Want to ease the transitions to greater health, relationship peace, financial increase and work satisfaction? This post will not be what you expect to read however it will be what is needed if the desire for ease in transitions is sincere. The insights in the Health, Wealth, Purpose, Love thru releasing the adversary post are radical and revolutionary.

What is radical about this empowering information is that you will render the “opponents” in your life – in whatever ways expressed – invalid. Resistance occurs when there is something to resist; when the opponent is released so too is the resistance and undue difficulty.

Health, Wealth, Purpose, Love thru releasing the adversary is about recognizing how, psychologically, an opponent is unwittingly created in the process of addressing a matter. This unconscious opponent is what impedes or makes difficult the experience of realizing or accomplishing.

The typical way we approach an issue or matter is to think or say, “I am working on it.” This intention on its surface seems innocent enough, however more frequently than not, the subconscious intent is that of “tackling”, “battling” or “fighting” something. In fact, we often use those very words when describing an issue or matter being addressed.

“I am ‘tackling’ my weight,” “I am ‘battling’ a cold, cancer, arthritis, back, shoulder, hip issues, etc.,” “I am fighting with divorce attorneys,” “I am always ‘dealing with’ difficult co-workers and office politics,” and on and on. This approach creates a phantom menace because of your unrecognized power. (Even thinking you are ‘powerless’ in certain circumstances is an unfortunate inverted use of your power!)

To be very clear – health, wealth, purpose, love thru releasing the adversary is not about becoming a doormat in the challenges before you. Quite the contrary! Mentally and emotionally releasing the opponent in matters is a cunning way of reclaiming and reinstating your power! “How so,” you ask?

Your Intrinsic Power

That question is answered by first understanding what it means to recognize and appreciate your intrinsic power. Most individuals – writ large, society in general – view power as an objective reality. We assign it to those that have money, influence, connections, quasi gender or race authority, etc. These indeed are ways that power is empirically recognized however those things are not the origin of power itself.

Let’s keep this simple. To understand the origins of power you must get quite basic with the nature of power itself. This can be understood through two dynamics. The first is through recognizing the power witnessed in Nature.  Why is nature compelled to do what it does? It is due to the innate Power of expression and intention.

And what is the basis of your fundamental “nature?” (Human identity is not called human nature by accident.) The innate power and intention of Life (nature) is your fundamental ‘nature’ too! As the import of this astounding, intrinsic reality is appreciated you reinstate – in your perception that is – “your power to fulfill.” (I utter that statement countless times in my hypnotherapy work with clients.)

Speaking of perception – that brings me to the second dynamic in understanding the origin of your irrevocable power. This idea is a kind of chicken or egg, circular dynamic. The secondary medium your power uses, beyond your natural propulsion to express, is the thoughts that shape perception. Or the perception that shapes thoughts. (By the way, natural propulsion is why the body sans interference grows and heals; doctors can set a bone but it is your nature that heals.)

The basic premise of hypnotherapy is to alter subconscious perception – which alters thoughts; and as thoughts are altered perception continues to shift into the alignments that heal, restore and reinstate (in perception) “your power to fulfill.”

Now that you understand the nature of your power. Let us use it by releasing the adversary! To propel health, wealth, purpose, love thru releasing the adversary means first and foremost that you have to ‘check your ego at the door’ of your awareness.

Trading Power for Right-ness

There is an almost irresistible temptation to ‘be right’ in contentious matters (and any matter you find yourself wrestling with is contentious). In arguments with others – and even self – the zeal to be ‘right’ disperses your power rather than propels it forward in fulfillment.

Being ‘right’ does not necessarily fulfill, heal or accomplish (unless you are settling for the pseudo accomplishment of being right just for its own sake which is lateral movement not forward propulsion.) Realizing health, wealth, purpose and love thru releasing the adversary begins by no longer trading your power for right-ness. (This is not about moral rightness but ego-centered rightness.)

That said, here is where the radical application in releasing the adversary comes into play – at least as it relates to relationship challenge and then we will address other areas of expression. You begin saying to yourself – with meaning and intent – “I LOVE relationship!” (Say what, you say!????) Before your knee-jerk reaction to this approach I urge you to remember and understand the context of the approach.

You are not declaring your love for current relationship circumstances – or your thoughts about it – you are profoundly releasing the subconscious adversary towards the nature of relationship itself! This. Is. Radical. As you release the conditioned perspective of relationship through loving the possibility of relationship – you, in effect, are releasing the adversary that sabotages and inhibits the experience of relationship’s harmonious potential.

