence as a consequence and confidence as an aim. The former is a result of understanding, and the latter is a chasing perpetrated from an illusion. Everything about one’s identity can be summed up as a reflection of one of two choices. You are either choosing your true identity, which has nothing to do with the programming the brain has absorbed, or the illusion of yourself wrought from the brain’s conditioning.

Understand This- All Problems Solved


“All the world’s a stage.” This indelible quote from William Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”, sums up the programing of programming. All that we experience and witness on any level – physical, psychological, or circumstantial, is the consequence of absorbed mental programming. Understand this and all problems are solved. Sound to simple? A program is […]

Back to the Future Greeting

Back to Future Greeting Where do I begin? Where I always do: with your well-being. As I celebrate 15 years of A Conscious Life Hypnotherapy this year (and they said it wouldn’t last! HA!… lol), that is where it began… with your well-being. As of this writing, just yesterday a client asked after her session […]

Normalizing Low Self-Worth

Normalizing Low Self-Worth In a recent hypnotherapy session, an area was explored from the context of whether actions within this particular area were considered ‘normal’ behavior. I informed the client that there is a difference between what is normal and what has been normalized. This idea elicited a curiously rapt focus from my client as […]

Winning Partnerships

The Hypnosis of Partnership There is a thought process that goes on continuously but is not consciously realized and therefore has haphazard impact (largely sabotaging) until consciously harnessed. This process determines whether you increasingly succeed at life (and the term, ‘success’ is relative to whatever areas of living are relevant to you) or flounder, spinning […]