It Ain’t So


“It ain’t necessarily so… the things that you’re liable to read in the bible… it ain’t necessarily so…”

These famous Ira Gershwin lyrics from the classic opera, “Porgy & Bess” –  if “bible” is taken metaphorically as a reference to anything that is considered the ultimate source of its nature (i.e., the runner’s “bible”, the master cook’s ‘bible’, etc.) – then regarding the contagion ‘bible’ this pandemic is lulling the masses into paralyzing fear about, ”it ain’t necessarily so!”

In this Immunize Yourself series of newsletter blog post, I always stress that because the subconscious mind absorbs the propaganda of contagion and dis-ease is why you exercise the best preventive practices medically and scientifically extolled.

With that restated, you need not be victimized by prevalent consensus, assumptions and ‘laws’ of the contagion dis-ease paradigm (‘be in it, but not of it’) that dictates suffering (see last issue in “Immunize” series on Paradigms) ‘cause – ”It ain’t necessarily so.”  This issue’s focus is on “narrative.” A narrative is a story created from elements perceived from circumstances. We live out our own narratives because it is the ‘story’ we cast ourselves in to dutifully ‘act out.’ Presently…”Contagion! A Play in Three Acts,” starring everybody who blindly participates!

Prepare all the PR marketing sources available to promote as great attendance for “Contagion,” the play’s run, as possible! Gossip, witnessed suffering, the news media, “Hey! Let’s use the internet!” “Let’s promote this Production as if everyone else’s life depends on it!” “That’ll sell tickets!” “We’ll be a hit across the globe!” …Sound familiar?

There is a larger scope to the narrative dynamic than just fear of a life-threatening dis-ease. Everything about your life is a narrative; you’ve taken the elements of your experience and sewn together a narrative – story – of meaning and relevance. What you don’t realize is that all narratives are inventive. Largely, the inventions are passed on to you – psychologically inherited – as predefined context.

“This happened to me at this age, so that means this.” “Because I am a woman, it means this.” Society is structured through narrative. And our being is reduced to acting out the narrative so it can feel it is ‘successfully’ participating in the human condition. The conditions the narratives tell us that indicate to us we are alive. “I suffer; therefore, I am,” is the unconscious rite of passage to the human club. “Sign me up!” “Where’s my lifetime membership?”

Often, clients protest to me, “I didn’t know anything about (name a condition), so why is it happening to me?” You don’t have to have a cognitive awareness of a particular suffering dynamic (occurring of body, emotion, circumstance or mind) to ‘participate’ in the membership of such because your brain – until it is not – your brain, is tapped into the universal stream of predefined suffering conditions. (You were two years old playing in your playpen while commercials or complaints of rheumatoid arthritis played in the background on TV. Or your parent’s volatile relationship was merely the backdrop absorbed from upbringing.)  The idea of suffering is in the human club membership’s fine print. (“Dammit! That fine print always gets you!”)

As you read this, however, you have the right, power and autonomy to withdraw from “Club Suffering,” – in whatever way your membership has been instated. The Liberation Grid that follows is your leverage to self-revoke your suffering membership. It is practical, pragmatic and liberating if used to facilitate understanding of your autonomy in this thing called Life. Liberate yourself.


You must come to realize in whatever way possible that the foundation of your aliveness – your existence – is suffer-free. Why do you think you have an innate desire to be free of difficulty? The “foundation blueprint” of your identity does not include suffering. Remember, suffering is an ‘invented narrative’; all narratives are created stories – as painful as the story can be, it is, nonetheless a story often unconsciously enacted.

Decide now to disengage from the suffering narrative paradigm. Once you make the decision recognize that a Decision has its own orchestrating power.

Decision’s Orchestrating Power

Most decisions we make in our favor are immediately subject to our mental scramble of our programmed responses to things. We psychologically default to our ‘toolbox’ of already absorbed programming to use in carrying out the decision made. The tragically humorous irony here is that the decision to relieve our suffering typically utilizes the mental tools made for suffering (!).

