The Hypnosis of Partnership

There is a thought process that goes on continuously but is not consciously realized and therefore has haphazard impact (largely sabotaging) until consciously harnessed. This process determines whether you increasingly succeed at life (and the term, ‘success’ is relative to whatever areas of living are relevant to you) or flounder, spinning your wheels. This unconscious thought process is about the mental dynamics you “partner” with – the hypnosis of partnership, if you will, and choosing winning partnerships.

As you consider your life – your decisions, your reactions, your possibilities, your ideas about things and matters, and your perceptions – you “check in” with a reference in your subconscious mind and “partner” with that reference to determine outcomes. This happens without fail for every consideration that runs through your mind. You literally check in with the reference you have about something and join its assessment to produce/perpetuate its equivalent impact.

Harboring resentment about a thing or matter? Then this becomes what you partner with to perpetuate/produce more experiences and reasons to be resentful. Thinking fearful about a situation or matter? Then as fear as your “partner”, fear accompanies your thoughts, feelings and perceptions about a matter. It is not that the matter itself is fearful, it is the partnership with fear regarding the matter that informs the matter with fearfulness.

I recently counseled a client fearful of a pending encounter with a person she needed to handle some logistical matters with as a consequence of the ending their romantic relationship. She literally would break out in a cold sweat at the thought of the upcoming encounter (not fearful of bodily harm but the emotional harm). Thoughts of her ex’s intimidating ways, the isolation she felt within the relationship, the manipulation she had been victimized by, etc. 

Thoughts of the rapidly approaching day they scheduled to connect would paralyze her into an anxious stupor. During our hypnotherapy session I asked her rhetorically did she realize what she was partnering with in her thoughts about this person. Her puzzled expression from the question indicated clearly, she wasn’t aware of the perspective that prompted my question. 

The situation itself was not intimating; it became intimidating by what she was mentally partnering with in her thoughts about the matter. I encouraged her to make the Decision (a decision is a powerful thing when you understand its capacity) to mentally “partner with” self-esteem when she thought of the situation. To partner with worthiness as she considered the matter. To partner with well-being as she prepared for the looming encounter. 

What we mentally partner with determines the outcomes in our experience. You partner with qualities that empower, and empowered consequences are increasingly witnessed. You mentally partner with doubt, self-loathing, unworthiness, bitterness, anger, and guilt (when you ‘check in’ with your mental partner), you then most assuredly witness consequences that mirror these states of being.

It is because you mentally partner with a dynamic that you experience or influence the nature of your experience either on behalf of your well-being or undermining it. It is that simple, yet impactful. 

How are decidedly chosen partnerships effectuated? That brings us back to the unknown power of a Decision. Most think once they make a decision they are “responsible” for carrying it out or figuring out how to proceed based on the decision. Or they question whether they can ‘stick’ to a decision. This is treating a decision as though it is a static mental construct and nothing more.

Nothing could be further from the truth. A Decision is a live phenomenon; it, when aware of this, has its own power to fulfill after its nature! When not aware of this Reality one unwittingly makes a mental, unconscious second decision of anxiousness about the decision and then that unconscious secondary decision carries out the same point: fulfilling after its own nature.

But it appears that the original Decision is difficult or demanding when in actuality the original decision is undermined by the subsequent decision of anxiousness, creating the illusion that the Original Decision is itself difficult to fulfill.

Recognize that your decisions of desired choice – in the context of this particular writing, the decision to partner with self-esteem, worthiness, confidence, trust, well-being, etc., has the wherewithal to synchronize, compel and orchestrate after its nature.

You don’t have to intellectually ‘know’ the text-book definition self-esteem or worthiness, or confidence or love (whatever you are deciding to partner with) in order to express it. You acknowledge that the Decision itself knows its nature and unpacks accordingly. Trust me, you organically know the nature of something when you feel, witness and experience it. (Insert ‘thumbs up’ emoji here).

This Reality doesn’t happen magically, it happens naturally. As you increasingly practice making Decisions to partner with qualities of your well-being you become the Decision’s means of itself rather than trying to decide what to do about a decision. If practicing this idea seems abstract or esoteric it is only because you are newly becoming conscious of something you engage unconsciously anyway. You are always deciding to partner with an inner mental dynamic and witnessing its consequences.

The question is, ‘will you to decide to Decide what you will intentionally partner with?’ 

Be your own salvation. Not by yourself, but with yourself. 

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