How to Defy Gravity

Defy the Gravitational Pull of Limitation The blog post title is a metaphor for the seeming gravitational pull of limiting experiences. The worldview of Life is so influential it can readily pull you down into perceptions of lack and limitation. Whether it’s the gravitational pull of limiting finances, relationship dissatisfaction, health and body condition, depression, […]

To Conflict or Not to Conflict?


To Conflict or not to conflict, ah, that is the question! I begin this communication with an analogy to make this treatise on conflict relatable rather than theoretical.  Before some of the dear readers of the Conscious Flyer were born, there was a time in our general culture (God!… we’re only taking before the nineties!) […]

Most Effective Shelter During Pandemic


Most Effective Shelter During Pandemic There are a lot of bullhorns blaring presently during the pandemic madness currently exploiting the minds, and subsequently, the well-being of throngs of individuals on the planet. Political bullhorns, religious bullhorns, commercial exploitation bullhorns, social media bullhorns, gossip bullhorns (wait, did I just repeat myself?), fear mongering bullhorns, and the […]

How 2B Your Own Best Friend Thru Pandemic

best friend

How 2B Your Own Best Friend Thru Pandemic Do you know there is a silent partner during all thinking? A silent partner not judging, not inventing narratives and stories about the impact of one’s experience nor is this silent partner limiting one’s perception about one’s self. Your silent partner is never impressed or depressed. It […]

Are You “For” Your Power?


Are you ‘For’ Your Power? This article post expounds on a primary means of therapeutic liberation – what you are FOR. The dynamics of what you are for, giving yourself release of, highlighted in previous Immunize Yourself post, galvanizes your intention’s power on behalf of facilitating and fulfilling the intent. All true desires (the catalysts […]

It Ain’t So

It Ain’t So – IMMUNIZE PART 9 “It ain’t necessarily so… the things that you’re liable to read in the bible… it ain’t necessarily so…” These famous Ira Gershwin lyrics from the classic opera, “Porgy & Bess” –  if “bible” is taken metaphorically as a reference to anything that is considered the ultimate source of […]

Paradigm Module


Paradigm Module Since we are subject to experience only what we subscribe to (believe is valid) any form of suffering reflects a belief – perhaps unconscious – but nonetheless, that we believe is valid. Any ailment, chronic condition or lack experienced reflects some absorbed propaganda paradigm (commercials and advertisements are propaganda machines, “you are not […]



Deconstructionist When I was a kid of about 8 or 9 years of age (true story) I vividly recall leaning in the door frame of the household bathroom, that in hindsight was the threshold of my burgeoning quest to understand life – and my mom was facing the mirror doing something that ladies do that […]

Freedom thru Identity Reference – Immunize Part 7

Freedom thru Identity Reference

Freedom thru Identity Reference – Immunize Part 7 Your freedom from any interference to your well-being is a matter of identity. Whatever the mind identifies with it promotes. Do not confuse identification with like. You needn’t like something to identify with it. No one essentially “likes” suffering of any sort – yet we constantly identify […]

Cancel the Subscription to Suffering – IMMUNIZE PART VI


Cancel the Subscription to Suffering – IMMUNIZE PART VI We are subject only to what we subscribe to. Pain of any sort – physical, mental, financial, emotional – is a great marketeer. For what is the purpose of all marketing but to get the observers attention? And pain, or the fear of it in any […]