CoronaVirus – a Liberated Take

Precaution – yes, fear – no.

“Take a deep breath… know that everything is readjusting on your behalf” – Many of you may be familiar with that refrain, it’s the voicemail message offered whenever I am not available to answer the office phone. And that statement could not be more apropos then during the growing hysteria that is the coronavirus fears permeating all corners of the globe and airwaves. Here, coronavirus – a liberated take.

To anyone suffering from any kind of contagion, a recognition of transcending Reality is being exercised on your behalf. Know this: fear is more contagious than any disease. To not be a victim, or victimized by contagion or the fear of, an understanding of just what “transcending Reality” means is due.

There is “experienced reality” and there is true Reality. At the risk of triggering belief system rhetoric, the distinction between the two is simple. Experience reality is what is experienced due to programming – and yes, dis-ease is a program! “Ease” is our natural, fundamental state until the perception of our ease is dis-rupted with fears, perceptions and programs of dysfunction. Then we make real in our experience (hence, “experienced reality”) the reflection of such programming.

And this we call, “reality.” (The cliché pronouncement I abhor the most is the refrain, “be realistic,” which essentially means agree and conform with programmed assumptions about life.) True (transcendent) reality – the reality that transcends, supersedes and exist fundamentally before we superimpose our programming on it, is a thing of irrevocable ease.

(This “Reality of Ease” applies to everything in your life from dis-ease, to aging, to relationships to finances to mental health and fulfilling purpose).

Your charge during this particularly heighten fear of contagion is to deftly straddle these two realities; the pseudo one and the Real one. Because programmed reality is so pervasive, the subconscious mind is apt to validate this reality whether you “agree” with it or not – that is, until it doesn’t.  So, this means you take pseudo reality precautions (i.e. washing hands thoroughly, thoughtful medical checkups, conscientious use of disinfectants on surfaces, etc.), while at the same time neutralizing the validation of pseudo reality by reminding yourself of the transcendent, superseding Reality of ease. (Through enlightened reading, meditation, hypnosis (ahem) and congregating with those that “get it.”)

The constant reminder of real or ultimate reality – until that vantage point becomes your default point of reference – in a way, immunizes you firstly, from the contagion of fear that can run rampant and then from fearfully self-creating the conditions that make one prone to susceptibility.

Filter all contagion news reports, gossip, well-meaning warnings and admonitions with a sober appreciation of your power to choose which “reality” gets your validation. Not by trying to prove the transcendent reality by stupidly defying experienced reality precautions (If you feel you have to prove what you ‘believe’ then you’re not ready to actualize the truth you are professing; Truth becomes its own proof without needing to make a point of it.)

You neutralize the spreading of fear when you filter out of your own awareness the validation of programmed experienced (resist commiserating with contagion gossip because it’s the ‘in thing’ to do) and you become the living antidote to fear-spread pandemics. 

Just remember, the Truth just needs advocates, not rhetoric.

a conscious life hypnotherapy

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