In client session work, I, when called for, engage a particular therapeutic hypnosis imagery process to align a person’s subconscious self-perception with a true recognition of their enoughness – that you are enough, in spite of the world’s propaganda designed to exploit vulnerability. 

In a world that conditions the perception that you are not enough unless or until you look a certain way, have a particular skin quality, or drive the right car or experience a particular relationship ideal or status, or display the ‘right’ personality, etc., the antidote to this malaise of distortion can cut right through it.

The therapeutic process, while a client is in the induced hypnotic state (a state we naturally go in and out of every day without being aware of it), is to imagine four empty drinking glasses along with a pitcher full of water. Then I have the client imagine pouring water from the pitcher into each glass stopping at an intuitive level of water content for each of the four glasses. One glass in the imagined process you may pour up to a quarter of water into the glass, the next glass may be poured to the brim. And the next one poured maybe to a third or half full of the drinking glass content and so on for the fourth glass, pouring until each of the four glasses have spontaneous, varying levels of water content.

I then have the client consider from the visual held in mind of the four, various spontaneous water content levels, that recognition of enoughness is based on an organic state of being enough by their very spontaneous existence.  Just as each drinking glass’s level of content is “enough” at whatever spontaneous level of content is poured.

As we engage our intuitive rather than conditioned (programmed) recognition of being enough as we are, it is then the value of our unique state of aliveness is empowered and appreciated from our inner sanctioning. From inner sanctioning, your authentic value emerges rather than obscured by a static, arbitrary consideration.  

The key to inner leverage a genuine state of enoughness is to decide to shift your value system criteria from what appears enticing through aesthetic appeal (the root of commercialism) to a self-love criterion of intuitive, organic considerations of merit. In other words, you independently decide that your organic being-ness (your freckles, your receding hairline, your personality, your organic interest, etc.) is self-sanctioned criteria of enoughness and value.

You need not resist or reject popular societal considerations, trends and modes – they just are no longer mentally processed as a ruling determinate of self-value. This continuous decision re-orientation to intuitive value metrics, is very empowering because you are no longer metaphorically led by the nose of consensus, group-think superficiality or constant “enoughness chasing.”

You become the leader of your self-identity – without cursing the predicament of lulled conditioning or fighting it. The programming that distorts self-image is simply, yet liberatingly, bypassed. You’re, “in it, but not of it” (the mass conditioning).

This inner sanctioning of esteem has consequences in the reflecting of a life that is fulfilling and satisfying from grounded self-worth rather than the anxious, baseless construct of trend-oriented living.

Move forward in your life sanctioning your own authenticity merits by your self-defined metrics of value. As a proposition, avoid being intimidated by the unfamiliarity of utilizing self-metrics for sanctioning by the awareness that engagement itself breeds the burgeoning familiarity that creates security and confidence in the resolve.

In truth, it is impossible for you not to be enough as the basic, construct of Life itself (sans all the narratives imposed on it) is the propagation of its nature of wholeness. 

It is the salvation of authenticity. The value of self-accepted enoughness.

Again, be your own salvation.

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