People have mixed feelings about resolutions. Many avoid identifying them for fear of setting themselves up for disappointment when resolve inevitably dissipates or dissolves. You do not have to be a victim of the brain’s tendency to dump intentions in favor of focusing on the daily bombardment if incoming experience data. The Top Ten Ways to Sustain Your Resolve empowers the understanding that enables you to transcend the pattern of intentions succumbing to the overload of daily incoming data.

10. Let the Past be the Past… Decide within yourself that your history primarily serves to bring you to your present. Resolve to be present to the Now moment; rather than unconsciously living from your past associations about yourself and life.

9.  Constantly reaffirm… “For every dollar spent, TEN MORE return! We are always unconsciously subtracting the money spent from the money remaining; whether its deducted from a 20 dollar reserve or two million reserve – we tend to think in terms of subtracting RATHER THAN EXPANSION. Constantly imagine and consider that when money is being spent ten-fold is returning, this shifts the mind out of a fear-based relationship to money.

8. EVERY MORNING to START your day, spend seven minutes identifying the benefits you desire your day to contain. Do this EVERY DAY; it aligns your thought process with the possible rather than the probable. (“I am looking for my day to be filled with … and … and …”)

7. Resolve to release DOUBT … the default assumption you WILL NOT behave outside of currently habituated norms is acquiescing to victim-hood. You are not a victim of how the brain has been wired as you have the ability to re-wire with every thought!

6. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion. Resolve as you are reading this to replace the habit of criticizing your acts or behavior with self-compassion by understanding that the brain is very impersonal; it does things out of conditioned associations, not necessarily out of wisdom or intelligence. This appreciation shifts your relationship with yourself from one of an adversarial nature to that of comradeship with your own being. YOU and your being are best buds!

5.  Love rather than loathe. Steadily increase your outlook for things and aspects to love about yourself rather than focusing on the things that are “wrong.” The more your increase your lookout for things that empower your well-being the more those kinds of elements are compelled into your experience.

4. Change routine. Begin to engage normal, routine behaviors in a different way or order of processing. As you change up the rote, wired way of doing simple matters it prepares the brain to be more receptive to new, positive developments to occur. Change the order in which you bathe or shower (start by washing different extremities then the habituated method and dry off in a different order; take a different route (but just as efficient) when participating in routine errands as grocery shopping, the cleaners, etc.). Changing habits changes possibilities!

3. Assume Life is Greater. The brain has a tendency to define life based on what it is exposed to; if you inundate your brain with the News reports, you’ll have a tendency to think the only thing going on in the world is what makes the news (primarily violence and conflict). Limit your brain’s exposure to negativity not out of fear or delusion but out of empowered CHOICE; you are choosing to feed your brain a diet of balanced environments – exercise, contemplation, arts, Nature outings, etc. – the kind of environments that expand your brain’s perception of possibility in the world.

2. Non-participation confidence… demonstrate the confidence to not participate in conversations and activities that commensurate/confirm negativity. Sometimes we gossip or go along with trains of thought at the water-cooler, at church, with industry peers, just to feel a sense of belonging to the group or activity. When belonging itself becomes more valued than what you are belonging to, then you can find yourself “belonging” to ideas, attitudes and processing that interferes with well-being rather than contributing to it.

1. Forgiveness… Decide what you are going to be for. Be for giving to yourself. Be for giving self thoughts that provide peace of mind, be for giving self compassion, be for giving the self release from past pain, hurt and misunderstandings. Be for the joy that informs your actions with an uplifting spirit of action. Be for giving to your self.

Happy New Year… Happy New You!

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