How to Have the ‘Freest’ New Year

All would presumably agree, we are so ready to be free of experiencing this year! Even if you were minimally impacted by the primary event of the year (no, not the seemingly never-ending U.S. election, but the pandemic), humanly, if on this planet – you were impacted. 

But what if the pandemic were a gigantic metaphor for what else you would like to be free of? If the pandemic had never even crossed the threshold of imagination much less a real experience, what would you like freedom to afford you? Would you like to be free of debilitating stress? Free of lack? Free of struggle? Free of chaos? Free of relationship dysfunction? Free of health challenges? Free of depression? Free of stagnation, confusion, limited opportunity, judgment, your past?

Or perhaps you’d like to be free of low self-esteem, or low confidence or insecurity. Chances are, no matter how issue-free one’s living may appear, there are things one would like to be free of surely. 

What if the proposition of the coming new year was not approached as something to stop (smoking, drinking, procrastinating, gaining weight, etc.), do more of, become consistent with, or commit to, but rather, the new year were seen as opportunity to be free of?  Subconsciously, inherent in the idea of being ‘free of’ something means there is nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with you or your life, but an interference to ‘be free of.’

If you realize the full import of this reframing of your approach to a new year it will unleash a motivation that is not existentially weighed down with the onus of self-judgment, guilt, regret and self-condemnation that accompanies ‘self-improvement’. Game-changer indeed! We don’t need to change anything in our lives – we want to be free of the interferences to it.

A likely response to this idea of interference would be, “well, that’s life; its full of interference that one has to overcome, manage, surmount or fight through. It makes you stronger, more resilient.” Boy, have you been drinking the Kool-Aid. This is a true fact if you buy the premise – that life is designed to be a challenge. A generally held assumption does not make something true – only accepted.

During this designated time called a new year, choose the wherewithal to buck convention and decide what you will give yourself freedom of! Choose (decide) to be free of limiting doubt, herd mentality, historical identity reference, selling yourself short, other’s perception of you. 

Don’t resolve, DECIDE! A decision is its own catalyst; ‘trying’ is begging. You need not beg for anything – you ARE worthy – not because of anyone’s opinion (even your own) – but because Nature created you without the interference of programming that would suppose anything else or less.

You are born free – not by societal standards – but by virtue of your uncompromised (and uncompromisable) real nature. Dare to be ‘free of’ any programming that would undermine the unspeakable awesomeness of your unadulterated Self. This New Year be your own salvation! Decide what you will be ‘free of’.

a conscious life hypnotherapy

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