Deprogram and Thrive

Win Day with Uncommon Logic

The potency of my hypnotherapy practice has hinged on a most uncommon logic that stems from a radical deprogramming from the hypnotism of suffering. We are not here to suffer – we are programed to.  Suffering is “man (anthropomorphically speaking)-made” not fundamentally ordained. Life creates, humanity largely invents. Webster in part, defines that ‘invent’ means, “to produce something…through the use of imagination.”

Through our imagination we have invented suffering through disease, hardship, marginalizing, lack, conflict, and struggle. We victimize ourselves unwittingly through the programming of suffering. “I suffer; therefore, I am,” becomes the insidious thread of identification.

To deprogram from suffering in whatever way or form it expresses – and ANY discomfort or struggle reflects programming, not “nature” (it takes courage to face that sober truth) – requires, and at the same time, reveals a most uncommon logic.

As you begin to deprogram from the hypnotism of suffering (and the attachment to it) you begin to awaken to the uncommon logic that it simply does not make sense that things go wrong. Do not confuse ‘not going wrong’ with meaning going the way you prefer, as much of our preferences come from the programming of suffering. “I want this particular person to act this way,” can be a preference but does not necessarily mean that that desire is appropriately ‘right.’ On the other hand, desiring harmony itself – by whatever means it occurs would reflect things, “going right.”

But I digress a bit… the reason we marvel at the wonders of Life in a nature film or program is because we are witnessing the beauty of the “rightness” of Life – sans the programming that hypnotizes us to suffering. How awesome is the sped-up animation of a flower blooming? Its exquisite details reflecting the perfection of its inherent nature! Why do we exclude ourselves from the very principle of Life’s nature that “blooms” as us? That, my dear cohorts, is uncommon logic.

As you fundamentally deprogram from the idea of scarcity and lack, it increasingly dawns on you that expressing abundance just makes sense because Life itself (sans relative programming) has no innate desire or capacity to make itself suffer or constrict itself – and you are an element of Life aren’t you? Again, uncommon logic.

Take the nature of conflict (please, take it away!)… As you fundamentally deprogram from the idea of conflict it just makes sense then that, since everything comes from Life itself, shouldn’t it all work together seamlessly?! …Uncommon logic! If Life fundamentally grows as a reflection of its intention to express itself, then why would it ‘intentionally’ sabotage its own nature with disease? Uncommon logic.

In this era of pandemics – biological, racial – the most insidious pandemic of all is the idea that suffering is supposed to be a part of life. Entire concepts, ideologies, clichés and purported “reality” dictates this is so.  This is not an argument for delusional perfection. It is a deprogramming assertion that suffering is indeed imposed and not inherent. It is uncommon logic; suffering just does not make sense if the macro organism of Life itself is one thing, it could not have accommodation to sabotage itself. (Yeah, think long and diligently about that last sentence – and the uncommon logic will begin to sink in.)

Thus, the micro dimension of this one organism – you and your experience of life – is not “designed” to suffer either. And here we are, back to the original liberating concept: suffering is programming, not natural. Deprogram and you…de-suffer.

To be clear, deprogramming is not deluding. The former is an acute form of responsibility and the latter is wishful thinking. Too often people mistake the latter for the former. Delusional thinking unconsciously reinforces the suffering programming as delusion becomes a form of escape precisely because the suffer-programming is perceived as true rather than as programming. Remember the ultimate suffer program: “I suffer therefore I am”.

There are direct ways to deprogram from the seemingly ubiquitous blanket of suffering.  (Remember suffering is relative; one can have all the money in the world and still live a life of suffering.) What follows are deprogramming concepts that liberate the suffering mentality itself. And if you are ready to actualize the application of them in a most concise manner, join me for the forthcoming webinar, Extraordinary Confidence by Extraordinary Means, the inaugural webinar course in the “How To Heal Anything” series of online 60 minute courses.

Deprogramming Concept #1 Expect Good

From the suffering programming we tend to move through life with the “when is the other shoe going to drop” mentality – the proverbial cliché meaning it is only a matter of time before something thwarts something. To reprogram your mind to expect good is NOT positive thinking – positive thinking is motivated by the programmed idea that one must counter negative thinking – instead of deprogramming from very legitimacy of the negative thinking itself.

To insist on expecting good as a form of deprogramming is not delusional when the purpose is deprogramming the brain from the idea that things can fundamentally go wrong. The more you insist on expecting good the more you deprogram from the notion of Life possessing a counter agency to Its own nature. (Ever seen a flower thwart its own nature to bloom?… Uncommon logic.)

Deprogramming Concept #2 Release Difference

To judge one thing as inherently more difficult than another thing only reflects how the suffering programming is showing up. To view healing cancer as more difficult than healing the hiccups is not about diminishing the “seriousness” of one versus the other; it is to starkly illustrate that difficulty is a programmed perception that creates its only consequence. In other words, the reason cancer healing protocols need to be so layered and involved reflects the programmed perception of difficulty informing the idea.

We unconsciously establish the difficulty in a challenge from the very perception of difficulty imposed on the idea. And speaking of the difference between deprogramming and delusion, to ignore cancer as though it were akin to the hiccups would indeed be delusional precisely because the suffering deprogramming has not first been sufficiently engaged.  Don’t get it twisted!

Deprogramming Concept #3 Decide what you want to ‘belong to’

Here is a brilliant reality: Because Life truly is one macro organism is the reason why we all have an unconsciously informed desire to belong. Relatively, this is (often times wrongly) interpreted as wanting to belong to a family of some sort, the nuclear one, or a motorcycle club family, a sports franchise fan member, etc. Unfortunately, suffering is a pervasive “family of cohorts” too – a mass “club” whose membership requirement is only the sheer desire to belong to it. (!) That desire to belong can be summed up in the, “Girl, you think that’s bad?! Wait ‘til I tell you what happened to me!” consensus.

The unconscious zeal to belong to the “suffering family” commits us to our relative suffering predicaments. Decide that you want to belong to the liberated, deprogramed contingent of individuals that aren’t buying the suffering hype and you will discover that you are in very good company.   

The uncommon logic that reasons that it is your inherent birthright to thrive liberates you from the mesmerism of programmed suffering. As you intentionally decide to belong to the fraternity that has established the edict, “I thrive; therefore I am” as your statement of identity you will witness yourself as the miracle of Life rather than hoping for a miracle in your life.

Join me for the 75 minute How 2 Heal Anything Series Online Course, Extraordinary Confidence by Extraordinary Means to personalize this Post’s concepts and a few more liberating perspectives that transform your nature of aliveness! September 13, 2020, 2pm PST, $169.


a conscious life hypnotherapy

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