The Creative Profile
The Hypnosis of Creativity When I was a kid growing up in Detroit, Michigan – a blue-collar city in the United States (reference for the many international readers) – I was in awe and marveled at my older brother’s talent for drawing. I could spend hours just perusing his sketch books of characters, animals and […]
What’s your story?
What’s Your Story? The hypnosis of narrative liberates or imprisons. I have a close friend that as a form of greeting to those he is familiar with intones, “What’s your story?” It is his innocent way of asking what’s going on with the person, friend, colleague or relative he is addressing. It is his supportive […]
What is Your Brand?
What is Your Brand? Those familiar with this enterprise know when you see the A Conscious Life Hypnotherapy logo it is immediately associated with hypnotherapist Isaiah McGee’s hypnotherapy practice. I could put just the logo in a subject line and receive just as many email openings as with a compelling subject title because the growing […]
Look Who’s Talking
Look Who’s Talking In a recent client hypnotherapy session (unknown secret: I reference all those I counsel with as ‘clients’ – not ‘patients’, ‘patient’ subconsciously denotes sickness – how can you express wellness in any area of your life if you own the identification of sickness?!This is not denial it is responsibility.) … the client […]
New Year Consistency
New Year Consistency – How to Have If you think about it most issues would be resolved with consistency. If one can engage intended consistency in any experience or application the consequence would yield its own benefit. If one exercises the consistency of exercise (like that play on words? Ha!) the body benefits. If one […]
Be The ‘Influencer’ In Your Own life – How To
Be the ‘influencer’ in your own life – how to The term influencer has become popularized during the current social media age to mean a person who has a devoted following that commercial brands desire to capitalize on to get their products and services in front of receptive audiences for what appears as seamless exposure […]
How to Have the ‘Freest’ New Year
How to Have the ‘Freest’ New Year All would presumably agree, we are so ready to be free of experiencing this year! Even if you were minimally impacted by the primary event of the year (no, not the seemingly never-ending U.S. election, but the pandemic), humanly, if on this planet – you were impacted. But […]
Guilty As I Charge
Guilty as I charge Guilt – a five-letter word that acts like the proverbial four letter one when it comes to undermining life and living. When you understand the paradigm under which guilt is validated you can render its concept invalid and its consequences neutralized. However, first, a realization of the pervasive, insidious ways that […]
4 Steps 2 Peace in Pandemic
It is no secret that during eight months of quarantine, lockdowns, disease fear-mongering, the unfortunate succumbing statistics, incited by both rational and amplified pandemic news reports, the increased levels of anxiousness, depression and impatience are dangerously redefining what it means to be alive in the era of covid. With the constant perception of contagion a […]
Of Time and the Time It Takes…
We imprison ourselves through our assumption of time’s control. Yes, control. Our perception power is such that life must conform to the parameters of our perception of something. Be it our perception imposed on an idea, our health, aging, finances, relationships and yes, time. Life itself is unlimited and unconstrained, but our perceptions impose conditions […]