The word “entitlement” is often associated with a negative connotation when used to describe one who feels inherently more deserving of certain privileges than others. It is often used in a racial or class-ism context meant to portray a sense of arrogance or exclusion or, as in our present political discourse as a polarizing partisan debate. However there is a more fundamental meaning of this word that when fully appreciated can deprogram one from any mental conditioning that has caused one to feel a sense of unworthiness.As the dictionary defines the word “entitlement” it states that, “an entitlement is a guarantee of access to benefits based on established rights.”  If viewed broadly, the word “entitlement” can be instrumental in reprogramming a sense of unworthiness into a sense of inherent worthiness fundamental to all. What if you felt you were entitled to succeed, or entitled to true love, or health or esteem simply because you exist?  What if your mere existence was the bases of the “established rights” to which you are entitled?

One classic dilemma I witness in my hypnotherapy practice is with clients who prioritize everyone above, or but themselves.  With these clients there is a programmed sense that everyone is fundamentally more deserving than they are. This dynamic becomes an unconscious program informing self-perception, thoughts and actions. To be brainwashed into thinking you are not worthy of succeeding, loving or living an abundant quality of life is to be lulled into a false identity of compromise. Here are some indicators that your sense of fundamental entitlement has eroded and what you can do about it:

You are very enthusiastic to help others but have less motivation for your own projects or desires.

You become easily distracted when working on your own projects or goals.

You feel uncomfortable with positive attention to your work or projects.

You feel doubtful that others will support or believe in your projects or ideas.

What others need to accomplish is always more important than what you need to accomplish.

Unwarranted feelings of being a fraud.

Constant thoughts that seek to delegitimize your productive efforts.

Little confidence although objectively you possess exemplary skills.

Cannot seem to get traction on success.

Feel uncomfortable charging or appropriately charging for services provided.

If you can relate to any of these indicators, first know that you are not alone as this is part of the human proposition; to reconcile the conditioning that compromises the spirit. To that end, your primary recourse is to begin “self-deprogramming” as it were. You begin this process by internally declaring to yourself, “I am entitled to succeed.” As simple as those five words appear, they can be the catalyst for transformation. Do not turn those words into a hollow affirmation that, at best, merely distracts you from your subconscious issues of compromised esteem, but rather, use this declaration to confront and subsequently neutralize your thoughts, ideas and perceptions of being less than. Seek truly to acclimate, become comfortable with, and knowledgeable of what that declaration means and its ramifications. To process mentally this declaration activates transformation rather than rendering it a passive intonation of little consequence. As you process this idea of your inherent entitlement your self-perception begins to change fueling the esteem that anchors worthiness. You deprogram from the erroneous idea of personal deficit in your right to live an abundant and enriched life.  Is it wrong for a rose to be entitled to bloom? That is its nature; as is yours.

The next blog posting will highlight more ways to apply entitlement to transform your life.

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