“All the world’s a stage.” This indelible quote from William Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”, sums up the programing of programming. All that we experience and witness on any level – physical, psychological, or circumstantial, is the consequence of absorbed mental programming. Understand this and all problems are solved.

Sound to simple? A program is defined as, “a set of measures or activities with a particular aim.” The only reason you know how to eat with a fork or brush your teeth is because of a program (some people are “programmed” to eat with chopsticks) – a set of measures or activities with a particular aim. Racism is a program; nobody comes out of the womb hating or even recognizing difference. 

As stated, programming is the origin of all experience – whether benign or life-altering programming.

Writ large, our programs are what program suffering. All suffering consequences are some forms of programming. And when programs are in play we witness and experience their consequences – their aim. 

The issue is, we absorb our programming largely unconsciously, however the consequences presented are what provide the opportunity to alter – or reprogram – the programming. It matters little how, when or why certain programs that sabotage were absorbed, what matters is that their consequences present opportunity. Opportunity to reprogram.

Unfortunately, most wrestle with consequences rather than see them as opportunity to alter the programming at the root of them. Ready to take this idea to its non-prejudicial end? (I did say, “writ large” didn’t I?) … Illness is a program! Lack of any sort is a program! 

Wanna know what IS NOT a program? Love. (?????) When Love is not reduced to a sentiment or emotion, it simply means lack of interference! (The only ‘lack’ one would want to experience – the lack of sabotaging interference.) 

It makes sense: since all interference to well-being is rooted in some form of programming, then true love would simply be what is witnessed when the programming that interferes is no longer in play (“All the world’s…”).

Sorry (or maybe not) to bust the “blame bubble” but all people on the stage play that is your life are playing the roles programming has cast them in. Not that YOU have cast them in, but the programming you are operating on has cast them in. 

Want the play that is your life to “play out” more harmony (in whatever way that would be meaningful –  love, health, finances, work, etc.)? Then forgive (be, ‘for giving’ yourself release of) the programing that interferes. 

The forgiveness of it is more useful than the recognition of what the specific program is. Just knowing it is some form of interfering program is enough to activate the forgiveness of it. The forgiving will take care of the details. Again, remember what the nature of true, liberating forgiveness is: “what am I ‘for giving’ myself release of.” 

Surely, (“Don’t call me Shirley!” – sorry, couldn’t resist – all you “Airplane!” fans 😉 you are “for” – giving yourself release of sabotaging interference that has shown up as an illness, or dysfunction in love or finances. So, the programming resulting in those circumstances is forgiven – what you are for, giving yourself release of.

Forgiveness – as I have deconstructed it herein – is your most potent deprogramming tool on earth.

This is deprogramming. This is recasting the play that is your life. This is Love uninterrupted. 

“All the world’s a stage.”

a conscious life hypnotherapy

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