The science of this is recognizing that you actually cannot get away from using your power. As resentment and “me vs. you”, accrue in the psyche your “natural” power subconsciously empowers the relationship opponent! Your power – whether recognized or not – is akin to a magnifying glass. If resentment and opposition are harbored, your inherent natural power magnifies the expression (experience) of what is harbored.

By the same token, as you ‘love’ relationship (itself, not the current state of things) you release sustaining the relationship adversary unwittingly propelling itself in your experience as conflict. Don’t you want the power of your subconscious to magnify love rather than opposition? (Sounds like a no-brainer to me.)

(The more you realize – without self-blame or self-judgment – that resolution is an ‘inside job,’ the more you no longer cede your power to circumstance, conditions or an individual.)

A Radical Approach

As this radical “love” approach is employed in health you release the unconsciously powered adversary that blocks, impedes or sabotages your natural restorative agency. “I LOVE my hip(s).” “I LOVE my circulation.” “I LOVE my bones, muscle and tissue!” “I LOVE my breast/chest.” “I LOVE my testicles.” “I LOVE my shoulder(s).” “I LOVE my vagina,” etc.

Do not allow this to devolve into affirmation rhetoric – which is what occurs from presupposing that the power is in the words intoned. Nothing could be further from the truth! Which is why surface approaches (the misunderstanding of intent) become exercises in novelty rather than a means of transformation.

As this adversary-release approach is employed from respecting that YOU are the power empowering the words, then words are not reduced to meaningless rhetoric or a mood-oriented belief system. “I LOVE my skin!”

It is important to note from your radical recognition and use of your power, that you are not trying to “make” something happen – just as you do not “make” a plant planted in a garden grow. You are simply, yet profoundly, respecting the power of (your) nature. This is not about effort-ing it is about respecting.

You can employ your reinstated power – in fact it is best to – while engaging present remedies, processes, and treatments. “I LOVE my skin” while applying treatments to it. “I Love my hips” while engaged in physical therapy. I LOVE my (kidney, breast, lung, groin, etc.) while undergoing chemo or using other treatments. I LOVE relationship – regardless of the state of things. “I LOVE my healthy mind” while taking medication for depression.

As you employ the adversary-release approach you allow greater efficacy of any treatment, process or participation occurring because there is no unconscious opponent undermining the process. The result is more effective treatment impact or perhaps less invasive or innovative practices are revealed. Perhaps there becomes no need for the methods and treatments that essentially were battling the unconscious opponent anyway.

Use this approach in financial matters. “I LOVE money!” (“And money LOVES me.”) Have the courage to release all the cultural and societal, rhetoric and belief systems surrounding money so that you can freely employ the adversary-release approach in releasing the subconscious opponent to money forged by the experience of it. (Money is no different from breathing – a means to an end.)

The Novelty Store

An end note regarding novelty and the ego. This is most relevant in the application of health, wealth, purpose, love thru releasing the adversary. Most “new” things (an approach, a treatment, an exercise workout, an idea, etc.) will initially be enthusiastically embrace as the mind processes incoming data through the novelty – the newness – of it.

Once novelty wanes – which is natural because the brain takes in untold amounts of incoming data daily so it must relegate or toss out relatively “old” data (such as this empowering information) to absorb incoming daily data.

The ego by its nature has little use for “old” data – this is why workout programs, new habits, and new practices initially embraced with gusto will be dropped or the resolve dissipates. The ego has moved on to newer data. (We unfortunately blame ourselves for lack of ‘will power’ – when it is really this natural phenomenon at play – but that is another post.)

Just being aware of this brain phenomenon empowers you to not be its victim! Apply this useful technique to program into the brain the “habit” of adversary-release: Put a weekly reminder – right now – in your calendar to READ this post ONCE PER WEEK (download it, print it – whatever means makes it convenient for access).

The brilliance of this technique is that, by nature, your brain absorbs something “new” – something different in the post will become relevant – from each reading. This will constantly re-introduce novelty to the brain/ego permitting the consistency of absorption to become reprogrammed process! (That [advice] will be five cents please.)

(I am not interested in your temporary empowerment, inspiration or motivation from liberating information; I am interested in your true capacity to transform your life. This happens through true reprogramming).

Celebrate your health, wealth, purpose, love thru releasing the adversary to its natural expressions!

You are (and have always been) the Power. Instead of fight the power (wasn’t that a rap song?) USE IT!


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