Procrastinating on studying for that real estate exam? Resisting homework for that online college you are attending? Putting off learning new skills to better prepare for today’s job market? Resisting comprehending ever-evolving internet revolution? It is not a character flaw indicating lack of discipline when you find yourself procrastinating in learning. It is not uncommon to resist learning. In fact it is quite natural. When you understand the brain process occurring that results in resistance to learning you no longer unfairly criticize or judge yourself for becoming an unwitting victim of a natural process that afflicts most.Resistance to learning is the brains way of indicating that it is encountering information that it has not yet created neurological pathways for absorption. Neurologically speaking, the process of learning involves brain synapses making connections to form a familiar pathway triggered by mental stimuli from exposure to the intention. Just as you learned the alphabet, how to brush your teeth or drive a car, every action of behavioral existence was at one point unknown and unfamiliar and thus had not yet formed a neuro-pathway for brain function. Resistance is the brain indicating it is being exposed to something it has yet to forge a neuro-pathway for comprehension.

With that explanation torpedoing the erroneous assumption that resistance reflects a character flaw, here are the deceptively simple steps to transform resistance into progressive learning to achieve your desired aim.

Step 1. Read information to be learned the initial time solely to introduce the mind to the material WITHOUT any desire or attempt to understand, comprehend or make material useful. Through initial reading of material with this sole intent you begin the neurological process, from exposure to material, of creating nerve synapse connections in the brain. If the intent of initial exposure to new material is solely for this purpose you remove the anxiety or overwhelm from the proposition of comprehending new information – the primary culprit informing resistance.

Step 2. Second reading. Read selected material a second time with same intent; solely to begin solidifying neuro-pathways in the brain. Invariably, because you’ve removed the pressure of “trying to learn something” from your intention, your mind will naturally begin to understand bits of the selected material because of the neuro-pathways now forming. This process is akin to painting a room. Typically the last wall painted will be the best painted wall because the repeated process of painting acquaints the mind through establishing neuro-pathways facilitating understanding.

Step 3. Third reading. By the time your brain is exposed to material a third time you will surprise yourself in seeing how understandable the material is becoming! Those neuro-pathways established from repeated non-pressure exposure to material are becoming more familiar.

Step 4. Study step. Now you can begin studying material for deeper comprehension and retention with greater ease as you are no longer demanding that your mind both acquaint itself with material as well as understand it at the same time.

You will find that this method increases your desire to, and compatibility with, learning and results in accelerated accomplishment of goals that require learning.

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