At the heart of heartbreak is disappointment. To heal broken heart with 3 effective hypnosis techniques is really about healing from disappointment and loss. And because disappointment and loss are at the root of any expectation that is not met, a broken heart not only applies to romance but it also applies to any aspect of life where disappointment has been experienced. To heal broken heart with 3 effective hypnosis techniques can be applied to the heartbreak from a relationship betrayed or ended, the experience of the loss of a much sought-after job or promotion, the loss of a family member, of parts of the body, a cherished friend, a beloved pet, the loss of a business or even the heartbreak of feeling one has failed at life itself.

[Included in the Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques post are three hypnosis treatments that you can download to save or print out. Simply click any of the Treatment images included in post to download pdf.]

The reason heartbreak is painful and difficult to recover from – and sometimes never recovered from – is essentially because trust has been betrayed. When the trust one puts in another, in self, or in the possibility of something is betrayed by actions or circumstance, unfulfilled expectation crashing to the floor of one’s heart is experienced. This is no fun.

To heal broken heart with 3 effective hypnosis techniques are about healing from crushed expectation. When crushed expectation festers, consciously or unconsciously, it weighs down the spirit and the experience of depression is often the consequence. In fact that is what depression is – something is being “de-pressed” down – namely one’s jubilant spirit from the perception held from an experience.

What becomes of a broken heart?

Of course often we learn to “soldier on” with life in the midst of crushed expectation because our survival instinct kicks in but this does not mean we do not continue to suffer the consequences of crushed expectation. And often those consequences can show up as weight gain, bitterness, resentment, hesitation, fearfulness, addiction and depression

So how do you regain your mojo when it’s been mowed down viscerally or temporarily? To heal a broken heart with 3 guaranteed effective hypnosis techniques will require one key element: willingness. The willingness to restore what crushed expectation has dismantled, namely your trust. All the hypnosis in the world, medications, and substances used to medicate, will not heal a broken heart if the willingness to heal has been sacrificed for the emotional charge one gets from acclimating to self-pity.

I say “acclimating” to self-pity because no one’s fundamental psychology is oriented to self-pity; it is an unconscious acclimation – triggered from physical, mental or emotional pain – to the point of where it becomes unconsciously preferred over healing and restoration. So if you are willing to heal a broken heart with 3 guaranteed effective hypnosis techniques, let us begin (and even if you are not quite there yet, Technique Number 2 addresses that).

Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 1 – Feel the Pain (out)

Okay, that may sound strange as a healing approach, perhaps even a bit counter-intuitive, however, hear the approach out. There is a big difference between exasperating (squeezing out) a feeling and wallowing in it.

Often when people feel the pain of disappointment the reflex reaction is to want to avoid or avert the discomfort. Let’s face it, hurt feelings ain’t fun no matter what the source of origin; whether it is from the heartbreak of a relationship that is betrayed or ended, a physical alteration, the loss of a beloved pet or other vanquished expectation.

In attempts to mitigate the pain one may ignore it, attempt to pray it away, or try to anesthetize it through drugs, or rush through it without allowing proper grieving. What these efforts do more often than not is to suppress the hurt of the pain rather than handle it.

This is why Heal Broken Heart Effective with 3 Hypnosis Techniques Number 1 – Feel the Pain is about inviting the pain, and all its anguish, to be experienced consciously so that it is not suppressed into the subconscious. The very essence of therapeutic hypnosis is about realigning the subconscious – the storehouse of all absorbed mental associations – so that negatively absorbed associations do not program the mind unconsciously to expect or seek out more traumas.

It is because the subconscious mind has been programmed from certain experiences to expect more heartbreak that we become fearful of what negatively could happen in the future. For a romantic relationship that ends or is betrayed, suppressed emotional pain programs the subconscious mind to be wary of future romance, which then causes feelings of bitterness, resentment, blame (of self and or another), guilt and anger.

As this unconscious stew brews, the psyche’s survival instinct kicks in. The psyche looks for ways to manage the unexpressed pain through drugs – pharmaceutical or otherwise, food, alcohol, work or depression. Indeed, depression can be a way to express unresolved pain!

When most people go through the shock of a break-up (remember, relationships are not the only thing that can “break up”; there is the break up from losing a parent or child, a pet, parts of one’s body, a desired possibility, etc.) the initial sorrow that expresses itself may come out in tears and a multitude of emotions, however these are reactionary impulses of the shock itself and not necessarily a processing of the subsequent pain. (Even some people’s initial reaction to the shock of crushed expectation is to suppress to avoid feeling the pain). It is the suppressed pain of the aftermath of heartbreak shock that is transformed inHeal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 1 – Feel the Pain.

