
When I was a kid of about 8 or 9 years of age (true story) I vividly recall leaning in the door frame of the household bathroom, that in hindsight was the threshold of my burgeoning quest to understand life – and my mom was facing the mirror doing something that ladies do that didn’t require privacy. And I was pestering her with “why questions” about something I wasn’t permitted to do and every answer she gave me I shot down with a ‘why’ retort – each and every one of her motherly responses (who hasn’t been there as a kid or parent?!).

Finally, my mom reached the end of her patience – or impatience as it were – and sternly volleyed back to me, “ ‘cause I said so!” Match, game, set. That ended that – well, at least until the next Wimbledon set of curiosities would arise. But it never ended my quest to want to understand. And that quest didn’t mature into scientific application but rather, into an insatiable philosophical, yet pragmatic, desire to understand life and this thing called living.

Well, boys and girls (and those who’ve yet to decide), I have discovered what I am! (The ‘who’ I am I already knew from the quest). I have realized that what I am is… (dramatic drum roll please…) a deconstructionist!

I deconstruct well-being concepts, ideas, processes, tactics, beliefs so that understanding enables true traction rather than arbitrary efforts in hopes of conjuring desired results. Arbitrary applications turn well-meaning efforts and intentions into rhetorical ideologies rather than pragmatic recourse.

To that end, this issue of the Conscious Flyer’s Immunize Yourself Series (number eight in series) focuses on the power of understanding a paradigm so that sincere self-help efforts are not unconsciously wasted in a paradigm that, by its very nature, is not conducive to the self-help change desired.

A paradigm is essentially defined as a ‘framework or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated.’ Please pay attention to the underscored portion of that last sentence, “experiments performed in support of them…,” this, dear folks, is your key to the most efficient and direct means of change in your life.

Most attempt change within a paradigm that, by its very nature, is designed for “theories, laws and generalizations that support” it, the particular paradigm itself rather than the change desired. This unconscious dilemma – attempting to change things in a paradigm that does not enable it – yields minimal progress. This causes frustration, exasperation, disbelief, doubt or worse yet, one to turn well-meaning efforts into a rhetorical ideology that just serves as an effective distraction from the suffering the efforts were intended to alleviate.

Example of one common paradigm that has its own set of theories, laws and “experiments” to support itself is this Covid-19 pandemic. This paradigm of dis-ease contagion and therefore its ensuing victims, fear, panic, news, prevention precautions and valiant remedy research are all performed in support of the paradigm of dis-ease. And because we subconsciously are indoctrinated into this paradigm is why it is prudent to ‘obey the laws’ of an inhabited paradigm.

You don’t fight, oppose, resist, ignore or argue against a paradigm that you’ve been indoctrinated into, but rather, you understand that within a paradigm precautions are necessary because of its nature… until you exit out of the paradigm itself!

How is an undesired paradigm exited? You are engaging the exit plan right now – awareness of a reality supports you in not being unwittingly victimized by it. Each article post in this series is counteracting the unwitting submersion (and victimization) of a paradigm that is so prevalent it hypnotizes one into absoluteness of perception. This particular paradigm’s all-pervasive compelling nature is facilitating a mass hypnosis of fear, contagion, panic and yes, participation in the elements of this paradigm’s “theories, laws, generalizations and the experiments performed in support of it.”

But as the very first article post of this series stated, “you can be in it but not of it,” you do not need to participate in the fear and paranoia and suffer all the devastating consequences (work loss) of a paradigm that, yet, you still prudently exercise best practices about. You exercise contagion precautions and compassion because you acknowledge the subconscious mind’s absorption of the contagion paradigm – without needing to absorb the paralyzing fears, assumptions and ‘laws’ of its consequences. Be in it, but not of it.

Keep in mind, all paradigms have their own ‘theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them.” There are paradigms of unconditioned love, peace, charity, service, joy fulfillment and abundance existing simultaneously among paradigms of fear, hate, manipulation, contagion, lack and suffering. (The former cited paradigm reflects life’s essential nature; the latter reflects human-made paradigms of mis-understanding.)

As you realize that every paradigm has its own “laws” you cease, as the saying goes, “trying to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse.” This enlightening understanding that different paradigms have their own properties frees you from battling confusion, frustration and perceived lack of resolve as you release imposing dynamics of one paradigm onto another one and instead just opt to exit or embrace another paradigm on its own terms. You no longer judge a paradigm from the criteria of another one. Liberating indeed!

It is now time you plan your ‘exit strategy’ out of the paradigm of suffering, contagion and fear and welcome the paradigm of liberating possibility. There are individuals of all types of personal gifts who will emerge from this pandemic more abundant, successful and elevated precisely because they did not become victim of a pervading paradigm but chose to transition to another one.

Be one of those individuals.

The next post offers Modules that provide paradigm exits or shifts that avail you to frameworks and disciplines within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated – and benefited from. Initiating and applying a Module consistently reflects your decision to inhabit the particular Module’s paradigm of living. Lack of consistency simply reflects an attachment to a paradigm that reflects the laws of suffering. Do not curse any inconsistency from yourself witnessed, just decide to release the attachment to the constricting paradigm and consistency of another ensues.

a conscious life hypnotherapy


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