Breaking Free: Unraveling Life’s Constricting Narratives

The Walking Dead’s Downfall: A Fan’s Perspective

I was, like many at the time, a die-hard fan of the first six seasons of the original, “The Walking Dead” TV series until again, like many, my interest waned when the show jumped the shark with the pulverizing, horrific beating death of a beloved character named Glen. This devastating cinematic event was more exploitative than it was narrative. Not because a beloved character died – that happens all the time in art – but it appeared to be informed by an envelope-pushing agenda to titillate rather than to serve an arc in the drama’s narrative. (And the show’s precipitous loss of viewers after that occurrence proves the point).

The Power and Limitation of Narratives: Unraveling Reality

A narrative is a story, a conjured conjecture of the mind’s ability to create or fabricate things. For art this is entertaining but in Life – it can be severely limiting. We all live by the narratives our subjective mind conjures up. Two individuals, twins even, can have similar occurrences, backgrounds, and many common events, yet have disparate narratives the mind imposes on what the environmental circumstances represent – they have their own subjective, respective narratives about experience.

But narratives themselves are even more insidious in their capacity to restrict than generally assumed. In principle, everything is a narrative – everything.  The psyche imposes narrative fundamentally on all of life. Pure Life itself has no motivating agenda to conjecture whatsoever. And therein lies your freedom.

The Invisible Influence: How Narratives Shape Our Experience of Reality

Narratives manufacture (an apt verb you will see as you keep reading) the parameters of experience and possibility. Narratives unconsciously become the guardrails of science, events, quality of living, and even your very health. Yes, disease notion itself is a narrative! But because this archetypal construct – this imposed narrative – so informs the fabric of most lives it sounds unbelievable (even blasphemous to the allopathic industrial medical complex) to recognize that even the very concept of disease itself is a narrative construct. (You’d be surprised how many people on the planet realize this 😉

Breaking the Chains: Eliminating Constrictive Narratives

Back to the point that narratives create – or rather, perpetuate, the guardrails of possibility. We succumb to ill health and disease because the narrative of disease itself manufactures its own conspiracy of effect – which we erroneously assume is simply, “a part of life.” We unconsciously – mind you, not willfully – make it a part of life.

Liberating Your Life: Eliminating Constricting Narratives

This entire enterprise is dedicated to dismantling and invalidating constricting narratives programmed to be thought of as “a part of life.” Everything you experience in life is brought to you courtesy of a narrative. Your relationship experience, your finances, your health as mentioned, your success, your happiness, your contentment, your peace.

And here is the ultimate point of this discourse: your life – free of imposed, constrictive mental narratives – is fundamentally designed to express itself optimally. Not because of positive thinking but because of non-interfering thinking! The thinking that emanates from constricting narratives.

The Power of Belief: Unmasking the Narrative Culprit

Narratives utilize “lent power” to manufacture the conditions of their nature. Your belief (conscious or unconscious) in a narrative provides its operating power – means – to perpetuate the conditions of its nature. Remember, Pure Life has no such agenda to make conjecture, so our imposed narratives use – borrow – our belief power to fabricate themselves. And thereby our unaware consciousness will swear that things are happening “to” us! In truth, narrative is the culprit! Not you – but the narratives you are captive to and captivated by.

Exercise your daring autonomy and decide to invalidate any constricting narrative you’ve been influenced to live by!


List of Limiting Narratives

Here is a list of insidious – and some surprising – narratives about your living that simply from reading them you can invalidate their constricting, “borrowed power” to oppress your life – from finances to relationships, to career, to health!

(Remember, everything on this list is witnessed in life – and even “proven” but that reflects, not its inherent reality, but its borrowed narrative power to perpetuate itself.)

Love is difficult to have, maintain, be satisfying or lasting
The body “naturally” (precipitously) deteriorates with aging
Money comes from things (rather than through things)
Disease is a part of life
You have to “make” things happen
Possibility is due to circumstance
Thinking occurs inside your head
Certain things can only happen at certain ages
People of different races and cultures are different people
Your background determines possibility
Your background limits possibility
“You” die when the body expires
Diseases (within the narrative of such) are categorized as curable or incurable
Heredity influences your fate
All prognosis (unlike diagnosis)

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