“Danger! Will Robinson, danger!”

The pain of heartbreak that gets suppressed reprograms the subconscious mind to expect and even look for more painful experiences. How does the subconscious look to have more pain experience – which clearly you are trying to avoid thus the very reason for the suppression of such feelings? It is because of how the subconscious works.

Unlike your conscious rationale, which is able to put things in context – your conscious mind knows that pain is a “bad” thing because it doesn’t feel good – the unconscious or subconscious mind has no capacity for such context. The subconscious uses familiarity as its bases for association not context. In other words, the subconscious does not discern whether a feeling is good or bad, but whether it is familiar or unfamiliar.

As you suppress emotional pain (or any other kind of pain for that matter), the subconscious becomes accustom to the repressed pain and seeks to experience what it has become accustom to. This is the reason that certain relationship dynamics get repeated even with different people; the subconscious is looking for its familiar terrain not caring whether it is desirable or not.

This is why Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 1 – Feel the Pain is an appropriate therapeutic response. You want to “feel the pain out” of your system so that it’s continual suppression does not familiarize itself with your subconscious and thereby unconsciously desire to experience more of the familiar simply because it is familiar.

Application of Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 1

Applying the Technique may feel uncomfortable at first but it is the very discomfort you want to express out of the pain by being with it. Context is so very crucial here. Because you understand that you are bringing up negative emotions to express them out rather than wallow, this becomes the facilitation.

Unconsciously, our triggers bring up suppressed stuff all the time, typically only to relive the hurt and quickly suppress it again or to wallow in the painful energy of it (also known as self-pity). However, if you knowingly bring up the pain of pain, the therapeutic context enables you to express it out of your being rather than cycling through the flare up of negative emotions subsiding only to flare up again and subside in an endless cycle.

When this kind of cycle continues it is because the flare up is not occurring to be released but only to be suppressed again. (I have known clients on endless therapies, medications, addictions, support groups, and symptom research, thinking they are arresting their pain and suffering, and not realizing these well-meaning engagements are being subconsciously used to suppress and avoid as much pain as possible rather than heal it by confronting it.)

Here is the hypnosis process that takes the pain out of pain –


“Resistance Is Futile”

The only way the Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques will not be effective is if there is resistance to healing. If there is resistance to healing due to having already acclimated to the emotional charged received from bouts of self-pity, anger, guilt, remorse and judgment. Acclimating back to desiring well-being brings us to Heal a Broken Heart with Guaranteed Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 2.

Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 2 – Acclimate to Well-Being

There is a little-recognized phenomenon that takes place that few therapists of the psychological disciplines appreciate. If they did, it would reduce the arduous amount of therapy time and alter the typical approaches used to remedy self-defeating psychological perceptions. It would also considerably reduce the rate of relapse to self-destructive habits and states of mind.

There are many aspects of one’s being impacted by distress. For heartbreak, the more obvious and well know ramifications are increase of anxiety, stomach disorders, loss of, or excessive appetite, sleep disorders and other symptoms that can be readily observable (rashes and the like).

The one unseen – although well known – occurrence during times of distress is that the body releases chemical components into the bloodstream reflective of the emotions experienced. The most commonly known reflection of this fact is the component of adrenaline that is released during episodes of excitement, fear or anger. What most are unaware of however is that the body can become unconsciously addicted to the release of certain substances equal with certain feelings.

“I need my fix, man. I need it!”

As the body acclimates to receiving an emotion-triggered discharge of the chemical components of anger, self-pity, anguish, self-condemnation, guilt, self-righteousness, feelings of betrayal, remorse and other frequent emotions that accompany heartbreak, the body then unconsciously craves its acclimated fix!

This is what would undermine the Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques. The unconscious craving for the toxic chemical cocktail fix often causes unconscious resistance and unwillingness to let go of anger, resentment, sadness, melancholy, depression, judgment and the other self-defeating emotions. The body has become addicted to the chemicals released from them!

The ego, of course it its cunning way, justifies why the toxic feeling is still present, “I just cannot forgive that betrayal!”, “If I let go of the anger, it lets them off the hook for their transgression!”, “I want them to know how distraught I am!” The list of qualifications to hold on to “justified” hurt is endless. And of course all the reasons may be, and sound and feel legitimate, but how else would the ego gets you to keep the toxic juices flowing if it did not make the reasons for holding on to them compelling?

This insightful awareness of the unconscious process at work enables you to, “call the ego’s bluff.” Being aware that this is the actual dysfunction you are being victimized by – addiction to the chemicals released from despair – and not the negative feelings themselves, enables you to wean the body off such toxic feelings and their chemical counterpart.