You want to end or resolve a combative relationship, so you ‘combat’ all the anger issues through projecting, abuse of substances, you battle self-condemnation of guilt, you battle self-blame, resentment, suppression, etc. The decision to end the relationship strife uses the tools of its creation. What. Sense. Does. That. Make?

True resolution is simple – but unorthodox – understand that a Decision has its own inherent organizing wherewithal to carry itself out! (???) All decisions to benefit originate from a desire. All true desires know how to fulfill themselves, however what typically occurs is that desire is filtered through conditioning; the narrative – and therefore subject to the limitations of the narrative.

You free up your Decision’s innate orchestrating power by deferring to allowing the Decision to use you. Resist the mental, “now what?” immediately following a decision made and become receptive rather than dictating, wondering or searching. The very idea of this can take a bit of adjustment because we are programmed to psychologically rustle through our pre-programmed toolbox of means. Stop that.

When you decide on behalf of your health (lose weight, change eating or other habits, release chronic ailment, etc.), when you make a decision about money (experience more, better management, release of guilt, etc.), when you decide on behalf of greater success and satisfaction (in career, relationships, self-esteem, or otherwise), “welcome” the Decision’s guidance. Yes, welcome it. Let your immediate and subsequent response after a Decision is made, to be welcoming how it wants to fulfill itself. (I told you it was unorthodox).

To welcome something means you allow something to enter. You allow thoughts, ideas, direction, feelings that are not oriented by your history or judgments. This works when you have the balls to initiate and apply it. All Decisions have their (not your history’s) own means to satisfy themselves. All Decisions. No need to complicate this, just adopt the attitude of welcoming the Decision’s means and witness epiphanies, ‘ah-ha’ moments of clarity, inspiration and/or encounters that promote the Decisions fulfillment.


What Are You For Giving Yourself Release Of? Those familiar with my work and writings know this is the primary recourse utilized to solve or empower anything. As a Deconstructionist (see last Flyer issue, “To Pandemic or Not to Pandemic”), I have deconstructed the word forgiveness therapeutically as ‘what you are FOR GIVING yourself release of,’ this deconstruction of the word ‘forgiveness’ enables true traction on its efficacy as it becomes pragmatically relatable.

Analysis doesn’t necessarily lead to liberation. Confrontation doesn’t necessarily lead to liberation. Resignation doesn’t lead to liberation. Enforcement doesn’t lead to liberation. Only what you are for giving yourself release of has the consequence of liberation. Because what you are for, galvanizes whatever is necessary on behalf of it. If you are ‘for’ giving yourself release of anger, resentment, guilt, fear, lack, illness, betrayal… suffering, it empowers the resolve for its genuine release precisely because you are for it. To be for something employs your willingness, the only true component necessary to fulfill anything.

Every morning as part of whatever your waking constitutional is, incorporate and exercise a daily forgiveness itinerary. Allow without judgment a free-flowing thought stream of whatever comes to mind to be forgiven – what you are for giving yourself release of. You will be amazed how this liberates your motivation, authentic desires and self-esteem – the main ingredients necessary to progress anything undertaken.

Release Judgment

Perception follows judgment and anchors experience. Desire to dissolve interference to your intentions, goals and chosen realities? Release judging them. Release judging them as difficult, chronic, impossible, fearful, complicated, competitive, evasive, lengthy, incurable, dependent, only for some, challenging, too late, deteriorating, daunting, vindictive, sorrowful, irreversible, exclusionary, limited, doubtful and any other limitation judgment would impose. Do you want your desires to be imprisoned by any of those descriptions? Then let go of the judgments as such.

Simply, judgment sets expectation that reflect the judgment, expectation is qualified by what’s already programmed. Release judgment and you release the constriction of programming. Releasing judgment doesn’t make you naïve, it makes you unrestricted.

Release judgment and release your freedom.

Discard Assumptions

See Release Judgment.

a conscious life hypnotherapy

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