This is not a political treatise based on ideology or political affiliation. It is not an assessment on society’s supposedly moral compass. Nor will this posting elucidate on the statistical or demographic components of a hotly contested political race. It is not even a philosophical commentary that would attempt to explain or attribute any particular belief system to the results of the just concluded political campaign. I have always maintained throughout the writings that inform my work as a therapist that I am a pragmatist always endeavoring to illumine integrative practical vantage points that promote the expression of one’s greater potential. This posting is informed by that mandate.While all the political pundits wax intelligently (in their estimation) on how President Obama won, the perspective here illumines why President Obama was re-elected. The election can be viewed as a metaphor for what promotes or hinders satisfying results in your own life. Your life can be viewed as a campaign of sorts; you are always campaigning to exact satisfaction, purpose, meaning and well-being from your experience. To that end, what follows are two significant reasons why Obama won and how these reasons can empower greater success with your goals. Please note that I make a distinction with the use of “why” as opposed to “how” the election was won. “How” the election was secured I leave to the aforementioned pundit class to analyze, dissect, debate and theorize over. “Why” the election was victorious for one particular candidate, and the life lessons that can be learned from it, is the aim of this treatise.

The primary factor that contributed to Governor Romney’s loss, that I suspect even most pundits would agree, is that exclusion cost Romney the election. You cannot (for long) exclude – even if unintentional – vital constituents of the electorate and expect to realize the fulfillment of an aim that, by definition, requires inclusion of all components that make up the whole of that aim. The same is true of the personal intentions for your life. To be myopic in what is brought to bear to satisfy true desires and possibilities excludes essential factors that are intrinsic to the holistic accommodations necessary to realize a desired end. Whether the desire is regarding your health, finances, relationships, career or business endeavors all available viable considerations should be apprehended towards the realization of satisfying results. If your health is suffering why exclude the viability of so called “complimentary” practices (i.e., acupuncture, chiropractic, hypnotherapy, reiki, chakra balancing, etc.) simply because they do not fit the old model of medical applications for healing? As was witnessed in the election results, one political party suffered a resounding defeat (according to the Electoral College and to a lesser degree the popular vote) by ignoring that the model of our electorate has drastically changed by way of its growing diversity. Likewise, to ignore diverse health treatment options simply because they do not fit familiar ideas shortchanges you of the bounty of possibilities at your disposal for “winning” back your health and vitality.

Strategically speaking, President Obama’s re-election win was attributed to an astounding “ground game” for getting out the vote. The Obama Campaign ground game did not begin during this election year but never ceased from the conclusion of the last election. Do you find yourself waiting until there are acute signs that something needs to be addressed before you focus on health, career or business strategies? Consider examining your “ground game” in whatever area of significance matters. For sure, diet, rest and exercise (no matter the restrictions) can accelerate your ground game towards winning greater vitality. And therapeutic or educational strategies perhaps yet researched or incorporated surely will benefit the ground game of your psychological, emotional and relationship well-being.

It is difficult to argue or debate the success of President Obama’s re-election win, when viewed through the prisms of inclusion and an effective ground game. It was a model exercise for winning. You too can exercise this model of inclusion – considering unfamiliar, yet researched, methodologies for promoting optimal health – as well as accelerate your ground game strategy – through therapeutic or educational modalities – to realize other goals and desires. These efforts will significantly contribute to securing a “win” towards your greater well-being and fulfillment.

Remember, you have a lifetime appointment to govern your focus and actions towards the greater good of your well-being and purpose. Your constituency of mind, body and affairs is counting on it.
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