You underestimate your power but, for better or worse, Life does not. Because you do not understand the power of your power it is usually used haphazardly and in a sabotaging way because your essential focus is what life responds to – not your desire. The liberating difference between problem solving and creating solutions boils down to focus.

Creating your way out of limitation is about redirecting your focus rather than attempting to solve problems with the same mental “data-set” of past problem-solving attempts.

Remember this: Life responds by corresponding. The liberating difference between problem solving and creating solutions is about understanding that life reflects/responds to the essence of your focus. The emphasis here, on the “essence” of your focus, means your general or subconscious pervading focus rather than your conscious, momentary specific focus such as on a project or a concern.

In fact, it is your concerns that consume the essence of your focus power. We are conditioned to think that progress itself occurs by solving the problems that get in the way – or does not occur if ignoring them. What this propaganda of thinking elicits from Life is a problem-oriented state of living or expression.

Remember, life responds by corresponding. If essential focus is on fretting over problems or effort-ing to solve them life continues to provide more or intractable problems as a reflection of the problem-oriented focus.   Life responds by corresponding.

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To create your way out of limitation is the opposite of problem-solving. To create means to initiate or participate in the development of new, novel happening. To attempt to figure out or “work on” problems typically means you bring the same familiar perceptions (problem-solving techniques) to the matter at hand.

Not recognizing the liberating difference between problem solving and creating solutions is why challenges remain static or repetitive because the same perception that creates and sustains problems is the same perception trying to solve them. This is a recipe for an unending cycle not liberation.

To create your way out of limitation (limiting experience in relationships, finances, health, career, etc.) is a matter of focusing on creation not solving. If you desire more satisfying relationships shift focus to creating more joy within yourself – your primary relationship.

How do you create more joy within yourself? Release the fallacy that your joy comes from outside yourself; from other people, places and circumstances. (After all, in order for joy to be triggered by “things or people” its potential must be within you to be triggered by the outer stimuli.)

If you desire to consistently experience more money create an attitude that money expended is promoting money circulation and creation –  not taking away from (what appears as) a limited source of funds.

If you desire to experience greater health adopt the perception that a healthy lifestyle of healthy food and exercise is a form of loving self, rather than creating guilt feelings by condemning self for omissions or indulgences.

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Notice how creation begins from an internal mental perception shift. All creation begins from the inside out; the creation of opportunities, of money, of health, etc. Ineffective problem solving is primarily due to attempts to solve a dilemma or consequence from the outside, in. This means attempts to change/manipulate the limiting circumstance rather than creating the change. (as cited earlier, “To create means to initiate or participate in the development of new, novel happening.”)

Back to the original idea that life responds by corresponding. If your focus is on creating, life responds by creating more in your life; more opportunities, love, health, abundance, etc. If on the other hand your focus is on solving or ignoring problems (rather than creating solutions), life responds by reflecting more problems or experiences of static states.

The liberating difference between problem solving and creating solutions occurs as you strengthen your creation capacity and reduce your problem-solving focus.  With this redirected focus, the power of your power no longer unwittingly sabotages desires, intentions and goals.

A good way to reprogram this agenda into the psyche is to continually ask yourself, “What am I creating (as opposed to ‘solving’, or ignoring) right now?” Posing that question to your present moment experience will always indicate whether you are creating or problem solving.

You are here to create and extend creation. Let’s get to it!

a conscious life hypnotherapy

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for this article. It is right on time. I had been thinking about how to think and speak in a more specific positive way to create a new life. I was seeking to learn how to speak to my subconscious mind to create the world I have in mind. This now I know how.

    1. Appreciate feedback MJM! Continue to lead the subconscious rather than being lead by it! – best – iM, C.Ht.

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