The Urgency of Your Worthiness

The Urgency of Your Worthiness Worthiness is not bestowed, earned, garnered, or achieved – it is inherent. The only thing obscuring this reality is programming. The propaganda programming that assumes, infers, and projects that you are less until you become more. The urgency of your worthiness could not be more pronounced then it is during […]

Most Effective Shelter During Pandemic


Most Effective Shelter During Pandemic There are a lot of bullhorns blaring presently during the pandemic madness currently exploiting the minds, and subsequently, the well-being of throngs of individuals on the planet. Political bullhorns, religious bullhorns, commercial exploitation bullhorns, social media bullhorns, gossip bullhorns (wait, did I just repeat myself?), fear mongering bullhorns, and the […]

Are You “For” Your Power?


Are you ‘For’ Your Power? This article post expounds on a primary means of therapeutic liberation – what you are FOR. The dynamics of what you are for, giving yourself release of, highlighted in previous Immunize Yourself post, galvanizes your intention’s power on behalf of facilitating and fulfilling the intent. All true desires (the catalysts […]

Liberating Difference between Problem Solving and Creating Solutions

liberating difference between problem solving and creating solutions

You underestimate your power but, for better or worse, Life does not. Because you do not understand the power of your power it is usually used haphazardly and in a sabotaging way because your essential focus is what life responds to – not your desire. The liberating difference between problem solving and creating solutions boils […]

3 Signs of a Guilty Conscience and How to Release

3 Signs of a Guilty Conscience and How to Release

The 3 signs of a guilty conscience and how to release it is about understanding what triggers guilt. As you recognize the nature of guilt and its trigger, releasing this debilitating form of self-judgment becomes a very doable thing. Issues with procrastination, motivation, weight, self-worth, finances, focus and clarity stem largely from the psychological and […]

Top Ten Ways to Sustain Your Resolve

top ten ways to sustain your resolve

People have mixed feelings about resolutions. Many avoid identifying them for fear of setting themselves up for disappointment when resolve inevitably dissipates or dissolves. You do not have to be a victim of the brain’s tendency to dump intentions in favor of focusing on the daily bombardment if incoming experience data. The Top Ten Ways […]