How to Have the ‘Freest’ New Year

By | January 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|

How to Have the ‘Freest’ New Year All would presumably agree, we are so ready to be free of experiencing this year! Even if you were minimally impacted by the primary event of the year (no, not the seemingly never-ending U.S. election, but the pandemic), humanly, if on this planet – you were impacted.  But [...]

Guilty As I Charge

By | January 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Guilty as I charge Guilt – a five-letter word that acts like the proverbial four letter one when it comes to undermining life and living. When you understand the paradigm under which guilt is validated you can render its concept invalid and its consequences neutralized. However, first, a realization of the pervasive, insidious ways that [...]

4 Steps 2 Peace in Pandemic

By | October 27th, 2020|Uncategorized|

It is no secret that during eight months of quarantine, lockdowns, disease fear-mongering, the unfortunate succumbing statistics, incited by both rational and amplified pandemic news reports, the increased levels of anxiousness, depression and impatience are dangerously redefining what it means to be alive in the era of covid. With the constant perception of contagion a [...]

Of Time and the Time It Takes…

By | October 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

We imprison ourselves through our assumption of time’s control. Yes, control. Our perception power is such that life must conform to the parameters of our perception of something. Be it our perception imposed on an idea, our health, aging, finances, relationships and yes, time. Life itself is unlimited and unconstrained, but our perceptions impose conditions [...]

How to Allow Love to Love

By | October 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Love. It has been reduced to a sentiment, an emotion, a cliché’, a marginalized label. This reduction of a word created to represent a reality renders that identifier (word) to a superficial convenience rather than a liberating dynamic. When that identifier is used as a convenience it becomes reduced to an agenda of manipulation. The [...]

To Conflict or Not to Conflict?

By | September 8th, 2020|Uncategorized|

To Conflict or not to conflict, ah, that is the question! I begin this communication with an analogy to make this treatise on conflict relatable rather than theoretical.  Before some of the dear readers of the Conscious Flyer were born, there was a time in our general culture (God!... we’re only taking before the nineties!) [...]

Deprogram and Thrive

By | September 8th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Deprogram and Thrive Win Day with Uncommon Logic The potency of my hypnotherapy practice has hinged on a most uncommon logic that stems from a radical deprogramming from the hypnotism of suffering. We are not here to suffer – we are programed to.  Suffering is “man (anthropomorphically speaking)-made” not fundamentally ordained. Life creates, humanity largely [...]

The Urgency of Your Worthiness

By | July 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|

The Urgency of Your Worthiness Worthiness is not bestowed, earned, garnered, or achieved – it is inherent. The only thing obscuring this reality is programming. The propaganda programming that assumes, infers, and projects that you are less until you become more. The urgency of your worthiness could not be more pronounced then it is during [...]

Two Sugars or One with Your Racism? 

By | June 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Two Sugars or One with Your Racism?  No nobody likes to be marginalized. Whether it’s due to the color of your skin or the color of your hair. Clearly, the former is unquestionably more life threatening, life altering, and all too often, life losing. Many U.S. commentaries on the strife have approached it from what it [...]

Of pandemics, riots, racism, unemployment…

By | June 3rd, 2020|Uncategorized|

Of pandemics, riots, racism, unemployment... Rarely is the forum used to specifically address current events as the very empowerment impacts the very currency of our living. However, in this pandemic-focused series of newsletter post, current events are reflecting what the pandemic is amplifying, hence today’s post on the apparent state of things. Read with openness [...]