Freedom thru Identity Reference

– Immunize Part 7

Your freedom from any interference to your well-being is a matter of identity. Whatever the mind identifies with it promotes. Do not confuse identification with like. You needn’t like something to identify with it. No one essentially “likes” suffering of any sort – yet we constantly identify with our suffering. It becomes reference point for existence – for identity. Your freedom through identity reference is a matter of choice.

We unconsciously (primarily) choose to identify with suffering because it provides a sense of time, location and identity in our perception of existence. We unconsciously (primarily) choose to identify as a sufferer – in any way that term would apply – because it unconsciously establishes a sense of inclusion, of belonging. No one likes to be excluded from the party so if it’s a party in honor of suffering, “where’s my invitation?!” So, we unconsciously RSVP to attend the suffering party! “Me, party of one, will attend. Shall I bring my suffering complaints for libations? Cause I gotta ‘em!”

And boy, is there a big ‘ol world party going on now! “Did you get your invite to the Corona party?” The attire for this shindig is your finest paranoia. So, scrupulously look in your closet for every slight throat tickle, cough, headache, temperature increase, flu symptom and ache to decide what you are going to wear to the Covic-19 party! Hmmm, it’s the new black! And how great, the party-hosting news (feed) media hosting this soiree, keeps me posted on what I need in order to fashionably participate! And fear becomes our butler as we get ready for the party of which we only have to pay him our attention! Alright! Let’s get this party started!

In all seriousness, thoughtful, compassionate consideration for those who unconsciously have caught the participation to this scourge of a ‘party.’ And for those whose fear is wearily preparing them to unconsciously attend. Your freedom through identity reference can end the suffering party.

This devastating scourge and any suffering identity crisis – physical, mental, emotional, financial or otherwise – through unconscious identification reference, can indeed be reset. Reset to an identity reference that welcomes radiant health, vitality, fulfilling purpose, esteem and security. You have the power to re-direct identity reference on behalf of wellbeing, just as the unconscious decision to direct identity to align with suffering has occurred.

What follows is your decisive, liberating course of action to replace the suffering identity crisis with identification with your essential, fundamental state of wholeness of being. (“Dem dere’s fight’in words to the ego!”) It’s the “party” you truly desire to attend.

The following is not to be construed as medical advice or direction, seek or remain on all medically advised protocols for any issues of being that trigger alarm or concern – until identity shift empirically indicates them unnecessary.

There is a subtle reality most are not conscious of that is the deciding factor in all suffering – or freedom from it. Here’s that reality. Most aliments (even worries and concerns) do not plague us while we’re sleeping (ailments may make falling asleep difficult but during sleep most ailments become dormant to the conscious mind).

Ever noticed that chronic skin itch of psoriasis or other skin ailment doesn’t bother you while sleeping but the moment you awake that itch on the back of your hand starts irritating you? That yeast infection doesn’t bother you while sleeping but the moment you wake up? “Dammit!” That arthritic hip might not bother you until the moment you awake, and the throbbing ache “awakens” with you. The moment you open your eyes from slumber that nagging relationship, health or job worry starts running the thought show. This daily happening reveals a powerful reality supporting the premise of this blog post.

Here’s what occurs folks. While asleep, the conscious mind disconnects from its sense of identity (not the subconscious mind – which is why we dream) and upon awakening – and this happens in a infinitesimal fraction of a moment which is why you don’t notice or are aware of it – the psyche scrambles for its sense of identity! The psyche “knows” who it is (or is portraying, more accurately speaking) by its “identifiers” of problems, issues, focuses and history. These identifiers even provide a sense of time and space (“This is a consummation of who I am since I moved to ‘Arizona,’ ‘Cali’, back to New York,” etc.)

This daily identity scramble is why things appear static, stagnant or chronic. In truth, the psyche is actually retrieving this identity every morning to have a sense of “I am-ness.” “I have or am a survivor of cancer – ‘am-ness’,” “I suffer depression – ‘am-ness’,” “financial struggle – ‘am-ness’,” “I have herpes – ‘am-ness’,” “Divorce, impending or separation – ‘am-ness’.” Get the picture? Our experiences, we decide, become our identity.

Here’s the good news: You are not your experience! Want proof of that? Your very desire for betterment in any relative way, is your real self indicating it is not what it has experienced, hence the desire for liberation from identifying with it. Not escaping it (that’s your narrative) – but release from identifying with it.

In my counsel and hypnosis, I never need to tell people what to do, I just listen for their real self in the midst of the self they have come to identify with. It always knows its wellbeing reference point. Always. You can – and particularly now that you are aware of the identity scramble that occurs upon waking – intercede on that default process and CHOOSE what you will identify – and therefore perpetuate and promote – as your identity, and consequently, what you experience.

First step in interceding is forgiveness. Therapeutically, I have de-constructed forgiveness for potent traction on its efficacy as, “what are you FOR GIVING yourself release of?” Certainly, you are “for” giving yourself release of ailments, pains and distresses, no? This therapeutic deconstruction of forgiveness lifts it out of a benign or rhetorical exercise and injects the potency of relevancy. It becomes therapeutically practical.

As you forgive everything identifying with negative experiences promotes, your psyche releases the existential weight of oppressive experience identification – it becomes available to an identity shift. Forgive identifying with cancer experience, forgive identifying with financial struggles, forgive identifying with relationship difficulties – remember, in this action you are indicating “what you are for giving yourself release of (identifying with).”

Now you are ready to choose identifiers that liberate and promote joy, abundance and wellbeing! Upon awakening in the morning and the senses communicate that chronic itch, you don’t deny or ignore the sensation (or worry, concern or other interference) you say to yourself, “I cancel and forgive your relevance to me and welcome the freedom from…” You welcome the freedom from dis-ease, you welcome the freedom from financial struggle, you welcome the freedom from your mind’s relationship dysfunction ideas, etc. You intercede on behalf of what you desire the psyche to retrieve upon the waking scramble to identify.

Now, eighty percent of you reading this material will filter it through momentary motivation, interest or good distraction reading as the psyche waits to get back to the psychological charge and chemicals suffering identifiers release into the bloodstream. “Now, what was my issue?… Oh yeah! That’s it! …Gotta get my suffering fix!”

Twenty percent of you will digest this material and leverage it to shift identifiers upon waking beginning tomorrow! I am challenging the other eighty percent to release resistance as one of the identifiers of identity. Exercise your right to access your power to heal, liberate and emancipate from the status quo of tolerated suffering. Decide what party you will attend and RSVP to that through your initiative.

a conscious life hypnotherapy


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