With this knowledge you can knowingly re-acclimate the body – or introduce it, as the case may be – to the mindset and emotions that release chemicals of well-being and positive vitality! It is important to note that the body itself is very neutral in this whole act. Just as a heroin addict’s body doesn’t “know” the heroin substance is destructive (the mind may, but not the body). By the same token, you can acclimate the body to the chemical release of well-being and it will dutifully acclimate towards a healthy, vital direction has it had towards the self-destructive direction. The body itself is a very benign and neutral participant.

Application of Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Technique Number 2 – Acclimate to Well-Being

The application of Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Technique Number 2 – Acclimate to Well-Being to heal a broken heart is a process of “feeding” the body chemicals that alter its basic chemical diet if the alleviation of heartbreak appears to be stubborn.

The hypnosis process detailed here requires you to be willing to identify some thought, idea, person or circumstance that by its very nature activates a positive association. There is not one individual in the world that cannot identify some element of experience that elicits positive associations even in the most dismal, chronic suffering life. Perhaps it is even a gesture that had been taken for granted. For this hypnosis treatment to be effective you must be willing to identify something positive however remote it may seem from present life.

As these associations are engaged during the hypnosis process, chemicals of nourishing well-being are released into the bloodstream adjusting the base-level chemical makeup of the body’s system. It is important to understand as you engage this hypnosis treatment that you are not attempting to alter your mood per se, or put a positive spin on a distressing state of mind regarding heartbreak. But rather, you are knowingly triggering a positive chemical release reflective of the positive association engaged under this hypnosis treatment. Got it?

So as not to forget the purpose of Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 2 – Acclimate to Well-Being to heal heartbreak, your intention through this particular hypnosis treatment is to acclimate the body, treatment dose by treatment dose, to empower the willingness to let go to heal. The hypnosis process starts like the beginning of Effective Hypnosis Technique Number 1.


Use different recollections of rewarding, joyful, positive encounters, gestures or experiences as they occur to you in various episodes of thehypnosis treatment – or the same association – when you engage the hypnosis treatment.

It is good to engage this treatment daily or frequently until you feel the wiliness to let go of negative feelings. Each time you engage the Treatment you will be administering to your system the chemical components you desire to acclimate to, creating a willingness to release the heartbreak of heartbreak.

Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 3 – Mirror Healing

This effective hypnosis technique allows you to use the information of pain. What the heck does that mean, huh? The pain of heartbreak can comprise many different elements. The particular mix of components that may be involved with one person’s heartbreak may not be the same combination of painful elements experienced by another. One person might experience a combination of feelings of abandonment, guilt, and remorse whereas another person’s heartbreak may involve feelings of anger, judgment, regret and blame. Unfortunately, there are many combinations of negative feelings that can be triggered from the pain of heartbreak.

With Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 3 – Mirror Healing, you begin with identifying what toxic, negative feelings are involved in your heartbreak. Do you feel a sense of fault, regret, blame, taken advantage of, anger, judgment, remorse, failure, loss of hope, disappointment in self, or other identifiable emotions?

What you see is what you get.

As you take an emotional inventory of what exactly is your mix of pain as a consequent of heartbreak you then want to reflect where in your life those particular components have been witnessed outside the present particular source of heartbreak. If your heartbreak involves extreme feelings of guilt, judgment, anger and regret then when else have you been familiarized in particular with those emotional components in your life (including childhood)?

As the root of negative orientations are identified you then have the bases for what needs to be reconciled so that you can release the unconscious need to sustain or repeat familiar circumstances and negative feelings. This is when therapeutic support can be of immense value if it is focused on resolving and not simply rehashing old trauma. It is the reason why hypnotherapy is an effective tool in realigning the subconscious programming that undermines well-being and the well-being of relationship. Hypnotherapy enables direct access to the subconscious associations that thwart wellness and fulfillment.

Here is your Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques Number 3 – Mirror Healing.


Even the very reading of thehypnosis treatment has therapeutic releasing value as the mind cannot help participate in the meaning of the process as it reads it!

Engage the Mirror Healing Hypnosis Treatment frequently to dissipate the heartbreak and begin to witness your freedom from it. Always remember, what the mind can do, the mind can undo!

Applying the Heal Broken Heart with 3 Effective Hypnosis Techniques recondition the mind and concurrent emotions to reset to a more peaceful equilibrium whiles creating the mental conditions that welcome greater harmony and well-being.

You are not what has happened to you; you are the means of transcending it.

Contact me for efficient and effective support in reconciling any states of mind that undermine or interfere with the well-being you so richly deserve.

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