Of Agreements and Consequences?Approximately 70 countries participate in Day Light Saving Time. This semi-annual time change the world enacts each year always elicits a knowing chuckle from me as I witness the most explicit example of an arbitrary “agreement.” We have collectively agreed to “move time” backward or forward at a particular moment every single year. There are enormous global consequences that ensue from this simple, intentional moving of a clock hand. When not taken for granted, there is a profound life-altering realization that can be gleaned from this arbitrary agreement.

The start of the business day, as well as the timed routines of daily life, are adjusted according to this backward and forward time agreement. Yet, frankly, we do not actually “move time,” but rather, we adjust our collective representation of what a particular time of “now” means. Today this hour means one time and, voilà, tomorrow this same moment of the day means a different time. Speaking of time, the subject of this little treatise might cause you to think I have a lot of it on my hands, but stay with me and you will understand the enormous impact this occurrence can have on changing your life.

Consider the fact that this arbitrary time agreement impacts every activity of your life, yet the reality of existence itself has not been altered one bit. Of course, we know that the impetus for changing the clock is to align with the daylight adjustment of a revolving planet. However, the fact cannot be denied that everything in daily life adjusts to this arbitrary agreement. Everything. Think about that. Everything adjusts, accommodates, and is impacted upon an agreement.

As with the daylight saving time agreement, we make unconscious “agreements” throughout life. The consequences of these unconscious agreements require our lives to adjust and accommodate. When you consciously or unconsciously “agree” that your personal economy is dictated by the general economy, your life adjusts to accommodate that “agreement.” When past or present relationship struggles prompt an unconscious agreement with the belief or idea that a harmonious relationship is tragically elusive, your life adjusts to accommodate that agreement. When you agree that there is a precipitous decline in health as you age, the body adjusts and accommodates that agreement.

Still think a passage on daylight saving is akin to navel gazing?

And here’s the kicker: just as it is our behavior, and not time itself, that is manipulated when we “fall back,” all these unconscious agreements are not real or true either! And while they alter behavior, attitudes, receptivity and possibilities, they do not alter the potential of life itself.

Begin right now to sever those unconscious agreements! Sever the mental agreement to struggle financially because the economists say so! Sever the agreement to participate in the “substantial decline” of health and vitality as you age! Sever the agreement that love is hard to find! Sever the agreement that it is too late for your life to soar! Sever the agreement that says your past determines your future! Sever the agreement that says your business must struggle during these times!

Just as time is not truly manipulated when we turn the clock back, life, in and of itself, is not subject to the limitations of our agreements either – only our behavior is. From this profound inner reset, you will find that you no longer fall back from obstacles to your desires, but instead, spring forward with greater freedom of possibility! (Sorry, I could not resist pun.)

What agreements are you unconsciously maintaining right now?

What specific “agreements” will you now sever?

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