There is a paramount difference between confidence as a consequence and confidence as an aim. The former is a result of understanding, and the latter is a chasing perpetrated from an illusion. Everything about one’s identity can be summed up as a reflection of one of two choices. You are either choosing your true identity, which has nothing to do with the programming the brain has absorbed, or the illusion of yourself wrought from the brain’s conditioning.
Most live their entire lives from the illusion of the brain’s conditioning (absorbed programming) and then there are the liberated ones that live life from the authenticity of genuine self-recognition. To understand the difference between the two existential choices of being, you must understand the origin of the choices.
You operate from either one of two frames of reference. You either operate from the brain’s programming or you operate from the Mind’s non-programmed state. Most assume the Mind and the brain are the same thing. There could not be a more distinct difference.
The Mind is the thinking capacity itself; the brain is the mechanism by which that capacity is facilitated. Again, the Mind is the thinking capacity itself; the brain is the mechanism by which that capacity is facilitated. You don’t think because you have a brain – you have the capacity of thinking; therefore you have a means (the brain) of which to do so.
The basis of learning itself is on this immutable dynamic – you know how to brush your teeth because the brain learned how to do it – it is a program. A program is defined as, “a set of related measures or activities with a particular long-term aim.” When the brain learned “a set of measures” for the brushing of teeth it absorbed this program for a long-term aim.
And it is your already inherent capacity to think (Mind power) that enables the brain to learn the program – a set of measures – for a particular aim. However, whether or not you learn any program, does not impact the thinking capacity to do so. You think, therefore you evolved a mechanism with which to utilize this capacity – the organ called a brain.
What does the understanding of how you know how to brush your teeth have to do with confidence? You are now acutely aware that EVERYTHING is a program and that you are not your brain. This means that fear – the interfering culprit of confidence – is because of a program the brain “learned” and that you can just decide (yes, “just”) that you are going to operate from the Mind and not the brain’s programming about something. (The decision enables the capacity)
In essence, you do not “become” confident or “have” confidence as a consequence of a personality characteristic, but rather, your Mind IS confident because it is free of any interfering programing to the contrary. Just being “mindful” (yes, “just”; it is that simple) that you always have the capacity to think from the mind (your non-programmed nature) and not the brain (riddled with programs good, bad, benign or tragic) liberates you from any interfering narrative of fear that erodes confidence.
You are naturally confident – without exception – when confidence is recognized as a natural aspect of your thinking capacity (Mind) and is not incumbent on a particular program of the brain. Sorry (or maybe not) to illumine confidence as innate to your nature when insecurity has defined a sense of identity. (insert hunched shoulders, open hands emoji here)
You are confident as a consequence of a Mind using a brain – not the other way around. Reverse this leverage and confidence informs all you do because its programmed interference, learned by the brain, is no longer the point of reference of your thought/perception.
Remind yourself frequently – until you don’t need to – “Confidence is my nature, not my programming.” This reality, in the form of this statement, will re-program the brain from learned insecurity. It works – because your Mind works. You are confident because your Mind remains absent of programmed fear.
This brings us back to the ultimate, moment-by-moment choice you are always making – to operate from your Mind – or your brain. “To be or not to be. That IS the question.”
(I encourage you to re-read this post a few times – and don’t just consume it – and consequently unconsciously mentally expel it like waste. Thereby the neurons connecting in the brain organ will solidify understanding and relevancy from the Mind. 😉
enjoy the clear explaination. It has taken time to understand this, so this is an amazing resource. WOuld love it in a book, could you collate into an ebook and sell on amazon
Hello Kate!… Better late than never, or should i say in time and on time! Apologies for not seeing your feedback sooner on this post! My many platforms utilized in my empowerment work in addition to full-time work as a therapists can leave coverage for responses somewhat lacking (but improving). Your idea for another book (one was written many years ago of past postings before) for amazon sales is a good one! Will follow up on that, thanks! In the meantime, please accept my no-charge courtesy offer of a personal, one-on-one, virtual 90-minute hypnotherapy Intake Session (on any area of your life that is relevant for you) for your long-overdue response to my post! Simply text me if interested at my office number 1-323-653-3463 and I’ll send details (promptly, not after two years! ;). Take care, – Hypnotherapist Isaiah McGee, A Conscious Life Hypnotherapy