Eliminate Distractions! 5 Potent Tips.

Eliminate Distractions! 5 Tips

How much productivity and progress are sacrificed to distractions? Whether it is the distraction that turns into procrastination or becoming vulnerable to distraction due to task-resistance, or perhaps distraction has led to the sabotaging narrative of ADD labels and disorders. It’s a big world, lots of “stuff” can always be distracting, but with these five liberating and illuminating Tips you can render distractions no longer distracting! These 5 Potent Tips can give control of your agendas back to your productivity mojo!

How to Defy Gravity

Defy the Gravitational Pull of Limitation The blog post title is a metaphor for the seeming gravitational pull of limiting experiences. The worldview of Life is so influential it can readily pull you down into perceptions of lack and limitation. Whether it’s the gravitational pull of limiting finances, relationship dissatisfaction, health and body condition, depression, […]

How to Heal Any Suffering

How to Heal Any Suffering

Acknowledge your afflictions as doorways to healing. Whether it’s chronic depression, health challenges, career struggles, or relationship issues, these afflictions can be catalysts for growth. The key to unlocking healing lies in discovering your ultimate purpose: contributing to the well-being of yourself and others. Recognize that whatever you do, big or small, can be of nourishing benefit. By shifting your focus from personal suffering to a broader purpose, problems become steppingstones to something greater. Invest in life’s well-being rather than isolated self-interest and tap into a transcendent capacity for healing. Remember, you are not defined by what has happened to you; you are a means of transcendent independence.

Deprogram and Thrive


Deprogram and Thrive Win Day with Uncommon Logic The potency of my hypnotherapy practice has hinged on a most uncommon logic that stems from a radical deprogramming from the hypnotism of suffering. We are not here to suffer – we are programed to.  Suffering is “man (anthropomorphically speaking)-made” not fundamentally ordained. Life creates, humanity largely […]

The Urgency of Your Worthiness

The Urgency of Your Worthiness Worthiness is not bestowed, earned, garnered, or achieved – it is inherent. The only thing obscuring this reality is programming. The propaganda programming that assumes, infers, and projects that you are less until you become more. The urgency of your worthiness could not be more pronounced then it is during […]

Most Effective Shelter During Pandemic


Most Effective Shelter During Pandemic There are a lot of bullhorns blaring presently during the pandemic madness currently exploiting the minds, and subsequently, the well-being of throngs of individuals on the planet. Political bullhorns, religious bullhorns, commercial exploitation bullhorns, social media bullhorns, gossip bullhorns (wait, did I just repeat myself?), fear mongering bullhorns, and the […]

How 2B Your Own Best Friend Thru Pandemic

best friend

How 2B Your Own Best Friend Thru Pandemic Do you know there is a silent partner during all thinking? A silent partner not judging, not inventing narratives and stories about the impact of one’s experience nor is this silent partner limiting one’s perception about one’s self. Your silent partner is never impressed or depressed. It […]

Are You “For” Your Power?


Are you ‘For’ Your Power? This article post expounds on a primary means of therapeutic liberation – what you are FOR. The dynamics of what you are for, giving yourself release of, highlighted in previous Immunize Yourself post, galvanizes your intention’s power on behalf of facilitating and fulfilling the intent. All true desires (the catalysts […]

It Ain’t So

It Ain’t So – IMMUNIZE PART 9 “It ain’t necessarily so… the things that you’re liable to read in the bible… it ain’t necessarily so…” These famous Ira Gershwin lyrics from the classic opera, “Porgy & Bess” –  if “bible” is taken metaphorically as a reference to anything that is considered the ultimate source of […]

Paradigm Module


Paradigm Module Since we are subject to experience only what we subscribe to (believe is valid) any form of suffering reflects a belief – perhaps unconscious – but nonetheless, that we believe is valid. Any ailment, chronic condition or lack experienced reflects some absorbed propaganda paradigm (commercials and advertisements are propaganda machines, “you are not […]