New Year Consistency – How to Have

If you think about it most issues would be resolved with consistency. If one can engage intended consistency in any experience or application the consequence would yield its own benefit. If one exercises the consistency of exercise (like that play on words? Ha!) the body benefits. 

If one is consistent with the study of any discipline from the sheer repetitive nature of absorption, review, absorption and review, the brain perceives deeper and deeper appreciation (value) of that it is continuously making neuronal connectivity about. (Noted Chiropractor and prolific author Joe Dispenza in his popular self-help book, “Evolve Your Brain” speaks to the idea that “neurons that fire together wire together” – which means well-worn (consistent) pathways of neuron connectivity yield depth of perception of that discipline – whatever it happens to be.)

If one cooks a lot, you become a better cook; if one skis a lot, you become a better skier; if one plays an instrument frequently, you become more proficient in the playing of that instrument, etc. We all know consistency pays off.

What we don’t tend to consider is that consistency can be contextualized as a principle rather than objective effort. (?) When – as most individuals do – pursue consistency through effort it can be riddled with the pitfalls of the nature of effort itself.  

Consistency from the effort vantage point can be fraught with all the associations we’ve developed around effort: failure, discipline, enforcing, coercing, impatience, drudgery, boredom, tediousness and more not-necessarily-pleasant associations. And you wonder why consistency with many things you resolve to commit to wanes and sputters out? Du-uh. 

Unfortunately, because we do not recognize that it is our associations about consistency, wrought from the ill-conceived perception that it is an effort (that we may falter at), that we then fault and judge ourselves for lack of said consistency. We mentally indict ourselves for the lack of it – adding to the pile of negative associations already formed around the nature of effort. 

But wait – let’s stop the mental presses (cue the sound effects of auto breaks screeching and a record needle abruptly scratching across a record) – what if consistency is not an effort but a Principle? What if consistency can be aligned with rather than made into a disciplined effort?

The Oxford dictionary defines a principle as, “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning” … Bingo! Pass the champagne! You just, from this profound shift of perception, solved the age-old dilemma of remaining consistent! (Credit me if you’d like – send all checks and Venmo transfers to…)

What if consistency is a foundational framework (principle) of Life – vis’-a-vie – your very identity? What if you understood and realized that consistency is an inseparable aspect of your nature? Like the consistency of the seasons changing in their consistent order (notwithstanding what, anthropomorphically speaking, Man has done to impact the content of that seasonal consistency), like the consistency of night following day, that birds sing at dawn, the consistency of the ocean tide caused by the gravitational interaction of the Earth and the Moon, or the Earth’s consistent turning on its axis.

If consistency is a principle rather than an effort then can it apply to consistent love, peace of mind, abundance and happiness as well as exercise? “Let’s get ‘cigarettes’!” (Personal indulgence here: your friendly hypnotherapists once had a friend who had a friend who’s, at the time, four-year-old daughter use to sing an old skool R&B song by Jermaine Jackson of the legendary Jackson singing clan called “Let’s Get Serious” to which her young brain interpreted the word ‘serious’ as ‘cigarettes’ and would constantly sing the song’s refrain as, “Let’s get cigarettes” – and to this day I jokingly replace the usage of the word serious with ‘cigarettes’)… so, let’s get cigarettes folks – a principle is a principle; it doesn’t sometimes apply and sometimes not (think about the principle of gravity).

Why can’t love, peace, abundance and happiness be experienced as consistent as the principle of precipitation causing rain? Don’t dare to treat this philosophically (is rain philosophical?). Do dare to recognize that consistency is part and parcel to your nature!

From this courageous acceptance (courageous only because it requires you to go against the grain of convention and assumed thought) you can align with this natural aspect of your nature rather than suffer the self-fulfilling prophesy of the assumption that consistency is an effort. 

Begin right now to view (filter) everything you desire consistency in – from love and peace to exercise and study – as a principle you are aligning with – yes, just this mental shift in perspective turns resistance into motivation! Precisely because you release the sabotaging mental associations weighing down the consistency of your consistency. 

Cease underestimating the power of mental association – it’s what’s running the show of your experience anyway so why not consciously harness this untamed tiger of possibility! Be… (you know the drill if you are a past reader of the Flyer…) Your. Own. Salvation. Align with your nature of consistency and witness this Principle fulfill Itself through you!

a conscious life hypnotherapy

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