The Urgency of Your Worthiness

The Urgency of Your Worthiness Worthiness is not bestowed, earned, garnered, or achieved – it is inherent. The only thing obscuring this reality is programming. The propaganda programming that assumes, infers, and projects that you are less until you become more. The urgency of your worthiness could not be more pronounced then it is during […]

Two Sugars or One with Your Racism? 


Two Sugars or One with Your Racism?  No nobody likes to be marginalized. Whether it’s due to the color of your skin or the color of your hair. Clearly, the former is unquestionably more life threatening, life altering, and all too often, life losing. Many U.S. commentaries on the strife have approached it from what it […]

3 Signs of a Guilty Conscience and How to Release

3 Signs of a Guilty Conscience and How to Release

The 3 signs of a guilty conscience and how to release it is about understanding what triggers guilt. As you recognize the nature of guilt and its trigger, releasing this debilitating form of self-judgment becomes a very doable thing. Issues with procrastination, motivation, weight, self-worth, finances, focus and clarity stem largely from the psychological and […]