You can solve any problem when you have the insight into what creates and sustains a problem in the first place. Once you understand the basic dynamic that sustains a problem you can solve any problem in the three steps detailed here and make chronic problems a thing of the past.“Problems hold on to you because you hold on to them.” What does this mean? The mental fixation on a challenge via worry and concern creates an unconscious bond between you and the problem. The more the problem is worried about the stronger the bond becomes between you and the problem. This bond becomes so tight that, ironically, there is no room for resolution. Most assume their worry is part of the effort to solve a problem when, in effect, worry undermines resolution because it solidifies attachment to the problem. Think about it: the more you obsess over a dilemma the more you identify with the problem and the more the issue becomes a part of your psyche; your identity. To release a problem requires that you release the problem!

That last sentence is no intentional play on words; it’s true. Solution for any matter is the expression of factors that reflect harmonious interaction. Conversely, problems reflect factors in conflict. Here are common examples of this point: If there is a need for money and the money is not readily available, that is a conflict. If there is a desire for companionship yet it is evasive, that is a conflict. If there is a desire for gainful employment but no apparent opportunity, those are conflicting factors. On the other hand, if there is a need for money and it is supplied in an appropriate manner, that is a harmonious interaction. Harmonious interaction is reflected when there is a need and it is fulfilled. If gainful employment is realized, that is a harmonious interaction. If companionship is satisfied, that is a harmonious occurrence. Solving a problem is about releasing conflict.

Essentially, problems indicate you are in conflict with yourself. The element of you that desires encounters the element of you that says “no” to the desire (based on perception of possibility). To release a problem you focus on releasing the conflict that sustains the problem.

What follows are three therapeutic steps that release the conflict to your desires, and hence, release of the problem. However, there is a prerequisite regarding your intention that should be recognized before successful engagement of these problem-releasing steps. If your intention in consuming this information is for a quick-fix answer you undermine the very essence that changes your experience. Contrary to common perception, problems are not happening to you they are happening through you. This means your intention in applying any therapeutic recourse is to view the recourse as means and not as answer. In other words these steps are the means by which the source of sustained problems – mental programming – is altered. Problems are solved because you address the inner mental source of them not because you are attempting to “fix” an issue that is happening “to” you. You cannot alter the trajectory of your experiences while still maintaining the same mental programming that perpetuates the current trajectory. If your intention is to use the insight consumed here to begin realignment of your familiar “M.O.” in perception, action and behavior then the following steps become absorb into your consciousness and can serve as a game changer for progress. With that said, here are your game-changing steps for solving problems.

Step #1 – Become Disinterested in Your Thoughts
“What?!” You say?! Most thoughts by their very nature reflect conditioning. The reason no two people have the same stream of thought activity is because no two people have precisely duplicate experiences conditioning their perception. By becoming disinterested in your thoughts you undermine the primary conflict with your desires: the personal conditioning that imposes limitation on your possibility. Remember problems are created and sustained by a conflict of two opposing positions. Your desire is one position and your conditioning that limits is another. Disinterest in your thoughts disengage you from validating (sustaining) the position in you that is contrary to your desire. The paradox with this profoundly effective step is that it is both easy and challenging to do. Easy because deciding to not be interested in your thoughts is simply a decision; challenging because extending veracity to our every thought is such an ingrained habit that we default easily to “drinking our own Kool-Aid” when thoughts legitimize our limitations. On the plus side, it is profoundly easier to remind yourself throughout the day not to give credence (validation, significance) to the constant “thought crawl” on the TV screen of your awareness than those futile attempts to control the kinds of thoughts that arise from your conditioning. Trying to “stay positive” regarding your thoughts is exhausting; reminding yourself not to take your thoughts seriously is not. As a point of context, this step is not in reference to the thoughts that inform your activity of progressive action, but rather, the thoughts that are the constant “editorial” of your possibilities. Those are the conditioned thoughts that conflict with your desires.

Step #2 Realize the Innate Power of Your Intentions
Desires are essentially Intentions conveyed through your feeling nature. The desire for greater financial wherewithal, gainful employment, companionship, a balanced physical body, fulfillment of an idea, etc. are the way your intentions get your attention. Desire compels action on behalf of the desire’s expressed intention. For example, one does not become a professional singer simply because they have a good voice but because there is a desire to sing that compels the intention of becoming a singer. The intention is using desire to compel fulfillment of the intended. Your intentions know what they are doing and how to synchronize and compel all necessary components. With conflicting thoughts out of the way (via Step #1), your intentions naturally fulfill themselves. By appreciating the compelling, synchronizing capacity of your Intentions, a harmonious relationship is promoted between you and your desire. And remember, problems are solved because conflicting factions in your awareness are not fueled.

Step #3 Employ the “YES” Factor
As you minimize through disinterest the prohibitive thoughts that promote conflict (the cause of problems) you want to promote the harmonious mental environment that results in solution or fulfillment by employing what I call the “YES! Factor.” Begin (or reengage for some of you) saying to yourself “YES!” to every authentic desire that arises in your day-to-day life. If employment or career advancement is your intention say, “YES!” to yourself every time employment is triggered in your awareness (while job searching, auditioning, studying, etc.). If companionship is a prevalent desire say, “YES!” to yourself whenever that desire is triggered. If a certain amount of money is desired for a specific thing say, “YES” whenever that need is triggered. Employing the YES! Factor is not about “making” something happen or appear, but rather, it is a form of agreement with your desire. Remember, you want to promote compatibility with your desires as a replacement for the mental conflict with your desires that conditioned thoughts create. As Step 2 indicated, your Intentions have the synchronizing capacity to compel fulfillment when mental conflict is not undermining the intention.

Ultimately, problem solving or resolution is about exercising dominion over your awareness. The mind does not have jurisdiction over you – you have jurisdiction over it. A simple analogy for this reality is illustrated when you get a glass of drinking water. The mind does not decide to get a glass of water; you decide this and use the mind to carry out the desire. The mind does not have a mind of its own but is simply subject to influence. The question is, “Will you be the one that influences your mind or will haphazard conditioning be?” Problems are essentially opportunities for you to regain your dominion.
Want to neutralize any subconscious conflict undermining your intentions? Contact me to neutralize the unconscious culprit through hypnotherapy! 877.566.8880. Mention this article and receive a $25 dollar discount off your session! Hypnotherapy works. What do you want to reprogram?

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